like: sunflower
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VNEN hoa mặt trời * sunflower *
VNEN nhật quỳ * sunflower *

all words:
VNEN hoa mặt trời * sunflower *
VNEN hướng nhật * sunflower, heliotrope *
VNEN nhật quỳ * sunflower *
VNEN quì * (1) to kneel down
(2) species of lotus, sunflower
VNEN quỳ * (1) to kneel down
(2) species of lotus, sunflower

OTOP: sunflower * Nature Crops
OTOP: sunflower * Nature Plants

Sonnenblume sunflower cây hướng dương ☊ (N) Pflanzen

OPD : sunflower Flowers