like: street
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level


VNEN đường phố * street *

all words:
VNEN bán dạo * peddler, street vendor *
VNEN bán rong * peddler, street vendor; to peddle, hawk *
VNEN bát phố * to loiter in the streets *
VNEN bên kia đường * across the street *
VNEN bên lẻ * odd numbered side of the street *
VNEN bắt gặp bạn cũ giữa đường * to run into an old friend in the street *
VNEN bụi đời * loose derelict, street-urchin *
VNEN cuối con đường * end of the street *
VNEN cuối đường * end of the street *
VNEN dân thường * the rank and file, the man in the street, civilian *
VNEN góc đường * streetcorner *
VNEN hàng phố * the street people *
VNEN hẻm * (narrow) lane, (narrow) street, alley *
VNEN lịch duyệt * sophisticated, street-wise, worldly-wise *
VNEN lộ * (1) street, road
(2) to come out, divulge, disclose, reveal
VNEN ngoài đường * in the street *
VNEN ngách * back street *
VNEN ngõ * gate, small street *
VNEN ngọn đèn đường * streetlamp, streetlight *
VNEN phố * business district, downtown; street *
VNEN phố phường * streets *
VNEN phố xá * streets *
VNEN rong hàng * street vendor, peddler, hawker *
VNEN trên đường * en route; in the street *
VNEN trưởng phố * head of a street, a district *
VNEN tàu điện * tram, tramcar, streetcar *
VNEN vỉa hè * sidewalk, street side *
VNEN xe buýt điện * electric bus, streetcar *
VNEN xe tưới đường * watering-cart, street washer *
VNEN xe điận * streetcar *
VNEN xuống đường * to march, take to the streets *
VNEN đi ngang qua một con đường * to walk across a street *
VNEN đi nghênh ngang ngoài phố * to be swaggering about in the streets, blocking the way *
VNEN đi theo đường nầy * go along this street *
VNEN đái đường * diabetic; to urinate outdoors, on the street *
VNEN đường * (1) route, road, street, path, avenue, lane
(2) sugar
VNEN đường Tự Do * Tu-Do Street *
VNEN đường lộ * street, road *
VNEN đường lớn * large road, big street, highway *
VNEN đường một chiều * one-way street *
VNEN đường nầy * this street *
VNEN đường phố * street *
VNEN đầu đường * top, head of a street *
VNEN đứng nghếch ở giữa phố * to stand looking bewildered in the streets *
VNEN ả giang hồ * prostitute, street-walker *
VNEN ở đường * in, on the street(s) *

SNOT: street Travel • traffic
SNOT: one-way street Travel • traffic

A1 street (n.)

OXF3000: đường phố street
OXF3000N phố đườmg phố street

OTOP: street * Houses and buildings House location
OTOP: street * Travel and tourism Features of roads
OTOP: street * Travel and tourism Types of road

BNC6000 : street [ Rank: 702 ] n 👪

OPD : cross the street An Intersection
OPD : street sign An Intersection
OPD : street vendor An Intersection
OPD : Stay on well-lit streets Public Safety
OPD : streetlight Community Cleanup
OPD : street Basic Transportation
OPD : run across the street Prepositions of Motion
OPD : Go straight on Elm Street. Directions
OPD : Turn right on Pine Street. Directions
OPD : Turn left on Oak Street. Directions
OPD : Go past Main Street. Directions
OPD : Go one block to First Street. Directions
OPD : street Directions

FN: street n Roadways

VSLW123 đường (đi) ☊ (S) road, way, street vsl1
VSLW123 xe điện ☊ (S) tram , streetcar vsl2
VSLW123 nhà mặt tiền ☊ (S) the front side of the house faces the street vsl2
VSLW 45 đường hoa ☊ (S) flower street [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 67 bán hàng rong ☊ (S) street vendor [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Không phải đâu. Cô đi thẳng đường này đi. Not so. You (to a female) go straight along this street. vsl1
VSLS Ở số 1, đường Nguyễn Thông, Quận 3 At Number 1, Nguyen Thong Street, District 3. vsl1

DUOS Around the square are the streets with many lights. Verbs 1
DUOS đường phố street Places

50L Trước nhà không có đường. * There is no street in front of the house. 019
50L Rồi bạn rẽ phải đường thứ nhất. * Then turn into the first street on your right. 042