like: stop
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level


VNEN xtốp * stop *

all words:
VNEN Kha Luân Bố * Christopher Columbus *
VNEN bãi * (1) field, flat area, plain
(2) to stop, cease, halt, cancel, annul, disperse
VNEN bãi binh * to demobilize, stop fighting *
VNEN bãi chiến * to stop hostilities, cease fighting *
VNEN bẵng * to cease, stop completely, come to a complete stop *
VNEN bặt * completely silent, giving no sign of life; to hold one’s breath, stop crying *
VNEN bến xe * bus stop, bus station, bus terminal, car park, parking place *
VNEN bị chặn lại * to be detained, be stopped (by police, authorities) *
VNEN bị đứng tim * to have one’s heart stop (beating) *
VNEN bịt * to cover, stop up *
VNEN bịt tai * to cover one’s ears, stop one’s ears, refuse to listen *
VNEN can * (1) to stop, dissuade
(2) to concern, involve
(3) to dissuade, stop someone from doing something, interfere, break up
(4) symbol of the Chinese zodiac
(5) shield
(6) liver
(7) to accuse
VNEN chùn * to slow down, stop *
VNEN chấm hết * to put a final stop to (a writing) *
VNEN chận đứng * to arrest, check, stop *
VNEN chắn * to halt, stop *
VNEN chặn * blocking; to block, stop *
VNEN chặn đứng * to block, stand in the way, stop short *
VNEN chẹn đường * bar or stop or block somebody’s way, waylay *
VNEN chế ngự * to stop, restrain, control *
VNEN chết * to die, stop working *
VNEN cản * to stop, block; bumper, fender *
VNEN dình chỉ * to cease, stop, suspend; stoppage, suspension, cessation *
VNEN dấu chấm * full stop *
VNEN dẹp tiệm * to close up shop, stop trading *
VNEN dứt * to finish, (come to a) stop, terminate, end, cease *
VNEN dừng * to stop, hold, halt *
VNEN dừng bước * to stop walking *
VNEN dừng chân * to stop (walking), make a stop *
VNEN dừng lại * to halt, come to a halt, stop *
VNEN ghé * to stop off at *
VNEN ghé lại * to stop by (at a place) *
VNEN ghé vào * to stop (and get out) at *
VNEN gượm * to stop, wait a while *
VNEN hoạt động liên tục * to operate continuously, non-stop *
VNEN hàn khẩu * stop a breach (in a dyke) *
VNEN hãm * (1) to stop, brake
(2) to harass, betray
VNEN hảm * to stop *
VNEN hết chịu nổi * to stop putting up with, endure no longer *
VNEN hết cười * to stop laughing *
VNEN hết muốn * to no long want, stop wanting *
VNEN hết thân nhau * to stop being friends (with each other) *
VNEN im bẵng * keep silence suddenly, stop talking suddenly *
VNEN không thôi * without stopping, non-stop *
VNEN khựng * to stop (suddenly) *
VNEN lan rộng * to spread widely; widespread, difficult to stop, rampant *
VNEN liền ngưng hẳn * to stop right away, stop immediately *
VNEN luôn * continuously, non-stop, on and on, often, frequently, right away, immediately, at once, all at the same time, all in one operation, always *
VNEN luôn tay * without let-up or stopping, incessantly *
VNEN lưu * to stop, detain, keep *
VNEN lưu giữ * to stop, keep, detain, hold, store *
VNEN mắc nghiên * to be blocked, stopped *
VNEN nghỉ chân * call a halt, stop for a short while (during a trip) *
VNEN ngáng * to bar, stop, hinder *
VNEN ngăn chận * to stop, block, prevent *
VNEN ngăn chặn * to hinder, block, prevent, stop *
VNEN ngưng * (1) to cease, stop, suspend, delay, interrupt
(2) to clot, condense
VNEN ngưng chạy * to stop running, shut down *
VNEN ngưng hoạt động * to stop, halt operations *
VNEN ngưng hẳn * to stop completely, come to a complete stop *
VNEN ngưng làm việc * to stop working *
VNEN ngưng lại * to stop *
VNEN ngưng một lúc * to stop for a moment *
VNEN ngưng nói * to stop talking *
VNEN ngưng phiên giao dịch * to halt, stop trading (stock) *
VNEN ngưng đọng * to stop, halt, be at a standstill *
VNEN ngớt * to cease, stop, abate, subside *
VNEN ngừng * to stop (short), cease *
VNEN ngừng bước * stop advancing, stop going, come to a stop *
VNEN ngừng một chút * to stop for a moment *
VNEN ngừng nói * to stop speaking *
VNEN ngừng đập * to stop beating *
VNEN nín bặt * stop short crying *
VNEN nín khe * to suddenly stop (talking) *
VNEN nín khóc * to stop crying *
VNEN nói luôn miệng * to never stop talking, talk continuously, talk non-stop *
VNEN nùi * rag, stopper *
VNEN nút * cork, stopper, node; button *
VNEN ra rả * incessantly, without interruption, non-stop *
VNEN thôi * just, only; to cease, stop, separate *
VNEN thôi việc * to resign one’s job, leave one’s job, resign, stop working *
VNEN thường xuyên * regularly, usually, unceasingly, incessant, without a break, non-stop *
VNEN thấy hết buồn ngủ * to stop feeling sleepy *
VNEN thắng * (1) brake (pedal); to stop, brake, harness
(2) to win, conquer; victory, conquest
VNEN thắng xe * to stop a car, put on the brakes *
VNEN trám * to caulk, stop, close, fill (tooth); filling (tooth) *
VNEN trám miệng * to stop’s somebody’s mouth *
VNEN trạm xe buýt * bus stop *
VNEN tàu suốt * through train, nonstop train *
VNEN tĩnh * (1) quiet, calm, tranquil, peaceful
(2) altar
(3) to stop, pacify
VNEN tạnh * to stop (raining) *
VNEN tạnh mưa * to stop raining *
VNEN tận diệt * to eradicate, uproot, stop, bring an end to *
VNEN tắc âm * stop (phonetic) *
VNEN tắt kinh * to stop (cease menses) *
VNEN tắt thở * to breathe one’s last, stop breathing *
VNEN tế tác * stop up, obstruct *
VNEN xin lỗi không thôi * to apologize non-stop *
VNEN xtốp * stop *
VNEN ách * (1) yoke (literally and figuratively)
(2) very full (of something), bloated
(3) adjutant
(4) to come to a standstill, stop (completely)
(5) calamity, disaster
(6) ace
VNEN úng tắc * clogged, stopped up *
VNEN ăn non * to stop gambling while one is ahead *
VNEN đình bản * to suspend, stop publication *
VNEN đình chiến * to cease fire, stop fighting; truce, armistice *
VNEN đình chỉ * to stop, cease, suspend *
VNEN đình chỉ xuất khẩu * to stop production *
VNEN đón đầu * wait (for someone) in front (to stop his advance) *
VNEN đồng hồ bấm giờ * chronometer, timekeeper, stop-watch *
VNEN đỗ * to stop, park (vehicle); to pass an examination *
VNEN đứng lại * to stop, halt *
VNEN đừng nói nữa * don't say anything else, stop talking *
VNEN đỡ lo * to be relieved, stop worrying *
VNEN dừng trước * to stop in front of *

GNOT: to stop Spatial • motion
GNOT: (to) stop Temporal • cessation
SNOT: to stop work Daily life • at work
SNOT: bus stop Travel • public transport
SNOT: tram stop Travel • public transport

A1 stop (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: dừng lại stop
OXF3000N dừng ngừng nghỉ thôi sự dừng sự ngừng sự đỗ lại stop

OTOP: stop * Personality and emotio Surprise
OTOP: stop * Travel and tourism Railway tracks and stations
OTOP: stop * Travel and tourism Train and bus travel
OTOP: stop * Travel and tourism Driving

BNC6000 : stop [ Rank: 2920 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : stop [ Rank: 401 ] v 👪

Haltestelle stop điểm đỗ ☊ (N) Verkehr

OPD : The toilet is stopped up. Household Problems and Repairs
OPD : bus stop An Intersection
OPD : bus stop Basic Transportation
OPD : A Bus Stop Public Transportation
OPD : stop Traffic Signs
OPD : Stop at the corner. Directions

FN: stop v Process_stop
FN: stop v Thwarting
FN: stop v Halt
FN: stop v Preventing
FN: stop v Activity_stop

VSLW123 dừng lại ☊ (S) to stop vsl1
VSLW123 trạm xe buýt ☊ (S) bus stop/station vsl1
VSLW123 ngừng ☊ (S) to stop, to halt vsl3
VSLW 45 dừng lại ☊ (S) to stop at [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 ngừng ☊ (S) to stop [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 ngừng ☊ (S) to cease, to stop [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 phanh ☊ (S) to break / to stop [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS dừng Stop! Verbs 2
DUOS Anh ấy dừng hát. He stops singing. Verbs 2
DUOS Họ dừng sản xuất máy tính. They stop producing computers. Verbs 2
DUOS Họ muốn dừng sản xuất thuốc lá. They want to stop producing tobacco. Verbs 2
DUOS Nhà báo dừng viết. The journalist stops writing. Jobs 1
DUOS Cô ấy thấy một cái điện thoại ở trạm xe buýt. She sees a phone at the bus stop. Places
DUOS Hai học sinh đang ngồi ở trạm xe buýt. Two students are sitting at the bus stop. Places
DUOS trạm xe buýt bus stop Places
DUOS Người y tá đợi đến khi anh ấy dừng hát. The nurse waits until he stops singing. Verbs 3
DUOS Chị của tôi đã dừng chế độ ăn kiêng của cô ấy sau một tuần. My elder sister stopped her diet after a week. Medical

50L Tôi đón bạn ở bến / trạm xe buýt. * I will pick you up at the bus stop. 026
50L Bến / trạm xe buýt ở đâu? * Where is the bus stop? 038
50L Bao nhiêu bến / trạm là đến trung tâm? * How many stops are there before downtown / the city centre? 038
50L Bạn làm ơn dừng lại ở đây. * Please stop here. 040
50L Bạn hãy đi đến trạm cuối. * Simply get out at the last stop. 042
50L Dừng / Ngừng lại! Bạn hãy dừng lại! * Stop! 092
50L Chờ đến khi tạnh mưa. * Wait until the rain stops. 096
50L Tôi ngừng làm việc ngay khi nào tôi 60 tuổi. * I will stop working as soon as I am 60. 098