like: step
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level


VNEN tầng bậc * step *

all words:
VNEN bước * to step, stride. walk *
VNEN bước chân * pace, step, tread, footstep *
VNEN bước chỉnh * step size *
VNEN bước lên * to step on *
VNEN bước lùi * to step back(wards) *
VNEN bước lùi ra sau * to step back(wards) *
VNEN bước một * step by step, slowly *
VNEN bước qua * to cross (over), step over, stride across or over *
VNEN bước ra * to step out (into) *
VNEN bước ra khỏi * to step out of *
VNEN bước ra khỏi nhà * to step outside, go outside *
VNEN bước ra ngoài * to step outside *
VNEN bước ra sân * to step out into the yard *
VNEN bước sang * to cross over, into, step over to *
VNEN bước tiến * to step forward *
VNEN bước vào * to come in, go in, enter, step into *
VNEN bước vào trong * to step inside *
VNEN bước xuống * to step down, step out *
VNEN bước đi * to go, take a step; go away! *
VNEN bước đi nhẹ nhàng * light steps *
VNEN bước điều chỉnh * adjustment step *
VNEN bước đầu tiến * first step *
VNEN bậc * (1) step, rung, rank, level, grade, degree
(2) [CL for famous, great people, heroes]
VNEN bậc cửa * doorstep, threshold (of a door) *
VNEN bậc tam cấp * three-step staircase *
VNEN bậc thềm * flight of steps, perron *
VNEN bồ giấy * wastepaper, trash basket *
VNEN bộ * (1) section, part department, ministry
(2) gear, part, device
(3) radical (of a Chinese character)
(4) collection, set, pack (cards), suit (clothes)
(5) appearance, mean, behavior, bearing
(6) step, pace
(7) [CL for laws]
(8) land
(9) foot
(10) re
VNEN bực * (1) degree, rank, step, grade
(2) angry, annoyed
(3) see bậc
VNEN cha ghẻ * stepfather *
VNEN chạy chọt * to solicit, take steps *
VNEN con ghẻ * stepchild, stepson, stepdaughter *
VNEN con riêng * child by a previous marriage, stepchild *
VNEN công đoạn * step, stage, phase *
VNEN cấp * (1) degree, grade, level, rank, step
(2) to confer, obtain, get, issue
(3) urgent, pressing
VNEN * step aside *
VNEN dì ghẻ * step-mother *
VNEN dượng * husband of one’s aunt, stepfather *
VNEN dẫm * to step, trample *
VNEN gót ngọc * majestic step *
VNEN hành cung * royal step-over place *
VNEN học tập cha anh * to follow in the steps of one’s elders *
VNEN khâu * (1) to sew
(2) stage, step
VNEN kế nghiệp * follow in one’s father’s footsteps, continue one’s father’s work *
VNEN kế phụ * stepfather *
VNEN lon ton * to run with short steps, trot *
VNEN loạng choạng lùi vài bước * to stagger back a few steps *
VNEN lui * to move backward, retreat, recede, draw back, pull back, step back *
VNEN lùi * to step back, move back *
VNEN lùi bước * to step back, back off, yield, give way, make concessions *
VNEN lùi lại * to postpone, delay, put off; to step back *
VNEN lùi lại một bước * to take a step back *
VNEN lăm xăm * running in quick and small steps *
VNEN lơn tơn * small and irregular steps *
VNEN lạm * to overstep the limit (of), exceed the bounds (of), abuse (power, etc.) *
VNEN lần lần * little by little, step by step, gradually *
VNEN lịch bịch * sound of heavy walking or running steps *
VNEN lỡ lầm * make a mistake, make a false step *
VNEN lững thững * to walk slowly, walk with deliberate steps, stroll, amble *
VNEN máy hạ thế * step-down transformer *
VNEN máy tăng thế * step-up transformer, booster *
VNEN mấy bước * a few steps *
VNEN mẹ ghẻ * stepmother *
VNEN mẹ kế * stepparent, stepmother *
VNEN một bước * a step *
VNEN một bước tiến * a step forward *
VNEN ngưỡng cửa * threshold, doorstep *
VNEN nhấn ga * to press the accelerator, step on the gas *
VNEN nhấn ga xe * to press the accelerator, step on the gas *
VNEN những bước thích hợp đã được thực hiện * appropriate steps were taken *
VNEN noi gót * follow the example of, tread in the steps of *
VNEN nấc * step, stair, step, turn *
VNEN nấc thang * step of a ladder *
VNEN nấc điều áp * voltage step *
VNEN nối bước * to follow in somebody’s footsteps *
VNEN nối gót * to follow someone, tread in sb’s footsteps *
VNEN phụ họa * to ape, imitate, follow in somebody’s footsteps *
VNEN rình rịch * muffled sound (of footsteps) *
VNEN rón * to stand on one’s tiptoes, walk with stealthy steps *
VNEN rõi * to follow in someone’s steps *
VNEN rún rẩy * walk with a springy gait (step) *
VNEN rút lui * to pull out, step back, withdraw, stand down; withdrawal *
VNEN sẩy chân * to take a false step, trip *
VNEN sọt giấy * wastepaper basket *
VNEN theo chận * to follow in one’s footsteps *
VNEN theo gót * to imitate, copy, follow (in someone’s footsteps, someone’s example) *
VNEN thiên can * heaven’s stem, heavenly step *
VNEN thoái lui * to retreat, withdraw, step back, back out *
VNEN thu từng bước * to record one’s every step *
VNEN thảo nguyên * steppe *
VNEN thứ mẫu * stepmother *
VNEN tiếng chân * (sound of) footsteps *
VNEN trượt chân * one’s foot slips, take a false step, lose or miss *
VNEN tuần tự * order; in order, orderly, step by step, in step, one after another, in succession *
VNEN tò tò * to follow somebody step by step *
VNEN tầng bậc * step *
VNEN từ chức * to resign (from office), step down *
VNEN từng * (1) (present perfect marker)
(2) each, one by one, every
(3) layer, level, step
(4) to experience
(5) by, for
(6) [CL counter for units of floors of stories], layer, story (of a building)
VNEN từng bước một * step by step *
VNEN vài bước * a few steps *
VNEN vài bước nữa * a few more steps *
VNEN vó câu * horse step *
VNEN đi ngược lại * to go against, be contrary to; to turn back, backtrack, retrace one’s steps *
VNEN đưa ra biện pháp * to introduce a measure, step *
VNEN đường đi nước bước * steps *
VNEN đạp * (1) [CL for armies]
(2) to kick, trample, tread, step on, stamp
VNEN đạp lên * to step up on *
VNEN đạp thắng * to hit the brakes, step on the brakes, put on the brakes *
VNEN đều bước * to walk with regular steps *
VNEN động thái * step, move *
VNEN đứng ở ngưỡng cửa * to stand at the threshold, stand on the doorstep *

GNOT: to step Spatial • motion

B1 step (n.) (v.)

OXF3000: bước đi step
OXF3000N bước bước bước đi step

OTOP: step * Health Exercise

BNC6000 : step [ Rank: 750 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : step [ Rank: 1735 ] v 👪

OPD : stepfather Families
OPD : stepmother Families
OPD : stepsister Families
OPD : stepbrother Families
OPD : stepdaughter Families
OPD : steps Front ard House
OPD : stepladder Cleaning Supplies
OPD : The steps are broken. Household Problems and Repairs
OPD : walk up the steps Prepositions of Motion
OPD : walk down the steps Prepositions of Motion

FN: step n Self_motion
FN: step n Intentionally_act
FN: step n Connecting_architecture
FN: step v Self_motion

VSLW 45 bước đầu ☊ (S) first step [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bước đi ☊ (S) step, move [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 từng bước ☊ (S) gradually, step by step [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 công đoạn ☊ (S) step/ phase [ Intermediate Reading ]