like: station
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dịch dịch ga station

all words:
VNEN Trạm Không Gian Quốc Tế * International Space Station *
VNEN bóp * (1) wallet, purse, handbag
(2) to squeeze, grab, press with the hand
(3) police station
VNEN bóp cảng sát * police station *
VNEN bót * police station *
VNEN bất di * stationary *
VNEN bến * dock, wharf, pier, landing place, station, terminal *
VNEN bến se đò * bus station *
VNEN bến tàu * dock, quay, port, railway station, pier, wharf *
VNEN bến xe * bus stop, bus station, bus terminal, car park, parking place *
VNEN bến xe buýt * a bus station *
VNEN bến xe đò * bus station, terminal, depot *
VNEN bến đò * port, station, landing *
VNEN cây xăng * filling station, petrol station *
VNEN cảnh sát cuộc * police station *
VNEN cố định * fixed, set, stationary *
VNEN cửa hàng xăng dầu * gas station *
VNEN ga * (1) accelerator, gas pedal
(2) railway station
VNEN ga xe lửa * train station *
VNEN ga xép * local station (as opposed to express) *
VNEN giừm nhiễu đài phát thanh * to jam a broadcasting station *
VNEN hiện điềm * to manifest itself; manifestation *
VNEN hải trấn * naval station *
VNEN khu đội * recruiting station, inducting station *
VNEN khách sạn ở đằng sau nhà ga * The hotel is in the back of the station *
VNEN lâm trường * afforestation yards *
VNEN nhà ga * railroad station, railway station *
VNEN nhà máy nhiệt điện * thermal power station, thermoelectric plant *
VNEN nhà máy điện * electricity generation plant, power plant, power station *
VNEN nhà đèn * urban power-station, urban power-house *
VNEN nước đứng * stationary water level *
VNEN nạn phá rừng * deforestation (as a problem) *
VNEN phận * condition, fate, status, station, rank, place, position *
VNEN phận hèn * a humble station *
VNEN sở cảnh sát * police station *
VNEN thai nghén * with child, pregnant conceiving, in gestation of *
VNEN tiên hoa * stationery with designs *
VNEN tiền đồn * advance post, outpost, station *
VNEN trú phòng * be billeted, be stationed *
VNEN trú quân * be billeted, station *
VNEN trưởng ga * station master *
VNEN trạm * station, output, resting spot *
VNEN trạm biến thế * transformer station *
VNEN trạm biến áp * transformer station *
VNEN trạm cảnh sát * police station *
VNEN trạm cứu thương * aid station *
VNEN trạm di động * mobile station *
VNEN trạm không gian * space station *
VNEN trạm làm việc * workstation *
VNEN trạm lộ * halting-place, stage, station *
VNEN trạm săng * gas station *
VNEN trạm thu phát gốc * base transceiver station *
VNEN trạm xăng * gas station, petrol station *
VNEN trạm ét xăng * gas(oline) station *
VNEN trạm điều khiển phi vụ * ground control (station) *
VNEN trạm điện * electrical power station *
VNEN trạm đấu nối * connection station *
VNEN ty cảnh sát * police station *
VNEN tàn phá rừng * deforestation *
VNEN tĩnh tại * stationary *
VNEN tờ hoa * stationary with flower design *
VNEN văn phòng phẩm * stationary *
VNEN vệ tinh địa tĩnh * geostationary satellite *
VNEN án * (1) sentence, judgment, verdict
(2) altar; tall, high desk or table
(3) to examine
(4) to block, obstruct, barricade
(5) case (legal)
(6) to station, locate, position (troops)
VNEN án binh * to station troops *
VNEN án binh bất động * to not to throw one’s troops into battle, station troops and lie low *
VNEN đi lại nhà ga * go to the railroad station *
VNEN đài * tower, monument; radio, television station *
VNEN đài bá âm * radio station *
VNEN đài khí tượng * weather station, weather bureau *
VNEN đài phát thanh * broadcasting station, radio station *
VNEN đài ra đa * radar station *
VNEN đài tiếng nói Việt Nam * the Voice of Vietnam (radio station) *
VNEN đài truyền hình * television station *
VNEN đài truyền tin * radio station *
VNEN đóng binh * to station troops *
VNEN đóng đồn * to station, garrison *
VNEN địch họa * destruction, devastation, calamities *
VNEN đồn bót * outpost, station *
VNEN ấn chỉ * printed matters, printed paper, stationary, (official) letterhead *

SNOT: (railway) station Travel • public transport
SNOT: police station Relations with other people • crime and justice
SNOT: petrol station Services • petrol station

A1 station (n.)

OXF3000: trạm station
OXF3000N trạm điểm đồn station

OTOP: station * Houses and buildings Buildings
OTOP: station * Nature On the farm
OTOP: station * The media Radio broadcasting
OTOP: station * The media Producing TV shows
OTOP: station * Travel and tourism Railway tracks and stations
OTOP: station * War and conflict The navy

BNC6000 : station [ Rank: 829 ] n 👪

Bahnhof station nhà ga ☊ (N) Verkehr

OPD : police station Downtown
OPD : bus station Downtown
OPD : gas station Downtown
OPD : fire station Downtown
OPD : subway station Basic Transportation
OPD : A Train Station Public Transportation
OPD : station wagon Cars and Trucks
OPD : gas station attendant Taking a Trip
OPD : letterhead / stationery An Office
OPD : space station The Universe
OPD : lifeguard station The Beach

FN: station n Assigned_location
FN: station n Locale_by_use

VSLW123 bến xe ☊ (S) station vsl1
VSLW123 tiệm sửa xe ☊ (S) car or motorbike repair station vsl1
VSLW123 trạm xăng ☊ (S) gas station vsl1
VSLW123 trạm xe buýt ☊ (S) bus stop/station vsl1
VSLW123 ga xe lửa ☊ (S) train station vsl1
VSLW 45 đài truyền hình ☊ (S) television station [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 ga ☊ (S) station [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 bến tàu ngầm ☊ (S) dock, hydrofoil station [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 trạm ☊ (S) station [ Basic Reading ]

VSLS Ở Ga xe lửa Sài Gòn. Anh biết Ga Sài Gòn ở đâu không? At Saigon Train Station. Do you (to a male) know where Saigon Train Station is? vsl1
VSLS Ở ga Sài Gòn, người ta bán vé đến mấy giờ, hả chị? At Saigon Train Station, until when tickets are sold? vsl1

DUOS Nhà ga the train station Alphabet Introduction 1
DUOS Cái găng tay ở nhà ga. The glove is at the train station. Alphabet Introduction 1
DUOS Nhà ga, đu quay Train station, ferris wheel Alphabet Introduction 1
DUOS Con dê ở đu quay. The goat is at the train station. Alphabet Introduction 1
DUOS Nhà ga của tôi My train station Possession
DUOS They are at the train station. Basics 2
DUOS Tôi cần đi đến nhà ga. I need to go to the train station Places
DUOS nhà ga train station Places

50L Tôi muốn đến nhà ga. * I would like to go to the station. 027
50L Tôi đến nhà ga như thế nào? * How do I get to the station? 027
50L Bao nhiêu tiền đến nhà ga? * What does it cost to go to the station? 040
50L Trạm xăng tiếp sau ở đâu? * Where is the next gas station? 041
50L Tôi cần phong bì và giấy viết thư. * I need envelopes and stationery. 054
50L Anh ấy không được phép ngủ trong nhà ga. * He is not allowed to sleep at the train station. 075