like: specialist
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VNEN người chuyên môn * specialist *

all words:
VNEN chuyên gia * specialist, expert *
VNEN chuyên môn hóa * to make specialized, make into specialist *
VNEN chuyên trị * to be a specialist in *
VNEN chuyên viên * expert, specialist *
VNEN một chuyên viên * expert, specialist *
VNEN nghiệp vụ * professional competence or knowledge, specialist skill or knowledge *
VNEN người chuyên môn * specialist *
VNEN nhà chuyên môn * expert, specialist, professional *
VNEN sách chuyên khảo * technical book, specialists book *

SNOT: specialist Health and body care • medical services

B2 specialist (n.)

OXF3000: chuyên gia specialist
OXF3000N chuyên gia chuyên viên specialist

OTOP: specialist * Health Medical staff

BNC6000 : specialist [ Rank: 2795 ] a 👪
BNC6000 : specialist [ Rank: 2876 ] n 👪

OPD : Medical Specialists Hospital

FN: specialist n Expertise

VSLW 45 chuyên viên ☊ (S) specialist [ Topic Reading ]