like: sour
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Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN biến báo * resourceful *
VNEN bún riêu * vermicelli and sour crab soup, noodles in crab chowder *
VNEN bản * (1) edition, version, tablet, block, copy, print, piece, document, edition, impression
(2) [CL for scripts, songs, plays, statements, treaties]
(3) root, basis, base, origin, source
VNEN cam chanh * sour orange *
VNEN canh chua * sour soup *
VNEN canh giấm * sour fish soup *
VNEN chua * acid, tart, sour, sharp *
VNEN chua loét * very sour *
VNEN chua như giấm * as sour as vinegar *
VNEN chương trình gốc * source program *
VNEN chỏng lỏn * sharp-tongued, sour-tongued *
VNEN các nguồn không được nêu tên * unnamed sources *
VNEN có khả năng * to have ability, resources; to be able *
VNEN cùng kiệt * at the end of one’s resources *
VNEN căn duyên * cause, origin, source *
VNEN căn nguyên * cause, root, source *
VNEN cọm già * that old sourpuss *
VNEN cỗi nguồn * origin, root, spring, source *
VNEN cỗi phúc * source of happiness *
VNEN cội * source, root, origin *
VNEN cội nguồn * root, source *
VNEN dưa chua * sour vegetable *
VNEN hẩm * musty, smelling or tasting sour or stale *
VNEN hết cách * have tried every means, have exhausted all resources *
VNEN khéo xoay * have gumption, be resourceful *
VNEN khú * pungently sour (like sour cabbage turning bad, or damp clothes) *
VNEN khởi nguyên * source, origin *
VNEN lợi nguyên * source of profit *
VNEN lục vị * the six tastes (sour, hot, salt, sweet, bitter, tasteless) *
VNEN mưa nguồn * heavy rain at river sources *
VNEN mưu trí * clever and resourceful mind *
VNEN mệnh căn * source of life *
VNEN nguyên nhân phát hỏa * the cause or source of a fire *
VNEN nguồn * source, spring *
VNEN nguồn cảm hứng * a source of inspiration *
VNEN nguồn cội * source, origin, root *
VNEN nguồn gốc * source, origin, roots *
VNEN nguồn khích lệ * a source of encouragement *
VNEN nguồn lực * resource *
VNEN nguồn lực hiếm hoi * scarce resource *
VNEN nguồn phát nhiệt * a source of heat *
VNEN nguồn sáng * source of light, light source *
VNEN nguồn sống * source of a river *
VNEN nguồn thông tin * source of information *
VNEN nguồn thông tin duy nhất * the sole source of information *
VNEN nguồn tin * source (of news or information) *
VNEN nguồn tin chính thức * official news sources *
VNEN nguồn tin giấu tên * anonymous (news) source *
VNEN nguồn tin riêng * independent news source *
VNEN nguồn tin đáng tin cậy * reliable source (of information) *
VNEN nguồn tài chánh * source of finances *
VNEN nguồn vốn * source of capital *
VNEN nguồn điện * power source, power supply *
VNEN nguồn đầu tư chính * main source of investment *
VNEN nhân sự * human affairs, human resources, personnel, staff, workforce *
VNEN nhôn nhốt * somewhat sour, sourish, somewhat acidic *
VNEN nộm * sweet and sour grated salad *
VNEN sườn xào chua ngọt * sweet and sour spare ribs *
VNEN theo các nguồn tin * according to news sources *
VNEN theo nguồn tin chính thức * according to official news sources *
VNEN thượng nguồn * source, upper reaches *
VNEN thủy lợi * water resources, irrigation, hydraulics *
VNEN thủy nguyên * source *
VNEN truy nguyên * to trace back to (the source of sth) *
VNEN trám đường * kind of olive tree (source of resin for glue) *
VNEN tài nguyên * resource *
VNEN tài nguyên dầu khí * petroleum resources *
VNEN tài nguyên hiếm hoi * scant, scarce, limited resource *
VNEN tài nguyên thiên nhiên * natural resource *
VNEN tài ứng biến * adaptability, resourcefulness *
VNEN uyên nguyên * origin, source *
VNEN uyên tuyền * deep source *
VNEN vật lực * material resources *
VNEN xoay sở * to manage, be resourceful *
VNEN xoáy * (1) to turn around, whirl around, change direction, be resourceful, manage to get
(2) to swipe
VNEN xuất xứ * origin, source *
VNEN ăn dở * (of pregnant woman) to eat sour things *
VNEN ăn vay * to eat on borrowed resources *
VNEN đầy tài nguyên * to be full of (natural) resources *
VNEN địa chỉ tài nguyên thống nhất * uniform resource locator (URL) *
VNEN đỏng đảnh * sour and scornful *
VNEN đởm lược * bravery and resourcefulness *
VNEN đởm lượt * brave and resourceful *

GNOT: sour Qualitative • taste

B1 sour (adj.)

OXF3000: chua sour
OXF3000N chua có vị giấm sour

OTOP: sour * Food and drink Taste of food

OPD : sour cream A Grocery Store
OPD : sour The Farmer's Market
OPD : resource center Career Planning
OPD : light source Science
OPD : Energy sources Energy and Conservation

FN: sour a Chemical-sense_description

VSLW123 canh chua ☊ (S) sour soup vsl2
VSLW123 nguồn gốc ☊ (S) source, origin vsl3
VSLW 45 nhân lực ☊ (S) human resources [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nguồn năng lượng ☊ (S) energy source [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 uống nước nhớ nguồn ☊ (S) When drinking water remember its source, to be grateful [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nhân sự ☊ (S) human resource [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nguồn nhân lực ☊ (S) human resources [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nguồn thông tin ☊ (S) Information source [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nguồn thải ☊ (S) waste source [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 gia công ☊ (S) to outsource [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 chua chát ☊ (S) bitter; ironical; sourly [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 tài nguyên ☊ (S) resources [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 cảnh chua chát ☊ (S) sourly situation [ Advanced Reading ]