like: soil
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VNEN thổ nhưỡng * soil *

all words:
VNEN bê bê * dirty, soiled; as busy as a bee, over head and ears in work *
VNEN bôi nhọ * to dishonor, soil, discredit *
VNEN chín rục * be soiled soft, be boiled to pulp *
VNEN cấu tượng * texture (of the soil.) *
VNEN khai hoang * reclaim waste land, reclaim virgin soil *
VNEN lem luốc * very dirty, soiled *
VNEN lem nhem * soil, blur, smear *
VNEN làm bẩm * to soil, make dirty *
VNEN làm ải * plough (hoe) (the soil) loose *
VNEN lấm * to smear, make dirty, soil *
VNEN ma lem * begrimed, bedaubed, soiled *
VNEN mẫu đất * soil sample *
VNEN nham nhở * dirty, soiled, rough, nasty, vulgar *
VNEN nhem nhúa * soiled sullied *
VNEN nhuốc nha * be soiled, dishonored *
VNEN nhọ * soot; to stain, smear, soil; black (person) *
VNEN phân bắc * night-soil *
VNEN phân tươi * fresh night-soil *
VNEN són * soil slightly one’s trousers out of incontinence *
VNEN thổ nhưỡng * soil *
VNEN thổ thần * god of the soil, local, god, house spirit, earth genie *
VNEN trên đất Thái * on Thai soil *
VNEN tấc đất tấc vàng * an inch of soil is an inch of gold *
VNEN đánh bẩn * to soil, make dirty *
VNEN đất * earth, soil, territory, land *
VNEN đất cát * sandy soil, land (as property) *
VNEN đất màu * rich soil *
VNEN đất nhẹ * light soil *
VNEN đất nặng * heavy soil *
VNEN đất thịt * heavy earth, rich soil *
VNEN đất đá * earth and stone, soil and rock *
VNEN đất đỏ * red soil, red earth *
VNEN đặt chân lên đất Nhật Bản * to set foot on Japanese soil *
VNEN ải * (1) to defile, pass
(2) to mould, mildew, disintegrate, rot; rotten
(3) to hang
(4) pass (mountain)
(5) trial, ordeal, obstacle, hurdle
(6) to make loose, aerate (soil)
VNEN ải đất * to aerate the soil *
VNEN * (1) spotted, soiled, stained, smeared
(2) to hate, loath

GNOT: soiled Qualitative • cleanness

B2 soil (n.)

OXF3000: đất soil
OXF3000N đất trồng vết bẩn soil

OTOP: soil * Nature Growing crops
OTOP: soil * Nature Waste and pollution

BNC6000 : soil [ Rank: 1938 ] n 👪

OPD : soil Nature Center