like: smash
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all words:
VNEN chết bầm * to kill (by smashing into pieces), chop into bits *
VNEN gõ đập * to hit, smash *
VNEN nát nhừ * completely smashed *
VNEN nát vụn * to reduce to fragments, break or smash to smithereens *
VNEN tan như xác pháo * smashed like the wrapping of a cracker (exploded) *
VNEN tan nát * smashed, destroyed completely, in pieces; to break into pieces *
VNEN tan tành * broken up, smashed, in pieces; to break into pieces *
VNEN tan vỡ * shattered, smashed, broken up *
VNEN tan xương nát thịt * be smashed, beaten to a pulp *
VNEN đập bể * to break, smash *
VNEN đập xuống * to beat down, smash down *

B2 smash (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: làm thất bại smash
OXF3000N đập vỡ tan thành mảnh sự đập vỡ tàn thành mảnh smash

OTOP: smash * Culture Showing films
OTOP: smash * Leisure Tennis
OTOP: smash * Travel and tourism Motoring problems and acciden

BNC6000 : smash [ Rank: 4161 ] v 👪

FN: smash v Cause_harm
FN: smash v Impact
FN: smash v Cause_to_fragment