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all words:
VNEN biểu quyết nhất trí * to vote unanimously *
VNEN bo bo * to guard jealously *
VNEN bàn tán * to discuss and argue, comment humorously or excitedly *
VNEN bạc phau * spotlessly white *
VNEN bạthơi * to run breathlessly *
VNEN bất giác * suddenly, unexpectedly, unknowingly, unconsciously *
VNEN bị thương nặng * to be seriously wounded, injured *
VNEN bột khởi * to flare up violently, surge vigorously *
VNEN chuyển mình * to change comprehensively, change vigorously *
VNEN chơi phiếm * to spend one’s time aimlessly *
VNEN chưa từng có trước đây * never before seen, previously nonexistent, unprecedented *
VNEN chưa từng có từ trước tới giờ * unprecedented, previously unknown (until now) *
VNEN chưa được biết đến trước đây * previously unknown, not known until now *
VNEN chạy chữa * to treat with every possible means (a seriously ill person) *
VNEN chớt nhả * to (speak, act) half-seriously *
VNEN cáo già * cunning, sly, clever *
VNEN có ý thức * consciously, knowingly *
VNEN công phu * toil, labor; laboriously *
VNEN cùng lúc * at the same time, simultaneously *
VNEN cười ha hả * laugh (loud or boisterously), shout with laughter *
VNEN cười như nắc nẻ * to laugh uproariously, burst into peals of laughter *
VNEN cười ruồi * smile inanely, laugh causelessly *
VNEN cười tình * smile amorously *
VNEN cả cười * laugh (loud or boisterously), shout with laughter *
VNEN cất lẻn * do on the sly *
VNEN cậy tài * to rely vaingloriously on one’s talent *
VNEN dạ dịp * saying yes all the time or continuously *
VNEN dấm dúi * secretly, by stealth, on the sly *
VNEN dềnh dàng * cumbrously big *
VNEN giấm giúi * sly (something, into someone’s hands); do (something) stealthily *
VNEN giục như giục tà * urge vigorously and urgently *
VNEN góp phần lớn lao * to contribute enormously, greatly *
VNEN hoạt động liên tục * to operate continuously, non-stop *
VNEN hì hục * with zeal, zealously, give oneself up to, surrender oneself *
VNEN khóc hết hơi * wail endlessly *
VNEN kiểu sức * showy, spuriously brilliant, affected *
VNEN kênh kiệu * put on airs, give oneself airs, behave superciliously *
VNEN lang thang * to wander (aimlessly), roam *
VNEN li bì * (of sleep) sound, soundly, deeply, unconsciously *
VNEN liên tục chỉ trích * to criticize continuously *
VNEN luôn * continuously, non-stop, on and on, often, frequently, right away, immediately, at once, all at the same time, all in one operation, always *
VNEN láu lỉnh * roguish, sly *
VNEN láu táu * act or talk fast and thoughtlessly carelessly, hurriedly *
VNEN lèm bèm * talkative, talk endlessly *
VNEN lén lút * secretly, on the sly *
VNEN lúc trước * (time) before, previously *
VNEN lấm lét * to look slyly *
VNEN lẽ dĩ nhiên * naturally, obviously, of course *
VNEN lộ liễu * evident, obvious, manifest, patent, evidently, obviously *
VNEN lụi cụi * apply oneself strenuously to (some work) *
VNEN ma mãnh * devilish, sly, fiendish, cunning *
VNEN manh động * to act spontaneously *
VNEN một cách liên tục * continuously *
VNEN một lần * once, at the same time, simultaneously *
VNEN một thời * at one time, previously, once *
VNEN ngoa truyền * hand down falsely, exaggerate, overstate, grossly exaggerate *
VNEN ngày trước * before, in the past, previously, in the old days, in former times *
VNEN người bị thương nặng * seriously injured person *
VNEN ngậy * tastily rich, tasting deliciously buttery *
VNEN ngủ không an giấc * to sleep restlessly *
VNEN nhiều năm trước * many years ago, many years previously *
VNEN như con thiêu thân * inconsiderately, thoughtlessly, unthinkingly *
VNEN như cũ * as before, as previously, like before *
VNEN như mèo thấy mỡ * greedily, hungrily, covetously *
VNEN như vũ bão * stormily, tempestuously *
VNEN như vạc ăn đêm * laboriously, with great difficulty *
VNEN nhưng lại * but (rather, as opposed to something previously said) *
VNEN nhắng * behave in a ridiculously domineering way, fuss domineering *
VNEN nhẹ miệng * speak thoughtlessly *
VNEN nhịp ngón tay * to drum one’s fingers (nervously, anxiously) *
VNEN nói bạt mạng * to speak in a devil-may-care way, speak recklessly *
VNEN nói bừa * to speak carelessly, thoughtlessly *
VNEN nói gở * speak ominously *
VNEN nói luôn * to talk continuously, keep talking *
VNEN nói luôn miệng * to never stop talking, talk continuously, talk non-stop *
VNEN nói nhem nhẻm * to speak continuously *
VNEN phiêu bạt * to live aimlessly, drift around in life *
VNEN phân bì * compare enviously *
VNEN phù du * to wander aimlessly *
VNEN phăm phăm lao vào * to rush at impetuously *
VNEN quả nhiên * expectedly, naturally, as a matter of fact, obviously *
VNEN ra ngô ra khoai * to make things unambiguously clear *
VNEN ranh khôn * cunning, sly *
VNEN ranh ma * artful, sly *
VNEN ranh mãnh * mischievous, sly *
VNEN rần rần rộ rộ * noisily, loudly clamorously *
VNEN rần rật * noisily, tumultuously *
VNEN so bì * to compare enviously, be envious *
VNEN sùng tín * believe fervently (piously) in *
VNEN sạch bong * spotlessly clean, spotless *
VNEN sốt ruột mong * to await something anxiously, eagerly *
VNEN sốt ruột mong đến lúc * to anxiously await the moment when *
VNEN tai quái * mischievously wicked *
VNEN tai ác * mischievously malicious *
VNEN thèo đảnh * carelessly, nonchalantly, heedlessly *
VNEN tinh ma * artful, crafty, sly *
VNEN tiền thân * forerunner, precursor; formerly, previously, previous life or existence *
VNEN truy tặng * to award or bestow posthumously *
VNEN trì trọng * to guard jealously *
VNEN trí trá * crafty, cunning, sly *
VNEN tròm trõm * guard jealously *
VNEN trước * before, in front, previously; faced with, in the face of, ahead of *
VNEN trước đây * before, previously, ago, formerly *
VNEN trắng tinh * spotlessly white *
VNEN trắng trợn * obviously *
VNEN trọng thưởng * to reward generously *
VNEN uất ức * (righteously) indignant *
VNEN văng tê * to do something thoughtlessly and immediately *
VNEN vụng * (1) on the sly, secretly
(2) unskilled, clumsy, awkward
(3) bay
VNEN vụng trộm * to act stealthily, secretly, on the sly *
VNEN xuẩn động * inconsiderate, thoughtless, done thoughtlessly *
VNEN xớ rớ * idling, star-gazing, aimlessly, foolishly *
VNEN õng à õng ẹo * walk or behave flirtatiously or affectedlly *
VNEN đau nặng * to be seriously ill *
VNEN đi lang thang * to wander about (aimlessly) *
VNEN đi rong * to walk aimlessly *
VNEN đi vẩn vơ * to walk aimlessly *
VNEN đói meo * to be ravenously hungry, be as hungry as a wolf or bear *
VNEN đùa cợt * to tease mischievously *
VNEN đồng thanh * in chorus, in unison, unanimously *
VNEN đồng thanh chấp thuận * to approve unanimously *
VNEN ấp ủ * to cherish, dream (of, about), entertain (idea); to plan, consider (seriously) *
VNEN ốm nặng * to be seriously ill *
VNEN ồi ồi * noisily, loud, tumultuously *
VNEN ẩn danh cho biết * to report anonymously *

OTOP: sly * Personality and emotio Dishonest

VSLW123 trước đây ☊ (S) previously, formerly, before now, in the past vsl2
VSLW 45 Thật kỳ diệu ☊ (S) miraculously [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 rõ rệt ☊ (S) obviously [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nghiêm túc ☊ (S) seriously, strictly [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 mạnh dạn ☊ (S) fearlessly [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 cười nhạt ☊ (S) to laugh hollowly / to laugh meaninglessly [ Advanced Reading ]