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VNEN tà vẹt * sleeper *

all words:
VNEN toa nằm * sleeping-car, sleeper *
VNEN tà vẹt * sleeper *

OTOP: sleeper * Culture Showing films
OTOP: sleeper * Travel and tourism Railway tracks and stations
OTOP: sleeper * Travel and tourism Trains

OPD : blanket sleeper Underwear and Sleepwear

50L Trên tàu có toa nằm không? * Does the train have sleepers? 035
50L Bao nhiêu tiền một chỗ ở trong toa nằm? * What does a berth in the sleeper cost? 035
50L Toa nằm ở đâu? * Where is the sleeper? 036
50L Toa nằm ở cuối tàu. * The sleeper is at the end of the train. 036