like: slap
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN bạt nhĩ * to box the ears, slap the face *
VNEN bốp * (1) sound of a slap
(2) very white (of linen)
VNEN bớp * to hit, slap, smack, whack *
VNEN giơ cao đánh khẽ * to slap on the wrist *
VNEN ngắt lời * to interpose, interrupt, slap somebody down, butt in on somebody, cut somebody short *
VNEN như tát vào mặt * like a slap in the face *
VNEN tát * to slap, hit; to scoop (water), bail out (a boat) *
VNEN tát tai * to hit, slap, box *
VNEN tạt tai * to box the ears of, slap *
VNEN vả * (1) moreover, in addition
(2) to slap
VNEN vỗ * to clap, pat, slap *
VNEN vỗ hai tay vào nhau * to slap one's hands together *
VNEN vỗ vào vai * to slap on the shoulder *
VNEN vỗ đùi * to slap one’s lag *
VNEN ăn đòn * to (be) hit, slap *
VNEN đập vào mặt * to be hit in the face, slapped in the face *

BNC6000 : slap [ Rank: 5748 ] v 👪

FN: slap n Sounds
FN: slap v Cause_harm
FN: slap v Impact
FN: slap v Cause_impact