like: sink
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VNEN ngồi thụp * sink *

all words:
VNEN chìm * to sink (a ship), become submerged; hidden, concealed *
VNEN chìm lỉm * to sink, go underwater *
VNEN chìm nghỉm * to sink deep *
VNEN chìm ngập * sink, collapse, be flooded *
VNEN chìm nổi * sink and float, ups and downs *
VNEN chìm sâu xuống * to sink down *
VNEN chìm vào * to sink into *
VNEN chìm vào giấc ngủ * to sink into sleep, fall into a slumber *
VNEN chìm xuống * to sink, go down *
VNEN lao vút * to sink one’s claws, talons into *
VNEN lún * to sink, cave in *
VNEN ngồi thụp * sink *
VNEN nhận chìm * to dip, sink *
VNEN rớt tòm * to fall, sink *
VNEN rớt tòm vào * to fall into, sink into *
VNEN sa lầỵ * to sink, become bogged down *
VNEN thấm * (1) to be sufficient
(2) to penetrate, permeate, absorb, suck, grasp, sink into
VNEN xê xế * (of sun, moon) be sinking, waning, on the wane *
VNEN xùm xụp * sink, go deep or far down (of hat, turban) *
VNEN đánh chìm * to sink (a ship) *
VNEN đánh đắm * sink (a ship) *
VNEN đắm * to sink (a ship), shipwreck *
VNEN đắm chìm * to sink (a ship) *
VNEN đắm chìm tàu * to sink a ship *

A2 sink (v.)

OXF3000: bồn rửa sink
OXF3000N chìm lún đắm sink

OTOP: sink * Houses and buildings House equipment
OTOP: sink * Houses and buildings Rooms in a house
OTOP: sink * Leisure Pool and snooker
OTOP: sink * Travel and tourism Travelling by boat or ship

BNC6000 : sink [ Rank: 4881 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : sink [ Rank: 2561 ] v 👪

OPD : sink A Kitchen
OPD : sink A Bathroom
OPD : scrub the sink Housework
OPD : The sink is overflowing. Household Problems and Repairs