like: shopping
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all words:
VNEN mua sắm * to buy, acquire, go shopping, shop *
VNEN mùa mua sắm * shopping season, buying season *
VNEN sắm * to acquire, get, buy, go shopping; purchases *
VNEN sắm sanh * go shopping, shop *
VNEN thương xá * shopping mall, shopping center *
VNEN đi mua bán * to go shopping *
VNEN đi mua sắm * to go shopping *
VNEN đi mua đồ * go shopping *
VNEN đi phố * go to town (for shopping) *

SNOT: to go shopping Daily life • at home
SNOT: to go shopping Shopping • shopping facilities

A1 shopping (n.)

OXF3000: mua sắm shopping
OXF3000N sự mua sắm shopping

OTOP: shopping * Leisure Hobbies
OTOP: shopping * Retail Online shopping
OTOP: shopping * Retail Shopping in stores

BNC6000 : shopping [ Rank: 2809 ] n 👪

Einkauf shopping mua sắm ☊ (N) Einkauf

OPD : shopping list Back From the Market
OPD : shopping basket A Grocery Store
OPD : shopping mall City Streets
OPD : reuse shopping bags Energy and Conservation
OPD : shopping program Entertainment

FN: shopping n Shopping

VSLW 45 đi mua sắm ☊ (S) go shopping [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 trung tâm thương mại ☊ (S) trade center, shopping mall [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 khu mua sắm ☊ (S) shopping mall [ Topic Reading ]

VSLS Nhưng thường là mình đi thăm bạn bè, đi chơi hay đi mua sắm. But I usually visit friends, go out or go shopping. vsl2

DUOS Tôi thích đi đến trung tâm thương mại. I like to go to the shopping mall. Places
DUOS trung tâm thương mại shopping mall Places

50L Tôi phải đi mua hàng. * I have to go shopping. 054
50L Tôi muốn mua nhiều. * I want to do a lot of shopping. 054