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all words:
VNEN bấu * to hold fast to with one’s fingers, pinch, scratch, claw *
VNEN bấu véo * to nip off little by little (in a brazen way), pinch and scratch *
VNEN bắt đầu lại từ số không * to start from zero, start from scratch *
VNEN bệnh mèo cào * cat scratch illness *
VNEN bứt * to pick, pluck; to scratch, pull *
VNEN bứt tai * to scratch one’s ear *
VNEN bứt đầu * to scratch one’s ear *
VNEN cào * to scratch, claw, rake; rake *
VNEN cái gãi lưng * backscratcher *
VNEN cạo * to shave, scrape, scratch, peel *
VNEN cạo gió * (scratch the wind) coin rubbing (an old folk remedy) *
VNEN gãi * to scratch *
VNEN gãi sột sột * to scratch oneself noisily *
VNEN gãi tai * to scratch one’s ears *
VNEN gãi đầu * to scratch one’s head *
VNEN gạch * brick; to strike through, draw a line, scratch, cross out, strike through *
VNEN gạch bỏ * to scratch, strike out *
VNEN gạt bỏ * to scratch out, mark out, erase *
VNEN mèo cào * cat scratch *
VNEN sát * (1) to stay close to; close, tight
(2) to kill
(3) scratched, bruised
(4) to examine
VNEN sây sát * abraded, scraped, scratched *
VNEN sướt * to graze to scratch slightly *
VNEN sầy * scratched *
VNEN sột sột * sound of scratching, gnawing *
VNEN trầy * raw, abraded, scratched, scraped *
VNEN trầy trụa * to be scratched all over *
VNEN tạp nham tính từ * miscellaneous, disparate, scratch *
VNEN * (1) jar, [CL for jarfulls]
(2) to rumple, crumble, crush, rub, scratch
(3) tangled silk thread
VNEN vấu * to scratch, pinch *
VNEN xước * to scratch *

B2 scratch (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: vết trầy scratch
OXF3000N cào làm xước da sự cào sự trầy xước da scratch

OTOP: scratch * Health Injuries
OTOP: scratch * Health Injuries
OTOP: scratch * Leisure Golf

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FN: scratch v Damaging
FN: scratch v Cause_bodily_experience