like: satisfied
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level


VNEN thỏa lòng * satisfied *
VNEN toạc * satisfied *

all words:
VNEN an bần * content with one’s poverty, satisfied with one’s (poor) fate *
VNEN bất mãn * dissatisfied, unhappy, discontented *
VNEN bằng lòng * (1) happy, satisfied, content
(2) to agree
VNEN bực chí * dissatisfied *
VNEN chán chê * satisfied, plentiful *
VNEN hài lòng * happy, satisfied, content *
VNEN hả hê * fully satisfied *
VNEN hể hả * satisfied, content *
VNEN hởi lòng hởi dạ * be fully satisfied *
VNEN khoái * pleased, happy, satisfied, joyful *
VNEN khoái chí * happy, glad, content, satisfied *
VNEN khoái ý * be satisfied, content *
VNEN mãn * to complete, finish, run out, come to an end; to satisfy, satisfied *
VNEN mãn ý * satisfied (with), content (with) *
VNEN nhơn nhơn * self-satisfied, complacent, smug, shameless, impudent *
VNEN phỉ * satisfied, content; to slander, defame *
VNEN phỉ chí * satisfied, content *
VNEN thích ý * satisfied, gratified *
VNEN thư sướng * satisfied, contented, pleased *
VNEN thỏa * to be satiated, be satisfied *
VNEN thỏa chí * be satisfied *
VNEN thỏa lòng * satisfied *
VNEN toạc * satisfied *
VNEN toại chí * content, satisfied *
VNEN toại lòng * content, satisfied, pleased *
VNEN toại ý * to be satisfied *
VNEN tri túc * know how to be satisfied with what one has *
VNEN tự mãn * complacent, smug, full of oneself, self-satisfied *
VNEN tự tại * be satisfied, content, easy *
VNEN vui thú * be pleased, delighted, be satisfied with one’s lot *
VNEN vừa lòng * happy, content, satisfied *
VNEN xứng ý * be satisfied, desired, long wished for *
VNEN ăn uống thỏa thê * to eat and drink until one is full, satisfied *
VNEN đành lòng * satisfied, contented *
VNEN đắc chí * pleased, satisfied *
VNEN đắc ý * have one’s wish fulfilled, be fully satisfied *
VNEN đẹp lòng * satisfied, pleased *

B1 satisfied (adj.)

OXF3000: hài lòng satisfied
OXF3000N cảm thấy hài lòng vừa ý thoả mãn satisfied

OTOP: satisfied * Personality and emotio Happiness

BNC6000 : satisfied [ Rank: 5910 ] a 👪

OPD : full / satisfied Feelings

FN: satisfied a Experiencer_focus
FN: satisfied a Emotions_success_or_failure

VSLW123 vừa ý ☊ (S) be satisfied vsl2
VSLW123 hài lòng ☊ (S) be satisfied vsl2
VSLW123 khoái ☊ (S) pleased, joyful, satisfied vsl3
VSLW123 vừa ý ☊ (S) satisfied,pleased vsl3
VSLW123 vừa ý ☊ (S) be satisfied vsl3
VSLW123 thỏa thích ☊ (S) be satisfied, be satiated vsl3
VSLW123 vừa ý ☊ (S) satisfied vsl3
VSLW 67 hài lòng ☊ (S) satisfied, to satisfy [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS I am not satisfied with this answer. Verbs 2.5

50L Anh ấy đã không bằng lòng, mà lại bất mãn. * He was not satisfied, but dissatisfied. 083