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VNEN sút * to diminish, drop *

all words:
VNEN cú sút * shot *
VNEN giảm sút * to decrease, decline, diminish, drop *
VNEN ngày càng giảm sút * to get smaller every day *
VNEN sa sút * to lose one’s wealth, become impoverished *
VNEN sút * to diminish, drop *
VNEN sút cân * to lose weight *
VNEN sút giảm * to diminish, reduce *
VNEN sút giảm trầm trọng * to reduce the severity (of something) *
VNEN sút kém * deteriorate, decline *
VNEN sút người * lose flesh, lose strength *
VNEN thua sút * inferior *
VNEN yếu sút * to handicap *

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