like: run
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VNEN bay ngang * run *

tẩu tẩu chạy run

all words:
VNEN CNT * Cộng Hòa Nhân Dân Trung Hoa (People’s Republic of China) *
VNEN TQ * Trung Quốc *
VNEN ba chân bốn cẳng * to run at full speed *
VNEN ba vạ * run-down, uncared-for *
VNEN bay ngang * run *
VNEN bon bon * to run fast (vehicles) *
VNEN buông xuôi * to let (something) run its course *
VNEN báo chí chính thống của nhà nước * government-run press *
VNEN bét * (1) last, least, lowest (in a series, ranking)
(2) to be (badly) beaten, beaten to a pulp
(3) dead drunk
VNEN bôn * to run, flee, escape *
VNEN bôn ba * to run after, pursue, chase; to roam, wander *
VNEN bôn tẩu * to run after, flee, escape; to travel the length and width of (on business) *
VNEN bôn tập * hit and run *
VNEN bôn xu * run after (wealth) *
VNEN bươn chải * run about, strive to make a living *
VNEN bạthơi * to run breathlessly *
VNEN bậc * (1) step, rung, rank, level, grade, degree
(2) [CL for famous, great people, heroes]
VNEN bậc thang * rung of ladder, stair *
VNEN bắt gặp * to run across, meet by surprise *
VNEN bắt gặp bạn cũ giữa đường * to run into an old friend in the street *
VNEN bằng * (1) equal to, the same as, even, level, flat, calm, peaceful, safe
(2) to use, be made of; to travel by (means of), be transported by, run (using some fuel)
(3) friend, comrade
(4) diploma, certificate
(5) by means of, with, in (language)
(6) proof, evidence, sup
VNEN bằng dầu tây * to use (run on) kerosene *
VNEN bỏ trốn * to run off, away *
VNEN bỏ trốn ra nước ngoài * to run off to a foreign country *
VNEN cao bay xa chạy * to fly, run away *
VNEN chân bốn cẳng * to run at full tilt *
VNEN chạy * to run, drive, flow, go, operate; to rescue, save *
VNEN chạy bán sống bán chất * to run for one’s life *
VNEN chạy băng ngang qua * to run across, through *
VNEN chạy chương trình * to run a (computer) program *
VNEN chạy gần * to run towards *
VNEN chạy lui * to run backwards, move backwards *
VNEN chạy lẹ * to run away quickly *
VNEN chạy mất * to run away *
VNEN chạy ngang * to run across, drive across *
VNEN chạy ngược trở * to run back *
VNEN chạy nhanh * to run fast, be fast (of a clock) *
VNEN chạy như bay * to run like the wind *
VNEN chạy qua * to run through, across, drive past *
VNEN chạy ra * to run out, run outside *
VNEN chạy rông * roam about, run about *
VNEN chạy rối rít * to run away in panic *
VNEN chạy sang * to run towards *
VNEN chạy song song * to run parallel *
VNEN chạy theo * to run behind, run after *
VNEN chạy thi * to race, have a race, run a race *
VNEN chạy thử * test run *
VNEN chạy tiếp * to keep running, continue running *
VNEN chạy trốn * to take flight, run away, flee *
VNEN chạy tốt * to run well (car) *
VNEN chạy tới * to run towards *
VNEN chạy tới chạy lui * to run back and forth *
VNEN chạy việt dã * to run cross-country *
VNEN chạy vào * to connect to; to run in *
VNEN chạy vòng vòng * to run around, run in a circle *
VNEN chạy vắt giò lên cổ * to run very fast *
VNEN chạy về nhà * to run home *
VNEN chạy vội * to run quickly *
VNEN chạy vụt * run like the wind *
VNEN chạy xa * to run away, get far (from) *
VNEN chạy xa đứt cả hơi * to be completely out of breath after a long run *
VNEN chạy xuống * to run down, run downstairs *
VNEN chạy đúng * to run, function correctly *
VNEN chảy * (of a liquid) to run, flow *
VNEN chảy ra * to run out *
VNEN chảy ra ngoài * to run out *
VNEN chảy xiết * to run very fast *
VNEN chếch choáng * tipsy, buzzed, slightly drunk *
VNEN chứa bạc * run a casino, gambling den *
VNEN chứa gá * to run a gambling establishment *
VNEN chứa trọ * to run a boarding house *
VNEN co quắp * shrunk, shriveled *
VNEN con chó nhau mẩu xương ngâu ngấu * the dog was crunching a bit of bone *
VNEN con mèo nhai con chuột ngau ngáu * the cat ate a mouse with a crunch *
VNEN cuốn vó * run away, vanish, disappear *
VNEN cuốn xéo * make off, run away, take to one’s heels, bolt, do a punk *
VNEN có cơ * to run the risk (of), risk *
VNEN cướp gift * to snatch and run *
VNEN cướp giật * snatch and run *
VNEN cắt xén * to clip, cut, shorten, edit, truncate *
VNEN cốp chiếc xe * trunk (of a car), storage compartment (on a vehicle) *
VNEN cốp xe * trunk (of a car), storage compartment (on a vehicle) *
VNEN dân đen * mob, rabble, common run of the people *
VNEN dùi cui * club, baton, truncheon, bludgeon *
VNEN ghen lồng ghen lộn * jealousy is running wild *
VNEN giải hạn * to relieve somebody of his run of bad luck *
VNEN gá bạc * to run a casino, gambling den *
VNEN gác mỏ * have nothing more to eat, run out of food *
VNEN gây nợ * to run into debt *
VNEN gặp chuyện bất hạnh * to run into a piece of bad luck *
VNEN gặp toàn những chuyện * to run into a lot of things *
VNEN gốc cây * trunk, foot of a tree *
VNEN hai bà Trưng * the Trung sisters *
VNEN hà bà Trưng * the Trung sisters *
VNEN hòm * trunk, coffin, casket *
VNEN hòm rương * trunk, box, chest *
VNEN hòm xiểng * trunk and hamper *
VNEN hết bia * to be out of beer, run out of beer *
VNEN in ỉn * grunting of a pig, grunt *
VNEN kè nhè * have a drunken drawl (in one’s voice) *
VNEN lon ton * to run with short steps, trot *
VNEN long bong * sound of rapid running water *
VNEN long lỏng * fluid, loose, runny *
VNEN long tong * run about; drip-drop, dripping sound *
VNEN làm liều * run the risk (of doing something), run risks *
VNEN làm ăn có lãi * to be profitable, run a profitable business *
VNEN lêng láng * to run all over, run out (water) *
VNEN lăm xăm * running in quick and small steps *
VNEN lăng quăng * to loiter about, run around *
VNEN lạo xạo * crunch, crushing sound (made by walking or driving on something) *
VNEN lịch bịch * sound of heavy walking or running steps *
VNEN lồng lộn * get excited, get angry, get into a temper or passion, be run *
VNEN lỡ độ đường * run out of funds while travelling, be in want of *
VNEN ma men * the demon of drunkeness *
VNEN mang công mắc nợ * to contract or incur debts, get or run or fall into debt *
VNEN moi móc * to rummage, forage; expose (someone’s defects), run down *
VNEN mãn * to complete, finish, run out, come to an end; to satisfy, satisfied *
VNEN * (1) to cut off, prune
(2) edge, border, space, area, side
VNEN mình mẩy * body, trunk *
VNEN mậu dịch quốc doanh * state-run trade, state trade *
VNEN mắc cạn * to run aground, go aground *
VNEN mắc nạn * to run into an accident *
VNEN mụn nhọt * furuncle, boil *
VNEN mức thang * level, rung (of a ladder) *
VNEN ngau ngáu * crunch *
VNEN ngau nháu * crispy, crunchy (of chewing food) *
VNEN nghiệm thu chạy thử * startup test run *
VNEN ngâu ngấu * crunch *
VNEN ngưng chạy * to stop running, shut down *
VNEN nhâu nhâu * rush (run) in a pack *
VNEN nhập cục * run (things) together, join, merge *
VNEN nát rượu * to act up, talk nonsense when drunk *
VNEN níp * trunk, case (for clothes, books) *
VNEN nón cụt * truncated cone *
VNEN nóng đầu * to have or run a temperature, have a fever *
VNEN nông trường * sovkhoz, state-run farm *
VNEN nước máy * running water (from a pipe), tap water *
VNEN nạn say rượu * drunkenness (as a problem) *
VNEN nắp phía sau * trunk (of a car) *
VNEN oản * truncated cone of sticky rice *
VNEN phi đạo * runway *
VNEN phá tán * run or through one's estate, disspate or squander or waste one's money *
VNEN phát sốt * have a fever, run a temperature *
VNEN phóng túng * free, loose, (running) wild; freedom *
VNEN pít * running or racing *
VNEN quá trình nghiệm thu chạy thử * test run startup procedure *
VNEN rau ráu * crisp noise, crackling, crunching *
VNEN rô đa * running-in *
VNEN rương * box, trunk, foot locker *
VNEN rương hòm * trunks *
VNEN rượu vào lời ra * drunkenness reveals what soberness *
VNEN sai bét be * dead drunk *
VNEN say * drunk, intoxicated, high *
VNEN say bét nhè * to be drunk to the point of drawling *
VNEN say bí tỉ * dead drunk *
VNEN say khướt * be dead drunk *
VNEN say mèm * very drunk, wasted, trashed *
VNEN say mềm * very drunk *
VNEN say rượu * drunk, tipsy *
VNEN say sưa * drunk, absorbed in, lost in *
VNEN se lòng * have one’s heart wrung with pain *
VNEN sàm báng * to run down, disparage *
VNEN sào sạo * crunch *
VNEN sần sật * crunchy *
VNEN sậm sựt * crunching *
VNEN sồn sột * crunching *
VNEN sổ mũi * have a running nose *
VNEN sự say sưa * drunkenness, absorption (in something) *
VNEN thiến * to castrate, trim, prune away *
VNEN tháo chạy * to flee, stampede, run away *
VNEN thân cây * trunk (of a tree), stem (of a plant) *
VNEN thì giờ càng lúc càng hết * time is running out *
VNEN thò lò * to run, be snotty *
VNEN thả mồi bắt bóng * to run after a shadow *
VNEN thằng say rượu * drunk (person) *
VNEN thực tập * to practice, drill; dry run; on the job training *
VNEN tiền thân * forerunner, precursor; formerly, previously, previous life or existence *
VNEN ton ton * to run, hasten, go quickly *
VNEN trang cử * to run for office *
VNEN tranh chức * to compete, run for office *
VNEN tranh cử * to campaign, run for (office) *
VNEN trì * (1) to hold, support, persistent
(2) late, slow, tardy
(3) pond
(4) courtyard
(5) to run a race
VNEN trăng hoa * to run after women, be a woman chaser *
VNEN trơn tru * to go on smoothly, run smoothly *
VNEN trật * level; to sprain; to run off, miss, fail *
VNEN trật bánh * to run off the line, skid *
VNEN trị gia * run a home *
VNEN trốn * to flee, escape, hide oneself, run away, evade, shirk *
VNEN trục trặc * difficulty; to run into difficulties, go awry *
VNEN tè tè * sound of running water, urinate *
VNEN túy lúy * dead drunk, boozy *
VNEN túy ông * drunkard, heavy drinker, demon of alcohol, dipsomaniac *
VNEN tẩu * (1) opium pipe
(2) sister in law (one’s elder brother’s wife)
(3) to run away, escape, flee
VNEN tẩu thoát * to escape, flee, run away *
VNEN tế * to help, assist; to run (ride at full gallop); to sacrifice, worship *
VNEN tề gia nội trợ * run a household (effectively) *
VNEN tỉa * to prune, trim *
VNEN tỉa cành * to prune *
VNEN tỉa gọt * clip, trim, prune *
VNEN tỉa lá * to prune *
VNEN uống rượu say * to get drunk *
VNEN vòi * (1) faucet, tap
(2) spout
(3) feeler (insect)
(4) trunk (elephant)
VNEN vận hành * to move, revolve, operate, work, run *
VNEN vập * to run into, against *
VNEN vội ẩn * to run and hide *
VNEN xén cây * to prune, trim a tree *
VNEN xí nghiệp nhà nước * government owned business, government-run business *
VNEN xờ xạc * fatigued, jaded, tired, run down, disordered, ruffled, in *
VNEN xởn * to clip, prune, lop, cut short *
VNEN á hậu * runner up, second-best (in a beauty contest) *
VNEN đeo đuổi * to run after, chase, pursue, follow *
VNEN đi ngược lại hiến pháp Hoa Kỳ * to run contrary to US law *
VNEN đi trốn * to flee, fly, run away *
VNEN đi tới đi lui * to go back and forth, run back and forth *
VNEN điều hành * to manage, function, handle, run, operate *
VNEN đuổi * to run after, chase, drive away; to fire, dismiss, discharge, cast out, expel *
VNEN đuổi bắt * to chase, pursue, run after *
VNEN đuổi gái * to run after girls *
VNEN đuổi theo * to drive after, run after, pursue *
VNEN đà * (1) to run; rate
(2) beam, girder
VNEN đào thoát * to defect, escape, flee, run away; defection *
VNEN đào tẩu * to flee, run away, take flight, defect *
VNEN đâm sầm * to run into, bump into *
VNEN đường băng * runway *
VNEN đồng hồ này không chạy đúng * this clock doesn’t run correctly *
VNEN đụng nhằm * to bump into, run into *
VNEN ẫm ờ * grunt *
VNEN ở mức thang cuối cùng * on the lowest rung (of a ladder) *
VNEN ủn ỉn * onomatopoeia for the grunting of pigs, grunt *
VNEN ứa * to overflow, run *
VNEN ứa ra * to run out *

GNOT: to run Spatial • motion

A1 run (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: chạy run

OTOP: run * Crime and law Committing crime
OTOP: run * Health Exercise
OTOP: run * Leisure American football
OTOP: run * Leisure Baseball
OTOP: run * Leisure Cricket
OTOP: run * Leisure Winter sports
OTOP: run * Nature Animal farming
OTOP: run * Religion and politics Elections
OTOP: run * Science How machines work
OTOP: run * Travel and tourism Train and bus travel
OTOP: run * Travel and tourism Driving
OTOP: run * Travel and tourism Travelling by boat or ship

BNC6000 : run [ Rank: 1437 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : run [ Rank: 229 ] v 👪

OPD : Run to class. A Day at School
OPD : prunes Fruit
OPD : swimming trunks Seasonal Clothing
OPD : run for office Government and Military Service
OPD : drunk driving Crime
OPD : run across the street Prepositions of Motion
OPD : run around the corner Prepositions of Motion
OPD : trunk Parts of the Car
OPD : Inside the Trunk Parts of the Car
OPD : run out of gas Taking a Trip
OPD : pruning shears Landscape and Gardening
OPD : runner A Hotel
OPD : trunk Trees and Plants
OPD : trunk Mammals

FN: run through v
FN: run v Self_motion
FN: run v Leadership
FN: run v Impact
FN: run v Fluidic_motion
FN: run v Cause_impact
FN: run v Cause_motion
FN: run v Operating_a_system
FN: run v Path_shape

VSLW123 chạy ☊ (S) to run, to drive vsl1
VSLW123 say ☊ (S) be drunk vsl1
VSLW123 sổ muĩ ☊ (S) to have a running nose vsl2
VSLW123 càu nhàu ☊ (S) to grunt, to grumble vsl2
VSLW123 say ☊ (S) to get drunk vsl3
VSLW123 xỉn ☊ (S) to get drunk vsl3
VSLW123 hết sạch ☊ (S) completely run out of vsl3
VSLW123 hết sạch ☊ (S) completely run out of vsl3
VSLW 45 chạy ☊ (S) to run [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 cạn kiệt ☊ (S) to run out, to be exhausted [ Topic Reading ]

DUOS Họ chạy. They run. Verbs 1
DUOS Tôi hát khi tôi đang chạy. I sing when I am running. Continuous
DUOS Anh ấy chạy mỗi buổi sáng. He runs every morning. Dates and Time
DUOS Tôi muốn biết họ sẽ chạy lúc mấy giờ. I want to know what time they will run. Places
DUOS Hôm qua anh ấy đã rất say. Yesterday he was very drunk. Adjectives 3
DUOS say drunk Adjectives 3
DUOS Anh ấy chạy trốn với cô ấy. He runs away with her. Verbs 5
DUOS chạy trốn run away Verbs 5
DUOS Bạn có thể chạy trốn, nhưng bạn không thể núp. You can run away, but you cannot hide. Verbs 5

50L Bạn có quần bơi không? * Do you have swimming trunks? 052
50L Mặc dù anh ấy bị say rượu, anh ấy vẫn đạp xe đạp. * Although he is drunk, he rides his bicycle. 099
50L Anh ấy đã say. Tuy vậy anh ấy vẫn đạp xe đạp. * Despite being drunk, he rides the bike. 099