like: round
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level


VNEN chúng tròn * round *
VNEN tròn xoe * round *

all words:
VNEN Hệ số sự cố chạm đất * ground fault coefficient *
VNEN a tòng * to follow, imitate, act as (an accomplice) come around (to a way of thinking); accomplice *
VNEN ba tuần * three rounds of serving wine or burning incense *
VNEN bao quanh * to surround, be surrounded by, circle, encompass *
VNEN bao vây * to encircle, besiege, surround, blockade *
VNEN bay nhẩy * to move around, change jobs *
VNEN bay vòng quanh Mặt Trăng * to fly around the moon *
VNEN bàn tròn * roundtable *
VNEN báo động ứng chiến dưới đất * ground alert *
VNEN bâu * (1) to group, swarm (around, over), cluster (flies)
(2) collar
VNEN bãi bồi * alluvial ground, warp *
VNEN bãi cá * fishing ground *
VNEN bãi tha ma * cemetery, burial ground, graveyard *
VNEN bãi tập * practice field, drilling ground *
VNEN bình địa * level ground *
VNEN bò lê bò la * to crawl around *
VNEN bông * (1) cotton
(2) flower, blossom, [CL for flowers]
(3) coupon
(4) to joke, jest, kid around
VNEN bùng binh * traffic-circle, roundabout, rotary *
VNEN bầu bầu * rounded, roundish *
VNEN bắt nạt * to bully, push around *
VNEN bể chìm * an underground tank *
VNEN bể nổi * above-ground tank *
VNEN bện hơi * (of child) hang on or around *
VNEN bệt * (1) to sit on the ground
(2) silly, stupid
VNEN bị rớt xuống đất * to crash into the ground, fall onto the ground *
VNEN bị treo giò * to be grounded (of a pilot) *
VNEN bị đóng đinh xuống đất * to be nailed to the floor, be stuck to the ground *
VNEN bỏ vạ bỏ vật * to leave something lying around *
VNEN bối cảnh * condition, state, situation, context, background, environment *
VNEN bốn mùa * the four seasons, all year round *
VNEN chiến trường * battlefield, battleground *
VNEN chiến địa * battlefield, battleground *
VNEN chung kết * final (round in sports), finale *
VNEN chung quanh * around, surrounding, adjacent, about; surrounding area, neighborhood *
VNEN chít khăn * to wrap a turban around one’s head *
VNEN chúng tròn * round *
VNEN chạy vòng vòng * to run around, run in a circle *
VNEN chầu * soiree with sing-song girls, soiree with geishas-round *
VNEN chế độ nối đất trung tính * neutral grounding system *
VNEN chừng độ * about, around, approximately *
VNEN cong vành * to round, pucker *
VNEN cà bát * large round egg plat *
VNEN các nước chung quanh * surrounding countries *
VNEN cáp ngầm * underground cable *
VNEN có căn bản vật lý học * to have a background in physics *
VNEN có từ lâu * to have been around for a long time, while *
VNEN cúi rạp * to bow down to the ground, bow low *
VNEN căn bản * basis, base, root, background, groundwork, principle, foundation; basic, fundamental *
VNEN cảnh ngoại * surroundings, environment *
VNEN cận cảnh * close-up, foreground *
VNEN cố thủ * to stand one’s ground, hold one’s ground, stand firm *
VNEN cớ * cause, reason, ground, pretext *
VNEN dây đất * (radio) ground *
VNEN dạo Tết * around New Year’s *
VNEN dầu lạc * groundnut or peanut oil *
VNEN giằng co * to pull about, pull around; tension *
VNEN gàng * wind (round), reel *
VNEN gãy góc * curved, rounded *
VNEN gạo chợ nước sông * wander around homeless *
VNEN hiệp * (1) to unite, join, come together
(2) round (in boxing), trip
(3) gorge, straits
(4) chivalrous
VNEN hoàn cảnh * atmosphere, circumstances, environment, situation, surroundings *
VNEN hành hạt * make one’s round (of a mandarin) *
VNEN hất người cỡi xuống đất * to throw a rider to the ground (of a horse) *
VNEN hầm bạc * (underground) vault *
VNEN hậu cảnh * background *
VNEN hệ số chạm đất * coefficient of grounding *
VNEN hội diễn * round of performances *
VNEN hội kín * secret organization, secret society, underground group *
VNEN hội nghị bàn tròn * round-table conference, round table *
VNEN khai xuân * begin the spring round of pleasures *
VNEN khoảng * approximately, around; distance *
VNEN khoảng năm * around the year *
VNEN khung cảnh * framework, background, backdrop, setting, scenery *
VNEN khuất nhục * kiss the dust, kiss the ground, submit *
VNEN không còn ai cả * there is no one else (around) *
VNEN không đối đất * air -to-ground *
VNEN khắp nơi trên thế giới * all over, around the world, throughout the world, around the globe *
VNEN kiên trì * keep firmly (to), hold (stand, keep) one’s ground, stick to *
VNEN kẹo bi * round candies *
VNEN lai lịch * background, past *
VNEN lang chạ * to sleep around *
VNEN loanh quanh * undecided; move, go around *
VNEN luận cứ * foundation, basis, ground *
VNEN làm tròn số * to round something up or down *
VNEN lác đác * scattered, spread around *
VNEN lái xe một vòng phía ngoài * to drive in a circle around *
VNEN láng cháng * hang around, loiter about, drop in for a short time *
VNEN lên đạn * to cock (a gun), load (a round) *
VNEN lý lịch * personal history, curriculum vitae, résumé, background *
VNEN lăn cù * whirl round and round *
VNEN lăn lông lốc * to roll round *
VNEN lăng quăng * to loiter about, run around *
VNEN lăng xăng * to bustle, nose around, be a busybody *
VNEN lượn quanh * circle around *
VNEN lạc rang * roasted peanuts or groundnuts *
VNEN lảng vảng * to hang around, roam around, loiter, prowl about *
VNEN lần * time, turn, round, occurrences *
VNEN lỏng chỏng * a few and out of order, lying around without any pattern *
VNEN lục quân * army, ground forces, land forces, infantry *
VNEN máy bay cường kích * close-support aircraft, ground-attack aircraft, fighter bomber *
VNEN mò mẫm * to grope, feel, fumble (around for) *
VNEN mò mẫm loanh quanh * to grope around *
VNEN mấp mô * uneven (ground) *
VNEN mẩy * body; well rounded, (of women) plump, buxom *
VNEN mắc cạn * to run aground, go aground *
VNEN mặt đất * the face of the earth, ground; terrestrial *
VNEN một vòng * once, one time around *
VNEN mở một vòng đàm phán * to open a round of talks *
VNEN mục trường * grazing-ground, grazing-land *
VNEN mức lạc * sugar-coated ground-nuts *
VNEN nghênh * (1) to look round, look about one; (20 to welcome *
VNEN nghĩa trang * cemetery, burial-ground, churchyard, graveyard *
VNEN nghĩa địa * cemetery, burial ground, grave yard *
VNEN ngoại cảnh * surroundings *
VNEN ngoảnh * turn one’s head, turn round *
VNEN ngoảnh lại * turn one’s head, turn round *
VNEN ngã xuống đất * to fall to the ground *
VNEN ngó ngoáy * scrape round (in something hollow) *
VNEN ngư trường * fishery, fishing-ground *
VNEN ngầm * secret, underground, tacit *
VNEN ngắn mạch chạm đất * ground short circuit *
VNEN ngồi bệt * sit flat on the ground *
VNEN ngồi lê lết * to move around while sitting, sit anywhere *
VNEN ngồi vây quanh * to sit around *
VNEN ngồi xung quanh bàn * to sit around a table *
VNEN nhìn chung quanh * to look around *
VNEN nhìn một vòng chung quanh * to look around (once) *
VNEN nhìn quanh * to look around *
VNEN nhìn quanh quất * to look around *
VNEN nhìn sang chung quanh * to look around *
VNEN nhìn trước nhìn sau * to look around *
VNEN nhìn xoáy * to look around, look over *
VNEN nhìn xuống đất * to look down at the ground *
VNEN nhảy chân sáo * jump around, skip *
VNEN nhảy xuống đất * to jump down to the ground *
VNEN nhấc bổng * lift off the ground *
VNEN nhắc bổng lên * to lift off the ground *
VNEN nhếch * open slight, part a corner (of one’s lips, mouth), unround, stretch *
VNEN nhếch mép * unround, stretch one’s lips as in smiling *
VNEN nhớn nhác * look around in bewilderment *
VNEN nói gần nói xa không qua nói thật * it’s best not to beat around the bush, best to get to the point *
VNEN núng * give (lose) ground, become weaker, weaken *
VNEN nơi sinh sống * breeding ground, habitat *
VNEN nước * country, nation, state; water, liquid (for drinking); gum(s) (flesh surrounding teeth) *
VNEN nước ngầm * underground water *
VNEN nằm dưới lòng đất * underground, subterranean *
VNEN nằm dưới đất * to lie on the ground *
VNEN nặng như đá đeo * like a millstone round someone’s neck *
VNEN nền * [CL for political, social ideals, concepts, institutions]; foundation, base, basis, surface, background; basic *
VNEN nền trời * the sky (as background) the firmament *
VNEN nền vàng * yellow, gold background *
VNEN nối đất trung tính * neutral grounding *
VNEN pha-đất * phase-to-ground *
VNEN phiêu bạt * to live aimlessly, drift around in life *
VNEN pháp trường * execution ground *
VNEN phông * font; scenery, scene, background (of a painting) *
VNEN phương thức nối đất * grounding procedure *
VNEN phụ cận * neighboring, surrounding, adjacent *
VNEN quan sát * to look at, look around, observe, watch *
VNEN quanh * around, surrounding, about; winding, crooked *
VNEN quanh năm * all year round, year-round, throughout the year *
VNEN quanh quất * about here, round about *
VNEN quanh quẩn * to turn around, go around in circles *
VNEN quay * (1) to roast (fowl, pig)
(2) to turn (wheel, crank), revolve, go around, swivel, spin
VNEN quay chung quanh Trái Đất * to revolve around the earth *
VNEN quay lại * to turn round, come back, return *
VNEN quay người * to turn (oneself) around *
VNEN quay người lại * to turn (oneself) around *
VNEN quay nhìn * to turn around and look at *
VNEN quay trở lại * to turn around *
VNEN quay trở vào * to turn around and go back in *
VNEN quay trở về * to turn around and come back *
VNEN quay vòng vòng * to spin around *
VNEN quái * (1) nothing at all
(2) odd, strange
(3) trigram
(4) to turn around
VNEN quân cộng sản đang bao vây Sài Gòn * the communist forces were surrounding Saigon *
VNEN quây quần * to live together, be united, gather (around), meet *
VNEN quây ráp * round up *
VNEN quây tụ * cluster round, rally round *
VNEN quét đất * to brush or touch the ground *
VNEN quả * (1) fruit, result, [CL for fruits, mountains, hills, balls]
(2) exactly, honestly; honest, exact, true
(3) betel box, round lacquered box
(4) few, sparse, widowed
(5) courageous
VNEN quỳ xuống đất * to kneel to the ground *
VNEN rạp * tent, booth flat on the ground, theater *
VNEN rỏn * watch, round, patrol *
VNEN rớt xuống đất * to fall to the ground, collapse *
VNEN sân bóng * football ground, pitch *
VNEN sân chơi * playground *
VNEN sân phơi * drying ground *
VNEN sân trường * schoolyard, playground *
VNEN sóc chuột * ground squirrel *
VNEN số tròn * round number *
VNEN sở cứ * base oneself on-ground, foundation *
VNEN sức học * ability (of a student); educational background *
VNEN tao * (1) I (arrogant or familiar)
(2) trouble, disorder, (3) elegant
(4) time, round
(5) to chance to meet
(6) dregs in wine vat
VNEN thao trường * drill-ground *
VNEN thất thiệt * false, groundless, baseless *
VNEN thất thế * to lose ground, go down in the world *
VNEN thắng thế * to have the advantage, gain ground *
VNEN thắt lưng * belt (around the waist) *
VNEN thế địch đã núng * the enemy gave ground *
VNEN thụp * to prostrate oneself, kiss the ground *
VNEN toàn diện * comprehensive, all-around, total, entire, whole *
VNEN toàn tài * all-round *
VNEN trang viên * pleasure-grounds, manor *
VNEN treo giò * to suspend (a soccer player), ground (a pilot) *
VNEN tránh mặt * to avoid (someone), stay in the background *
VNEN trên khắp thế giới * around the world, all over the world, worldwide *
VNEN trên thế giới * worldwide, around the world *
VNEN trên toàn thế giới * all around the (entire) world, all over the world *
VNEN trên đất * on the ground *
VNEN tròn * round, circular, full, complete *
VNEN tròn trặn * perfectly round *
VNEN tròn trỉnh * round, plump *
VNEN tròn trịa * plump, round, thick, buxom *
VNEN tròn vo * perfectly round *
VNEN tròn xoay * perfectly round *
VNEN tròn xoe * round *
VNEN trăn núc mồi * a python that twist itself round its prey *
VNEN trạm điều khiển phi vụ * ground control (station) *
VNEN trệt * ground floor *
VNEN trốc gốc * uprooted, torn from the ground *
VNEN tung tóe * all over, all around *
VNEN tuần * (1) week, 10 days, decade
(2) round, turn around
(3) to visit, guard, patrol
VNEN tuần phòng * to patrol, go round, make the round *
VNEN tóm thâu * to carry off, sweep off, round up (of police); to unite, gather *
VNEN túi bụi * to thrash around, beat around *
VNEN túi bụi vào chung quanh. * to thrash all around, beat around wildly *
VNEN tại nhiều nơi trên thế giới * in many places around the world *
VNEN tại quanh * around *
VNEN tẩn * strike, hit, punch, bash about or around *
VNEN tứ phía * all sides, all around *
VNEN tứ vi * four corners, all around *
VNEN tử địa * deadly ground *
VNEN uốn quanh * meandering, tortuous, twisty; to meander, wind around *
VNEN vi * (1) to surround
(2) to act as
(3) small, subtle, delicate, tiny, micro
(4) to disobey
(5) (shark’s) fin
VNEN viên * (1) [CL for for officials, officers]
(2) [CL for round objects, bullets]
(3) member
VNEN vu vơ * vague, groundless, uncertain *
VNEN vung vãi * to strew (around) *
VNEN vành vạnh * perfectly round *
VNEN vào bóng tối * to go underground *
VNEN vào khoảng năm * about, around the year *
VNEN vây * to encircle, surround; around, surrounding *
VNEN vây bắt * to be surrounded and captured *
VNEN vây bọc * surround, encircle *
VNEN vây quanh * to surround; around, about, surrounding (something) *
VNEN vòng * circle, ring, round *
VNEN vòng nhì * second round *
VNEN vòng quanh * around, circuit, round, circle *
VNEN vòng quanh thế giới * around the world *
VNEN vòng tròn * circle, round *
VNEN vòng vòng * around *
VNEN vòng đi vòng lại * to go around and around *
VNEN vòng đàm phán * a round of talks *
VNEN vô cớ * groundless, causeless, baseless, unfounded, unprovoked *
VNEN vùng chiến trường * battlefield, battleground *
VNEN vùng vằng * to speak angrily, throw things around in anger *
VNEN vận chuyển * to move around transport, revolve; revolution, motion, transportation *
VNEN vật vã * to throw oneself on the ground, writhe in bed (with pain, sorrow) *
VNEN xe điện ngầm * tube, underground, subway, metro *
VNEN xoay người * to turn oneself around *
VNEN xoay người lại * to turn (one’s body) around *
VNEN xoay người ra sau * to turn (oneself) around backwards, turn (oneself) facing backwards *
VNEN xoay quanh * to turn around; around, surrounding *
VNEN xoác * (with) one’s arm round somebody’s waist *
VNEN xoáy * (1) to turn around, whirl around, change direction, be resourceful, manage to get
(2) to swipe
VNEN xung quanh * around, about, surrounding *
VNEN xuân liên * parallel scrolls displayed around Tet time *
VNEN xuống đất * (down) to the ground *
VNEN xúm * to gather (around), crowd together, cluster *
VNEN xúm quanh * to gather around *
VNEN xúm xít * to bustle or fuss or crowd or flock round somebody, surround *
VNEN yếu địa * important point, strategic ground or position *
VNEN ác giả ác báo * what goes around comes around *
VNEN ép sát xuống đất * pressed close to the ground *
VNEN đi một vòng * to walk around (once) *
VNEN đi rỏn * to make one’s rounds *
VNEN đi vòng * take a roundabout route *
VNEN đi vòng vòng * to go around *
VNEN đinh râu * small boil round the mouth *
VNEN điểm báo * to make a press round-up or press review *
VNEN đoán già * make a positive affirmation on uncertain grounds *
VNEN đào từ đất lên * to excavate, dig up (from the ground) *
VNEN đê quai * small dyke surrounding a big one *
VNEN đùa dai * to joke around, kid *
VNEN đưa mắt nhìn quanh * to look around *
VNEN đường hầm * tunnel, underground passage *
VNEN đường vòng * roundabout way *
VNEN đả thông * talk over, talk round *
VNEN đảo * (1) isle, island
(2) to turn (over, around, etc.)
(3) to pray for rain
VNEN đảo mắt một vòng * to take a look around *
VNEN đảo mắt nhìn quanh * to look around *
VNEN đất dụng võ * ground *
VNEN đất đai * ground, territory, land *
VNEN đầy đặn * plump, shapely, round, generous *
VNEN đẩy sấp xuống đất * to throw to the ground *
VNEN đậu phụng * peanut, groundnut, earthnut *
VNEN đắc địa * be on a breeding ground *
VNEN địa bàn * compass; staging ground; field, ground *
VNEN địa bàn để xâm lăng nước Ngã * a staging ground for the invasion of Russia *
VNEN địa lợi * vantage ground, favorable terrain *
VNEN đổ quanh * pass the buck round, shift the responsibility round *
VNEN độ * (1) about, approximately, around (a time)
(2) degree, measure
VNEN độn thổ * to vanish under ground *
VNEN ở cách nhau nửa vòng trái đất * halfway around the world *
VNEN ở nhiều vùng trên thế giới * in many places around the world *
VNEN ở quảng * in, around *

GNOT: round Spatial • relative position
GNOT: in the background Spatial • relative position
GNOT: round Qualitative • shape
SNOT: ground Free time, entertainment • sports
SNOT: underground Travel • public transport
SNOT: roundabout Travel • traffic

A2 round (adj.) (adv.) (prep.)

OXF3000: tròn round
OXF3000N (n)tròn vòng quanh xung quanh round

OTOP: round * Health Hospitals
OTOP: round * Leisure Combat sports
OTOP: round * Travel and tourism Driving

BNC6000 : round [ Rank: 2116 ] a 👪
BNC6000 : round [ Rank: 725 ] adv 👪
BNC6000 : round [ Rank: 2343 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : round [ Rank: 951 ] prep 👪
BNC6000 : round [ Rank: 4049 ] v 👪

OPD : Around Campus School
OPD : playground Apartments
OPD : ground beef Meat
OPD : ground post / parcel post The Post Office
OPD : Be aware of your surroundings. Public Safety
OPD : round trip Public Transportation
OPD : run around the corner Prepositions of Motion

FN: round a Shapes
FN: round n Ammunition
FN: round v Path_shape

VSLW123 vé khứ hồi ☊ (S) round trip ticket vsl1
VSLW123 tầng trệt ☊ (S) ground floor vsl2
VSLW123 vòng quanh ☊ (S) around vsl2
VSLW123 vòng ☊ (S) around, circle vsl3
VSLW123 vòng ☊ (S) around, circle vsl3
VSLW123 tròn ☊ (S) round, circle vsl3
VSLW 45 lý lịch ☊ (S) background, curriculum vitae [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 toàn thế giới ☊ (S) around the world [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 đi lại ☊ (S) to travel/ to get around [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 ngược lại ☊ (S) back and forth, roundtrip [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 sân chơi ☊ (S) playground [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 ngầm, trong lòng đất ☊ (S) underground [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tròn ☊ (S) round [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 sân chơi ☊ (S) recreation ground [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 xoay quanh ☊ (S) to revolve around [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 vòng ☊ (S) round [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 quyền lực ngầm ☊ (S) hidden / underground power [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 xoay chuyển ☊ (S) turn something around [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 lai lịch dân sự ☊ (S) civic backgrounds [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Dạ, đúng rồi. Anh mua vé một chiều hay vé khứ hồi? Yes, that's correct. Do you (to a male) buy the one way or the round trip ticket? vsl1
VSLS Vé khứ hồi The round trip one. vsl1

DUOS Around the square are the streets with many lights. Verbs 1
DUOS Yêu những người ở xung quanh bạn! Love the people around you! Adverbs
DUOS xung quanh around Adverbs
DUOS Những người lính đã cố thủ để bảo vệ thủ đô. The soldiers stood their ground to protect the capital. Military
DUOS Họ luôn cố thủ và không bao giờ đầu hàng. They always stand their ground and never surrender. Military

50L Chúng tôi phải quay lại. * We must turn around. 039
50L Ở đâu có quán ăn ngon không? * Is there a good restaurant around here? 042
50L Tốt nhất là bạn đi bằng tàu điện ngầm. * It is best if you take the underground / subway (am.). 042
50L Ông ấy cũng đeo khăn quàng cổ. * He is also wearing a scarf around his neck. 060
50L Chúng tôi làm một cuộc hành trình vòng quanh thế giới, nếu chúng tôi trúng xổ số. * We’ll travel around the world if we win the lottery. 097