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ngang ngang tăng lên rise

all words:
VNEN a * (1) (exclamation of surprise, regret, etc.)
(2) sickle
(3) to rush, dash
(4) to gather
(5) to flatter, curry favor with, kiss up to
(6) area of 100 square meters
VNEN bao gồm * to consist of, include, embrace, have, be made up of, comprise *
VNEN bao hàm * to contain, include, comprise, cover *
VNEN bắt chợt * to surprise, notice all of a sudden *
VNEN bắt gặp * to run across, meet by surprise *
VNEN bắt quả tang * to catch in the act or red-handed, surprise *
VNEN bốc * (1) to rise, emanate
(2) to draw (a card), take with one’s fingers
(3) boxing
(4) to discharge, unload
(5) divine
VNEN bốc lên * to lift up, rise up *
VNEN bổng * (1) to rise (up)
(2) bonus, pay, salary
VNEN bỡ ngỡ * to feel strange, surprise; amazed, surprised, new and inexperienced *
VNEN chà * (1) (exclamation of surprise)
(2) to crush, grind
VNEN cái ngạc nhiên * surprise *
VNEN có vẻ ngạc nhiên * to look surprised, appear surprised *
VNEN cơn * attack, outburst, fit, bout; period, crises *
VNEN dâng * to offer (tribute or gift), submit (to a king); to rise (of water) *
VNEN dậy * to wake up, get up, rise (up) *
VNEN dậy lên * to come up, to arise *
VNEN eo ôi * (exclamation of disgust, surprise) *
VNEN giật mình * surprised, startled; to (give a) start *
VNEN giật mình khi biết * to be surprised to know, learn *
VNEN giựt mình * surprised, startled; to (give a) start *
VNEN gồm * to comprise, consist of, include *
VNEN hiện * (1) to appear, become visible, rise, come into sight
(2) at present
VNEN hở * (1) open, uncovered
(2) (final partical indicating surprise)
VNEN khởi loạn * rebel, rise (against an established authority) *
VNEN khởi nghĩa * rise up in arms (against an oppressive rule) *
VNEN kinh ngạc * surprised, shocked, stupefied; surprise *
VNEN kết oán * engender a feud, give rise to resentment *
VNEN làm tôi ngạc nhiên * to suprise me *
VNEN lên * to go up, arise, come up *
VNEN lên cao * to rise, increase *
VNEN lên chức * to rise to a rank, office, get a promotion *
VNEN lên cầm quyền * to rise to power *
VNEN lên tới mức hai con số * to rise into (the) double-digits *
VNEN lên tới mức trầm trọng * to rise to a severe level *
VNEN * (1) absent-minded, forgetful
(2) to rise, emerge
VNEN lừng * to rise, resound *
VNEN mấy giờ mặt trời mọc * what time does the sun rise *
VNEN mặt trời mọc * the sun rises *
VNEN mọc * to grow, flourish, rise (moon, e.g.) *
VNEN mọc lên * to rise, spring up, pop up *
VNEN một bất ngờ * a surprise, something unexpected *
VNEN nghi ngút * whirl up, spiral up, (of smoke) rise in curls *
VNEN ngo ngóp * to struggle to rise above the water *
VNEN ngoi * to rise above *
VNEN ngút * rise high, curl upwards, (of flames, smoke) rise profusely *
VNEN ngạc nhiên * to surprise; be surprised, wonder, be astonished *
VNEN ngạc nhiên vô cùng * to be very surprised *
VNEN ngạc nhiên về * to be surprised about, surprised at *
VNEN ngạc nhiên đến độ * to be so surprised that *
VNEN ngớ ngẩn * to be stunned, surprised *
VNEN nhen nhúm * be just off to a good start, be just starting, arise, be born, spring up, crop up, appear *
VNEN nhô * to jut out, protrude, project; to raise, rise *
VNEN nổi * (1) to rise, surface, become; in relief
(2) to be able to
VNEN nổi dậy * to rise up, rebel, revolt; revolution, insurrection *
VNEN nổi dậy chống áp bức * to rise up against oppression *
VNEN nổi lân làm một cuộc cách mạng * to rise up in revolt, revolution *
VNEN nở * (1) to develop, blossom, open up
(2) to hatch
(3) rise, expand
VNEN nửa ngạc nhiên * half-surprised *
VNEN sống lại * rebirth; to be reborn, rise from the dead *
VNEN sửng sờ * startling, surprising, shocking; to startle, surprise, shock *
VNEN sự ngạc nhiên * surprise *
VNEN thoán nghịch * rebel, rise in rebellion or insurrection *
VNEN thành sẹo * (of wound) cicatrise *
VNEN thì thụp * to kneel and rise repeatedly *
VNEN thông sức * inform, apprise *
VNEN thăng trầm * rise and fall, ups and downs *
VNEN thức dậy * to wake (someone), get up, rise *
VNEN trước sự ngạc nhiên của tôi * to my surprise *
VNEN trải qua những khủng hoảng * to go through crises *
VNEN trận tấn công bất thình lình * surprise attack, sneak attack *
VNEN trồi * to emerge, rise, go up, come up *
VNEN trồi lên * to rise up *
VNEN trổi * (1) to rise up, soar up
(2) to surpass
(3) to be irregular
VNEN trổi dậy * to rise up *
VNEN trỗi dậy * to rise up, flare up *
VNEN trời nổi gió * the wind rises *
VNEN trực thăng * helicopter; to rise straight *
VNEN tá hỏa tam tinh * to be shocked, very surprised *
VNEN tăng giảm * to increase and decrease, rise and fall, fluctuate *
VNEN tăng vọt * to rise, increase *
VNEN tăng vọt lên * to rise, increase *
VNEN tập kích * to attack by surprise *
VNEN vùng dạy * to rise up *
VNEN vùng dậy * to revolt, rise up *
VNEN vùng lên * to rise up, revolt *
VNEN vươn * to rise up, stretch oneself *
VNEN vươn mình * to rise (into a position) *
VNEN vượt cấp * to rise suddenly in rank or status *
VNEN vổng * to rise *
VNEN xui nên * cause, be the cause of, occasion give rise to *
VNEN xung * (1) to rush, dash; angry, furious, aggressive, impulsive
(2) to rise
VNEN xuất kỳ bất ý * to launch a surprise attack, sneak attack *
VNEN xí nghiệp * business, enterprise *
VNEN xông lên * to rise up (smell) *
VNEN xông lên mũi * to rise up into one’s nose, reach one’s nose *
VNEN xẩy * to happen, occur, arise *
VNEN xẩy ra * to happen, occur, arise *
VNEN yếu tố bất ngờ * element of surprise *
VNEN à * (1) (indicates surprise, sympathy)
(2) (sentence starting particle), oh, by the way
(3) to rush, flood
VNEN á * (1) (interjection expressing pain or surprise)
(2) Asia, Asian, Asiatic
(3) Ethiopia
(4) dumb, unable to speak
(5) inferior, second(ary), second-level, sub-
VNEN ái * (1) to love
(2) (interjection indicating pain or surprise), ouch! ow!
VNEN ái chà * (interjection indicating surprise) *
VNEN ái dà * (interjection indicating surprise) *
VNEN éo le * tricky, full of surprises, troublesome *
VNEN ôi * (1) spoiled, rotten
(2) (exclamation of surprise or to get sb’s attention)
VNEN ôi chao * alas! (exclamation of surprise) *
VNEN úi chà! * (exclamation of surprise, admiration) *
VNEN đi lên * to go up, rise, ascend *
VNEN đánh úp * spring a surprise attack *
VNEN đại nghiệp * great enterprise *
VNEN đầy kinh ngạc * full of surprise *
VNEN đột khởi * rise up unexpectedly, stage a surprise uprising *
VNEN đột kích * surprise attack; to attack suddenly *
VNEN đờ mặt * grow stupid, be stunned (struck with surprise) *
VNEN đứng lên * to stand up, rise up, sit up *
VNEN đừng có ngớ ngẩn * don’t be surprised *
VNEN ồ lên * to rise up *
VNEN ủa * (exclamation of surprise) *

B1 rise (n.) (v.)

OXF3000: tăng lên rise
OXF3000N sự lên sự tăng lương thăng cấp dậy đứng lên mọc (mặt trời) thành đạt rise

OTOP: rise * Business Trends
OTOP: rise * Nature The sun and the moon
OTOP: rise * Personality and emotio Anger

BNC6000 : rise [ Rank: 1301 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : rise [ Rank: 678 ] v 👪

OPD : sunrise Time
OPD : surprised Feelings
OPD : skyscraper / high-rise City Streets

FN: rise n Change_position_on_a_scale
FN: rise n Sidereal_appearance
FN: rise v Path_shape
FN: rise v Change_position_on_a_scale
FN: rise v Change_posture
FN: rise v Getting_up
FN: rise v Dough_rising
FN: rise v Resurrection
FN: rise v Sidereal_appearance
FN: rise v Rising_to_a_challenge
FN: rise v Motion_directional

VSLW123 ngạc nhiên ☊ (S) be surprised vsl2
VSLW123 cao ốc ☊ (S) high rise building vsl2
VSLW123 kinh ngạc ☊ (S) to amaze, to be surprised vsl3
VSLW123 nhà cao tầng ☊ (S) high rise building,multi-storey vsl3
VSLW123 ngạc nhiên ☊ (S) surprise vsl3
VSLW 45 ... làm tôi hơi ngạc nhiên ☊ (S) ... makes me a little surprised [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 doanh nghiệp ☊ (S) enterprise [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 vươn lên ☊ (S) to rise [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 phát sinh ☊ (S) to arise [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 doanh nghiệp ☊ (S) enterprise [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 doanh nghiệp ☊ (S) enterprise [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nước biển dâng ☊ (S) sea level rise [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 phát xuất ☊ (S) to come, to arise [ Basic Reading ]

DUOS Tôi đã rất bất ngờ. I was very surprised. Adjectives 2
DUOS bao gồm comprise of Verbs 5
DUOS Một xã hội bao gồm nhiều giai cấp. A society comprises of many classes. History