like: resort
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all words:
VNEN an dưỡng đường * health resort, sanatorium, rest home *
VNEN bần cùng * (1) poverty; poor, needy, destitute
(2) only when one cannot help it, only as a last resort
VNEN cùng kế * on one’s last legs, last resort *
VNEN dùng * (1) to use, resort to
(2) to eat (polite)
VNEN dùng chiến tranh du kích * to resort to guerilla warfare *
VNEN dùng sức * to resort to force, strength *
VNEN nhờ vả * to depend on (somebody) for help, resort to *
VNEN thành phố nghỉ mát * resort village, vacation town *
VNEN trở về với bạo lực * to resort to force, violence *
VNEN xin xăm * to resort to sortilege *
VNEN xử dụng sức mạnh quân đội * to resort to, use military force *

B1 resort (n.)

OXF3000: phương sách resort
OXF3000N kế sách phương kế resort

OTOP: resort * Leisure Winter sports
OTOP: resort * Travel and tourism Holiday accommodation
OTOP: resort * Travel and tourism Types of holiday/vacation

BNC6000 : resort [ Rank: 3134 ] n 👪