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all words:
VNEN biên khảo * to publish (research) *
VNEN bị khảo * critical study, advanced research *
VNEN cho nghiên cứu * to do scientific research *
VNEN cuộc nghiên cứu * research, investigation *
VNEN công trình nghiên cứu * research work *
VNEN cứu * (1) to save, rescue, deliver, relieve
(2) to study, research, examine, investigate
VNEN dụng công * to take pains (in carrying out research, in artistic creation) *
VNEN hãng nghiên cứu * research firm *
VNEN học hỏi * to learn, study (on one’s own), research, investigate, educate oneself *
VNEN khoa học nghiên cứu * scientific research *
VNEN khảo * to do research; to examine, test (students); torture, extort *
VNEN khảo cứu * to investigate, study, research; study, inquiry, investigation *
VNEN khảo sát * to study, do research, examine, investigate, explore; investigation, poll, study *
VNEN khảo thích * research into and make glosses on. *
VNEN nghiên cứu * to do research, study, investigate; study, investigation, research *
VNEN nghiên cứu gia * researcher, scientist *
VNEN nghiên cứu khoa học * scientific research *
VNEN nghiên cứu sử dụng súc vật * animal research *
VNEN nghiên cứu thị trường * market research *
VNEN nghiên cứu đã thực hiện chu đáo * the research was thoroughly carried out *
VNEN người nghiên cứu * researcher *
VNEN nhà biên khảo * researcher, scholar *
VNEN nhà khảo cứu * investigator, researcher *
VNEN nhà nghiên cứu * researcher *
VNEN nhà tiền phong trong việc nghiên cứu bệnh AIDS * a pioneer in AIDS research *
VNEN phân tích tỉ mỉ * detailed, minute, meticulous research, analysis *
VNEN phương pháp nghiên cứu * research method *
VNEN sưu khảo * to research, investigate *
VNEN tìm tòi * to search for, look for, study, research *
VNEN việc học hỏi * research, study, investigation *
VNEN viện nghiên cứu * research institute *
VNEN vận trù học * operational research, operations research *

B1 research (n.)

OXF3000: nghiên cứu research
OXF3000N sự nghiên cứu research

OTOP: research * Education Study routes
OTOP: research * Education Study routes
OTOP: research * Science Experiments and research
OTOP: research * Science Experiments and research

BNC6000 : research [ Rank: 384 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : research [ Rank: 4009 ] v 👪

FN: research n Research
FN: research v Research

VSLW123 nhà nghiên cứu ☊ (S) researcher vsl3

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