like: report
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level


VNEN bài phúc trình * report *
VNEN bài tường thuậ * report *
VNEN bản báo cáo * report *

all words:
VNEN anh ta đến đây, nói là có việc * he has come here, reportedly on business *
VNEN biên bản * minutes, report, log *
VNEN bài phúc trình * report *
VNEN bài tường thuậ * report *
VNEN báo * (1) to announce, report
(2) newspaper
(3) panther
(4) to return, give back
VNEN báo cáo * to report; report *
VNEN báo cáo hàng ngày * daily report *
VNEN báo cáo hàng tuần * weekly report *
VNEN báo cáo lợi tức * earnings report *
VNEN báo cáo tinh thần phục vụ * efficiency report *
VNEN báo cáo tổn thất * casualty report *
VNEN báo cáo viên * lecturer, reporter *
VNEN báo cáo về * report on *
VNEN bản báo cáo * report *
VNEN bản tin tức * news bulletin, intelligence report *
VNEN bẩm * (1) to report, say (something to someone above you)
(2) polite particle
(3) to give, endow
VNEN bẩm bạch * report to superior *
VNEN bẩm trình * report to a superior *
VNEN bị rò rỉ * to be leaked (report, etc.) *
VNEN cho biết * to announce, report, provide information, tell, make known *
VNEN cho biết không chính thức * to unofficially report *
VNEN cho nói * to state, report *
VNEN cho thấy * to report, say, show, illustrate, point out *
VNEN chúng khẩu đồng từ * all reporting the same, unanimous *
VNEN các báo cáo mâu thuẫn nhau * the reports contradict each other *
VNEN cáo * (1) to announce, report; to feign, fake
(2) fox
VNEN có tin cho biết * there are reports *
VNEN ghi nhận * statement; to state, announce, record, note, acknowledge, report *
VNEN ghi nhận chi tiết * to give details, report on the details *
VNEN gửi tin * to send a report *
VNEN hoảng báo * false alarm, false report *
VNEN học bạ * student file, school record, report card *
VNEN khí tượng * weather report, meteor *
VNEN kính bẩm * report respectfully (used in addressing superior) *
VNEN kính trình * report respectfully *
VNEN ký giả * reporter, journalist, newsman *
VNEN ký giả báo chí * journalist, reporter, member of the press *
VNEN loan tin * to announce, report *
VNEN làm biên bản * to make a report *
VNEN làm đơn * to make a report *
VNEN man khai * deceitful, fraudulent report or statement *
VNEN mách * (1) to report, inform, provide information
(2) match (for starting fires)
VNEN mật báo * to report secretly; confidential report *
VNEN một bản tin chính thức * an official report, statement *
VNEN ngọ báo * noon report *
VNEN nhà báo * journalist, newsman, reporter *
VNEN như đã loan tin * as reported *
VNEN những người chứng kiến cho biết * witnesses said or reported (that) *
VNEN nói là * reportedly, supposedly *
VNEN nói với (các ký giả) báo chí * to talk, speak to the press, reporters *
VNEN phóng sự * news report *
VNEN phóng viên * reporter, correspondent *
VNEN phóng viên ngoại quốc * foreign reporter, correspondent *
VNEN phúc trình * to report; report *
VNEN phản ảnh * depict, picture, portary, represent, paint, express; report *
VNEN phục mệnh * to obey orders and report back *
VNEN thanh văn * renown, fame, reputation, celebrity, report, rumour *
VNEN theo báo cáo * according to reports *
VNEN theo báo kể trên * according to this report *
VNEN theo phóng sự * according to (news) reports *
VNEN thuyết trình * to report, speak, communicate, brief, talk on, lecture about *
VNEN thuật * to tell, report *
VNEN thông báo * announcement, report, statement, message; to inform, announce, make known, advise, warn *
VNEN thông báo mất tích * to be reported missing *
VNEN thông tin * information, report; to inform *
VNEN thông tín bạ * (school) report card *
VNEN thông tín viên * correspondent, reporter *
VNEN tin * news, report; to believe, trust *
VNEN tin cảnh sát * police report *
VNEN tin mới nhất * latest news, latest report *
VNEN tin nhảm * false information or report, canard *
VNEN tin đài * radio news, reports *
VNEN tiếng đồn * report, rumor, hearsay *
VNEN trình * to report, present, show, produce, say, tell; routine *
VNEN trình báo * to report *
VNEN trình diễn * to perform, act, present oneself, report *
VNEN trình trọt * report (to authorities) *
VNEN trần tấu * to report to the king *
VNEN tâu * to report (to the king) *
VNEN tín bạ * (school) report card *
VNEN tường thuật * to report, relate; report *
VNEN tường thuật chi tiết * to report on the detail *
VNEN tường trình * to report (clearly) *
VNEN tường trình thêm chi tiết * to give more details, report more details *
VNEN tố cáo * to accuse, denounce, charge, report *
VNEN xin trân trọng báo cáo * I have the honor to report *
VNEN y bạ * medical report book *
VNEN điều trần * to (make a) report, show in detail *
VNEN đăng tin * to publish, print a report *
VNEN đưa tin * to inform, report or publish news *
VNEN được biết * according to reports, as reported *
VNEN đặc nhiệm * special, extraordinary (mission, report); especially *
VNEN ẩn danh cho biết * to report anonymously *
VNEN trình diện * to present oneself, report (to sh) *

GNOT: to report Qualitative • expression
GNOT: report Qualitative • expression
SNOT: reporter/journalist Free time, entertainment • press

B1 report (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: báo cáo report
OXF3000N báo cáo tường trình bản báo cáo bản tường trình report

OTOP: report * Crime and law Solving crime
OTOP: report * Culture Types of story
OTOP: report * Culture Types of text
OTOP: report * Education Teaching and learning
OTOP: report * The media Journalism
OTOP: report * The media Journalism
OTOP: report * The media Producing TV shows
OTOP: report * The media Producing TV shows
OTOP: report * The media TV shows

BNC6000 : report [ Rank: 311 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : report [ Rank: 500 ] v 👪

OPD : court reporter The Legal System
OPD : Report suspicious packages. Public Safety
OPD : Report crimes to the police. Public Safety
OPD : reporter Jobs and Occupations P-W

FN: report n Statement
FN: report n Text
FN: report v Statement
FN: report v Reporting

VSLW123 phóng viên ☊ (S) journalist, reporter vsl1
VSLW123 bản tin ☊ (S) news report vsl1
VSLW123 báo ☊ (S) to report, to notify vsl3
VSLW 45 báo cáo ☊ (S) report, to report [ Topic Reading ]

DUOS Những báo cáo này không hoàn hảo. These reports are not perfect. Education
DUOS Chúng tôi cần báo cáo của cô ấy. We need her report. Education
DUOS Chúng tôi dùng kiến thức từ khoá học này để viết một báo cáo. We use the knowledge from this course to write a report. Education
DUOS báo cáo  report Education
DUOS Tôi không phải là một phóng viên. I am not a reporter Communication
DUOS Họ là những phóng viên quốc tế. They are international reporters. Communication
DUOS phóng viên reporter. Communication
DUOS Tôi viết bản báo cáo này. I write this report. Classifiers 2