like: repeated
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN chớp mắt lia lịa * to wink or blink repeatedly *
VNEN cọ xát * friction; to rub repeatedly, come into contact with *
VNEN dạ ran * shout "yes" repeatedly *
VNEN dồn dập * great numbers, great quantities; to accumulate; repeated; rapid, quick *
VNEN gióng giả * repeatedly promise to do something *
VNEN giúi giụi * repeatedly *
VNEN gật gù * to nod repeatedly *
VNEN gật gù cái đầu * to nod one’s head repeatedly *
VNEN nhắc nhỏm * recall often, remind repeatedly, speak of frequently *
VNEN những là * repeatedly *
VNEN thì thụp * to kneel and rise repeatedly *
VNEN tưởng cần nhắc lại * it should or must be repeated (that) *
VNEN tới tấp * repeated, rapid-fire *
VNEN điệp ngữ * repeated words *
VNEN điệp vận * repeated rhyme *
VNEN đòi cơn * several times, repeatedly *

GNOT: repeatedly Temporal • frequency

C2 repeated (adj.)

OXF3000: lặp đi lặp lại repeated
OXF3000N được nhắc lại được lặp lại repeated

BNC6000 : repeated [ Rank: 5681 ] a 👪

FN: repeated a Event_instance

VSLW 45 dồn dập ☊ (S) repeated, hectic [ Basic Reading ]