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VNEN Thượng Phẩm * religious affairs director (Cao Dai) *
VNEN buổi lễ tôn giáo * religious ceremony *
VNEN con * (1) [CL for animals and other small objects]
(2) child; you (said to a child by a parent); I (said to a parent by a child), I (said by a believer to a religious figure)
(3) young, small, baby
VNEN cúng * to offer sacrifices (religious), make offerings; sacrifice, offering *
VNEN cơ sở tôn giáo * religious organization, institution *
VNEN dòng tu * religious order *
VNEN dự thánh lễ * to attend mass, a religious ceremony *
VNEN giáo chỉ * religious dogma *
VNEN giáo chủ * cardinal; religious leader *
VNEN giáo phái * religious group, sect, denomination *
VNEN giáo đoàn * congregation, religious community *
VNEN giữ đạo * to keep, maintain one’s (religious) faith *
VNEN hội thánh * religious society *
VNEN hữu thần * religious, theistic; theism *
VNEN lãnh đạo tôn giáo * religious leadership *
VNEN lễ * religious ceremonies, festival, holiday *
VNEN ngược đãi tôn giáo * religious persecution *
VNEN nhà dòng * religious order *
VNEN nhà lãnh đạo tôn giáo * religious leader *
VNEN phá giới * unfrock oneself, break one’s religious vow *
VNEN pháp danh * religious name (of a Buddhist monk) *
VNEN phạm giới * to disobey religious taboos *
VNEN sùng đạo * devout, religious *
VNEN * (1) fiber
(2) to stir
(3) distant, rough, elementary, sketch (a rough draft of), primeval, primitive
(4) sister (religious title)
VNEN thiền định * to be deep in religious contemplation or meditation *
VNEN thánh lễ * religious ceremony, mass *
VNEN tu hành * to lead a religious life *
VNEN tín hữu * believer (religious), follower, the faithful *
VNEN tín ngưỡng * (religious) belief, faith *
VNEN tín ngưỡng hữu thần * religious belief *
VNEN tôn giáo * religion; religious *
VNEN tù nhân tôn giáo * religious prisoner *
VNEN tự do tôn giáo * religious freedom, freedom of religion *
VNEN đi lễ * to go to church, attend religious ceremonies *
VNEN đàn áp tôn giáo * religious oppression *
VNEN đạo kỳ * religious flag *
VNEN đạo sĩ * Taoist priest, Taoist hermit, religious figure *
VNEN đạo tâm * religious faith *

B2 religious (adj.)

OXF3000: tôn giáo religious
OXF3000N (thuộctôn giáo religious

OTOP: religious * Houses and buildings Religious buildings

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OPD : religious holidays Calendar Events