like: red
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VNEN đỏ * red *

xích xích đỏ, xích kì, xích đạo, xích thập tự red

all words:
VNEN Chữ Thập Đỏ * the Red Cross *
VNEN Dòng Chúa Cứu Thế * the Redemptorists *
VNEN Hồng Thập Tự * Red Cross *
VNEN Hội Hồng Thập Tự * Red Cross *
VNEN Mỹ đỏ * red American, Native American, American Indian *
VNEN Trường Đỏ * Red Square (in Moscow) *
VNEN an bài * to arrange, display, preordain, forecast, predestine *
VNEN ba toác * ill-mannered, have improper speech or conduct, careless *
VNEN ba vạ * run-down, uncared-for *
VNEN be bét * smeared, stained, crushed *
VNEN biết thân * to know oneself, one’s status, one’s predicament *
VNEN buồn như chấu cắn * to be bored to death *
VNEN * (1) one hundred, many
(2) father’s older sibling
(3) to sow, spread
(4) to embrace, hug
(5) to count
(6) cypress
(7) hegemony
VNEN bách * (1) one hundred
(2) to force, compel, coerce
(3) cypress, cedar
VNEN bách nhật * a ceremony for the hundredth day after death *
VNEN bách phát bách trúng * to hit one hundred percent, bat a thousand *
VNEN bán chịu * to sell on credit *
VNEN bán rẻ * to sell at a low or reduced price, sell cheaply or on the cheap *
VNEN bán độ * sell with the right of redeeming pawn *
VNEN bán đứt * to sell without the right of redeeming *
VNEN bánh in * snow-flaked cake (sprinkled with powdered sugar) *
VNEN bánh mảnh cộng * green-colored pastry *
VNEN bánh phồng tôm * glutinous rice chupatty mixed with powdered shrimp *
VNEN bánh su sê * yellow-colored wedding pastry *
VNEN báo cáo lý lịch tím dụng * credit bureau *
VNEN báo trước * to forewarn, warn, alert, give advance notice, predict *
VNEN bê bết * messy, smeared all over, splashed all over *
VNEN bê bết máu * bloodstained, blood-spattered *
VNEN bên có * creditor; credit *
VNEN bên có và bên nợ * debtor and creditor, debit and credit *
VNEN bên lẻ * odd numbered side of the street *
VNEN * (1) to compare
(2) skin, derma, peel, envelope, bag
(3) tired, exhausted, sound asleep
VNEN bì phạp * tired, worn out, exhausted *
VNEN bôi nhọ * to dishonor, soil, discredit *
VNEN bơ phờ * dishevelled, ruffled, tired, worn out, exhausted *
VNEN bạc * (1) silver, money, unit of currency
(2) faded, discolored
(3) ungrateful
(4) thin
(5) peppermint
VNEN bạc phếch * completely faded, discolored; to fade, lose color *
VNEN bạc đầu * gray haired, white haired *
VNEN bạt thiệp * urbane, well-mannered *
VNEN bạt vía kinh hồn * frightened, scared out of one’s wits *
VNEN bải hoải * exhausted, tired, worn out *
VNEN bấm độn * to predict by thumbing one’s phalanges *
VNEN bất lịch sự * discourteous, rude, ill-mannered *
VNEN bất nhã * ill-mannered, tactless, rude, impolite *
VNEN bần bách * very poor, in reduced circumstances *
VNEN bần cùng hóa * to impoverish, reduce to poverty *
VNEN bắt buộc * to force, compel, require; compulsory, mandatory, obligatory, required *
VNEN bắt quả tang * to catch in the act or red-handed, surprise *
VNEN bằng khen * certificate of satisfactory progress, credit *
VNEN bẳn * to be bad-tempered *
VNEN bặt thiệp * courteous, urbane, well-mannered *
VNEN bết * (1) to stick to, adhere to
(2) tired, mediocre
VNEN bị bắt quả tang * to be caught red-handed *
VNEN bị bắt sống * to be captured alive *
VNEN bị bỏ mặc xác * to be ignored, left alone *
VNEN bị dằn vặt * to be bothered, be troubled *
VNEN bị làm nhục * to be dishonored, be disgraced *
VNEN bị mai một * to be covered up *
VNEN bị sa thải khỏi * to be discharged, dismissed, fired from *
VNEN bị soi mói * to be stared at *
VNEN bị thương * to be wounded, be injured *
VNEN bị thương nặng * to be seriously wounded, injured *
VNEN bị vỡ * to be broken, ruptured *
VNEN bị đau * to hurt, be painful, be injured *
VNEN bị đuổi * to be fired *
VNEN bị đuổi sở * to be fired, dismissed (from a job) *
VNEN bọc sắt * bulletproof, armored *
VNEN bỏ bớt * to cut down, cut back, reduce *
VNEN bối rối * embarrassed, bewildered, disconcerted, ashamed, uneasy, perplexed, troubled, nervous *
VNEN bổn đạo * one’s own religion (referred to humbly) *
VNEN bộ bánh xe giảm tốc * double reduction gear *
VNEN bộn bề * disordered, confused, messy *
VNEN bớt * to lessen, reduce, give a discount, lower, subtract, diminish, decrease *
VNEN bớt gặp * to reduce, lower *
VNEN bớt đau * to lessen, reduce (pain) *
VNEN bời * disordered, careless *
VNEN bở hơi tai * dog-tired *
VNEN bở vía * out of one’s wits, scared out of one’s wits *
VNEN bụi hồng * red dust, the earth, this world *
VNEN bức xúc * to upset, bother; upset, bothered *
VNEN bừng * to flare up, flame up, blush, turn suddenly red, burst out *
VNEN cao hứng * inspired *
VNEN cao nhã * well-mannered, refined *
VNEN cay như ớt * hot as chilli, red pepper *
VNEN cha truyền con nối * from generation to generation, hereditary *
VNEN chai sạn * harden, unfeeling, callous, scarred *
VNEN chanh chòi * ill-natured, cantankerous (said of children) *
VNEN chiếm ưu thế * to be predominant *
VNEN chiết * (1) to deduct, take off, reduce
(2) to graft (a plant)
VNEN cho bõ ghét * to satisfy one’s hatred *
VNEN chon chót * bright red *
VNEN choáng người * dizzy, bewildered *
VNEN chuối lửa * red banana *
VNEN chuối mật * kind of banana (red, sweet, meaty) *
VNEN chào mào * red-whispered bulbul *
VNEN chán * (1) to have a lot of, plenty of
(2) to be sick of, tired of; dull, boring, uninteresting
VNEN chán chường * tired of, sick of *
VNEN chán ngán * bored, (sick and) tired of, utterly discontented *
VNEN chán đời * tired of life, tired of living *
VNEN chè hương * flavored tea, scented tea *
VNEN chén hà * a cup made of red precious *
VNEN chẳng còn hồn vía * to be scared out of one’s wits *
VNEN chết khô * dead, withered, (of flowers) fade, wither, droop *
VNEN chịu * to be influenced by; to sustain, bear, accept, be subject to, experience (something unpleasant, difficult), endure, stand, put up with; on credit *
VNEN chồn chân * be tired after long walk *
VNEN chột * (1) scared
(2) stunted
(3) one-eyed
VNEN chột dạ * to be scared *
VNEN chủ nợ * lender, creditor *
VNEN cu ngói * red turtle dove, streptopelia tranquebarica *
VNEN cuộc chiến bùng lên * a conflict flared up, war broke out *
VNEN cà lơ * like a bad-mannered vagrant *
VNEN cá chày * red-eyed carp, squaliobarbus *
VNEN cá hồng * snapper, red snapper *
VNEN các mục bảo hiểm * insured item *
VNEN cân móc hàm * to weigh an animal slaughtered, weight of an animal slaughtered *
VNEN có ba góc * three cornered *
VNEN có số * destined, predestined, fated *
VNEN có số mạng * predestined, fated *
VNEN có trụ sở ở Anh * headquartered in England *
VNEN cô liêu * secluded, solitary, lonely, retired *
VNEN công bố nguyên * to publish intact, unaltered *
VNEN công lao * credit, service, merit, deserts; labor, effort, work *
VNEN công thần * meritorious official, a person who has rendered *
VNEN công trạng * merit, credit, service *
VNEN cù mì * simple-mannered *
VNEN cúm núm * (1) watercock, gallicrex cinerea
(2) timid, shy, scared
VNEN cũ nát * tattered *
VNEN cũng được kể * can also be considered, also includes *
VNEN cơ lỡ * be in straitened or reduced or strained circumstances, be hard up *
VNEN cư sĩ * retired scholar, hermit, recluse *
VNEN cười khanh khách * burst out laughing, laugh good-humouredly *
VNEN cường dương * red-blooded, virile, highly sexed *
VNEN cả tin * credulous, gullible *
VNEN cảm thấy mệt mỏi * to feel tired *
VNEN cảnh sát bắn súng nước và đạn cao su * the police fired water cannons and rubber bullets *
VNEN cấc láo * impolite, rude, ill-bred, unmannerly *
VNEN cẩm nhung * flowered silk cloth *
VNEN cẩm tú * embroidered brocade, very beautiful landscape, very beautiful *
VNEN cắt * to cut, reduce, chop *
VNEN cắt giảm * to cut back on, cut down, reduce *
VNEN cắt giảm lãi suất * to reduce the interest rate *
VNEN cắt giảm ngân sách * to reduce a budget *
VNEN cắt giảm nặng * to reduce heavily, greatly *
VNEN cỏ áy * withered grass *
VNEN cố nông * poor peasant, farm laborer, farmhand, hired man *
VNEN cổ phần ưu đãi * preferred stock *
VNEN cứu nhân * to redeem people *
VNEN cứu thế * to save, redeem the world *
VNEN cứu độ * to save, redeem *
VNEN cử tri hợp lệ * registered voter *
VNEN da chì * leaden-colored *
VNEN da màu * colored *
VNEN da thuộc * leather, prepared hide *
VNEN da đỏ * red-skinned, (American) Indian *
VNEN da đồng * reddish brown, bronze *
VNEN deo * wrinkled, puckered *
VNEN di truyền * hereditary *
VNEN duy kỷ * selfish, self-centered *
VNEN duyên kiếp * predestined affinity *
VNEN duyên nợ * fate, predestination *
VNEN duyên trời xe * bound together in heaven, meant to be, predestined *
VNEN dàu dàu * withered *
VNEN dày dạn * inured to (hardships, difficulties) *
VNEN dã dượi * tired, worn out *
VNEN dính máu * to be covered with blood, have blood sticking to *
VNEN dôi dư * redundant *
VNEN dúm dụm * battered out of shape *
VNEN dư thừa * redundant, surplus, extra, superfluous *
VNEN dạn với nắng mưa * to be inured to all weather *
VNEN dật sĩ * retired scholar *
VNEN dễ dàng * easy, fluent, unhindered, simple *
VNEN dốt * ignorant, unlettered, dull-witted *
VNEN dứ * very tired *
VNEN dứt bệnh * to be cured, recover *
VNEN dửng mỡ * to be stirred up; wild, agitated *
VNEN dự báo * to predict; prediction, guess *
VNEN dự kiến * expectation, calculation, plan, forecast, prediction; to forecast, predict, anticipate, foresee; expected, anticipated, predicted *
VNEN dự đoán * to predict, foresee, forecast, estimate *
VNEN e rằng * it is feared that *
VNEN gan gà * reddish brown *
VNEN gia bảo * heirloom, family treasure; treasured, precious *
VNEN giáng chức * to demote, reduce to a lower position *
VNEN giáng cấp * reduce to a lower rank (grade), demote *
VNEN giáng trật * reduce to the next lower rank (grade) *
VNEN giảm 9 phần trăm * to reduce by 9 percent *
VNEN giảm * to decrease, cut down, reduce, lessen, drop, fall *
VNEN giảm bớt * to lessen, reduce, lower *
VNEN giảm chi phí * to reduce, cut costs *
VNEN giảm chút ít * to reduce slightly *
VNEN giảm dần * to reduce gradually, little by little *
VNEN giảm giá * to reduce or lower or cut the prices, discount *
VNEN giảm nhiễm * reducing *
VNEN giảm thiểu * to diminish, minimize, reduce *
VNEN giảm thiểu bất công xã hội * to reduce societal injustice *
VNEN giảm thiểu sự đe dọa * to reduce a threat *
VNEN giảm thuế * to lower, reduce, cut taxes *
VNEN giảm tô * to reduce the rent *
VNEN giảm tốc * reduce speed, slow down *
VNEN giảm tức * reduce the interest *
VNEN giảm xuống * to decrease, go down, fall, reduce, cut down *
VNEN giảm án * to commute, mitigate, reduce a sentence *
VNEN giản chính * streamline a staff by reducing it *
VNEN giản thể * to simply, reduce *
VNEN giản ước * reduce *
VNEN giấy hoa tiên * flowered letter paper *
VNEN giấy kẻ ô * checkered paper, squared paper *
VNEN gà pha * cross-bred fowl *
VNEN gà tồ * breed of big, tall and thinly feathered fowl, lubber *
VNEN gạch bông * flowered (patterned) brick, patterned tile *
VNEN gạch hoa * flowered enameled tile *
VNEN gắt gỏng * ill-tempered, bad-tempered, in a bad or foul mood *
VNEN gọi dạ bảo vâng * polite, well-mannered *
VNEN gờm * to be afraid of, scared of *
VNEN hai trăm * two hundred *
VNEN hiềm kỵ * hatred, aversion *
VNEN hiềm tị * to hate; hatred *
VNEN hiền hòa * meek, timid, gentle, soft-natured *
VNEN hiền lành * good natured, kind, mild, gentle, meek *
VNEN hoa chúc * flowered candelabrum of the wedding night, marriage *
VNEN hoa râm * grey-haired, grey, pepper-and-salt *
VNEN hoa đăng * flower garlands and colored lanterns *
VNEN hoàn tán * powdered medicine and pills, medicine in pills and in powder *
VNEN hoành phi * horizontal lacquered board (engraved with Chinese characters) *
VNEN hoảng * frightened, scared, panic-stricken, in terror *
VNEN hoảng hồn * to be scared *
VNEN hoảng kính * scared, afraid *
VNEN hoảng sợ * scared, afraid; to be scared, afraid *
VNEN hung * (of hair) reddish *
VNEN hàm oan * nurture resentment for an injustice suffered *
VNEN hàng hóa tồn trữ * stored merchandise *
VNEN hàng thần * rebel having surrendered himself to a feudal regime *
VNEN hàng trăm * many hundred(s) *
VNEN hàng trăm ngàn * hundreds of thousands, several hundred thousand *
VNEN hành tinh Đỏ * the red planet, Mars *
VNEN hân hạnh * pleased, honored *
VNEN hư thân * spoiled, bad-mannered *
VNEN hưng khởi * feel fired, feel enthusiastic *
VNEN hưu quan * retired mandarin *
VNEN hưu trí * to retire from office; retired *
VNEN hương hồn * venerated souls (of one’s parents), treasured memory *
VNEN hạ điểm * to reduce a grade, ranking *
VNEN hầm hơi * unaired, air-tight, stifling *
VNEN hận * hatred, resentment *
VNEN hệ thống tín dụng * credit system *
VNEN học phần * unit of study, credit, module *
VNEN hối cải * show repentance and desire to redeem one’s faults *
VNEN hốt hoảng * panic-stricken, frightened out of one’s wits, scared to death *
VNEN hồ nghi * to doubt, discredit *
VNEN hồng chuyên * red and expert (red refers to the political criterion, expert the vocational level) *
VNEN hồng chủng * the red race *
VNEN hồng cầu * red blood cell, red corpuscle, erythrocyte *
VNEN hồng diệp * red leaf *
VNEN hồng lâu * red pavilion palace *
VNEN hồng ngoại * infrared *
VNEN hồng quần * red trousers, fair, beautiful girl *
VNEN hồng sắc * reddish wood (second-class wood) *
VNEN hồng thập tự * red cross *
VNEN hồng đào * rosy, peach-colored *
VNEN hồng đơn * red lead *
VNEN hở * (1) open, uncovered
(2) (final partical indicating surprise)
VNEN hợp đồng đã đáo hạn * the contract has expired *
VNEN hứng trí * be inspired *
VNEN hữu tuyến * wired (as opposed to wireless) *
VNEN khi nên * when fortune smiles upon you, when you are favored by fortune *
VNEN khiếp đảm * scared to death *
VNEN khéo tay * be skilful with one’s hands, be light-fingered, be dexterous *
VNEN khó tin * difficult to believe, incredible *
VNEN khô khốc * very dry, parched, withered *
VNEN không ai bị thương * no one was injured *
VNEN không mong nuốn * undesired *
VNEN không mui * uncovered, without a roof (of a vehicle) *
VNEN không thể đoán trươc * unpredictability *
VNEN không đạt được kết quả mong muốn * to not achieve the desired result *
VNEN khăn bàn thêu * embroidered tablecloth *
VNEN khăn mỏ quạ * kerchief (to be tired in a triangle on the forehead) *
VNEN khăn quàng đỏ * red scarf (of a pioneer) *
VNEN khướt * dead beat, ded tired, dog tired *
VNEN khổ học * study hard, study in reduced circumstances, work one’s way *
VNEN khờ * dumb, gullible, naïve. unwise, credulous *
VNEN kim oanh * (bird) pekin robin, red billedleiothrix, leiothrix lutea *
VNEN kinh hoàng * frightened, scared, terrified *
VNEN kinh hoảng * frightened, scared *
VNEN kinh hoảng thật sự * really scared, very frightened *
VNEN kinh hãi * scared, terrified *
VNEN kinh hồn * to be scared out of one’s wits *
VNEN kinh khủng * frightening, terrifying, scared; very (much) *
VNEN kiểu cách * model and model-mannered *
VNEN kể công * to boast about, claim credit for *
VNEN lam lũ * ragged, tattered, shabby *
VNEN liệt quý vị * (honored) ladies and gentleman *
VNEN liệu * (1) (rhetorical question maker)
(2) to think about, reflect, foresee
(3) material, ingredient
(4) to manage
VNEN loe loét * smeared all over *
VNEN loạn * disordered, in disorder *
VNEN luống cuống * bewildered, abashed *
VNEN ly tán * scattered, displaced *
VNEN làm giảm quyền hành * to reduce someone’s authority *
VNEN lác đác * scattered, spread around *
VNEN lát hoa * textured wood *
VNEN lèo tèo * scattered, sparse *
VNEN lòng nhân từ * compassion (for the weak or injured or sick) *
VNEN * hired, rented; series *
VNEN lơ chơ * scattered *
VNEN lơ chơ lỏng chỏng * scattered and disorderly *
VNEN lưu tệ * defects vices, left by the predecessors *
VNEN lưới vét * dredge *
VNEN lướng vướng * hampered, hindered (in one’s movement) *
VNEN lập trình có cấu trúc * structured programming *
VNEN lẻ tẻ * scattered, sparse *
VNEN lỉnh kỉnh * disordered, scattered about *
VNEN lịch sự tín dụng * credit history *
VNEN lịch thiệp * well-mannered, courteous, sociable *
VNEN lử * to be tired out *
VNEN lử cò bợ * dog-tired, dead tired *
VNEN lửa hận * fit of violent hatred, burning feud *
VNEN mai hoa * red munia *
VNEN manh mún * pieces, rag, tattered garment *
VNEN miếu hiệu * posthumous name conferred upon a king *
VNEN mong muốn * hope, expectation; desired, hoped for; to hope for, want, desire *
VNEN mua chịu * to buy on credit *
VNEN mua trả góp * to buy something on credit, buy and pay in installments *
VNEN màu bạch kim * platinum-colored, white *
VNEN màu chàm * olive-colored *
VNEN màu da cam * orange-colored *
VNEN màu vàng * yellow (colored) *
VNEN màu đen * black (colored) *
VNEN máu me * blood, bloody, covered with blood *
VNEN máu nóng * hot-tempered, quick-tempered, warm-blooded *
VNEN máy hút bùn * mud-sucking, dredging machine *
VNEN máy nạo vét * dredging equipment *
VNEN mãnh cầm * rapacious birds, birds of prey, predatory birds *
VNEN mía đỏ * red sugarcane *
VNEN mòn con mắt * tired of waiting, weariness of waiting *
VNEN món nợ tuần hoàn * revolving credit *
VNEN môi son * lipstick, red lips *
VNEN mũ lưỡi trai * cap (with a visor), visored hat *
VNEN mạ vàng * gilded, gold-plated, gold-covered; to gild *
VNEN mất dạy * ill-bred, unmannerly *
VNEN mất hồn * thunderstruck, bewildered *
VNEN mất nết * ill-mannered, badly behaved, spoiled, naughty *
VNEN mất tiếng * to lose one’s voice, be aphonic; to get a bad name or reputation, be brought into discredit, fall into disrepute *
VNEN mấy trăm * several hundred *
VNEN mấy trăm thước * several hundred yards *
VNEN mầu xám * gray (colored) *
VNEN mắc bẫy * to be trapped, ensnared *
VNEN mắc kẹt * to be caught, cornered *
VNEN mắt hao mí * eyelid with two folds (considered attractive) *
VNEN mắt hoe cá chày * red-eyed (from crying) *
VNEN mắt một mí * eyelid with a single fold (considered less attractive) *
VNEN mắt đỏ * red eye *
VNEN mặt bơ phờ * tired expression (on one’s face) *
VNEN mặt mũi nhôm nham * to have a smeared face *
VNEN mệt * tired, fatigued, weary *
VNEN mệt mõi * to be very tired, exhausted *
VNEN mệt mỏi * tired, weary *
VNEN mệt nhoài * tired, worn out, exhausted *
VNEN mệt nhọc * tired, exhausted, worn out *
VNEN mệt quá * to be very tired *
VNEN mệt rũ * dead tired, bone tired *
VNEN mệt đừ * tired to death *
VNEN mỏi * weary, tired *
VNEN mỏi mệt * tired, weary *
VNEN mỏi nhừ * quite exhausted, dead tired, tired out *
VNEN mộc * stamp, seal; unlacquered, unvarnished, unbleached *
VNEN một trăm * one hundred *
VNEN một trăm ngà * one hundred thousand *
VNEN một trăm phần trăm * one hundred percent *
VNEN mớ * (1) to talk in one’s sleep
(2) lot, amount, batch
(3) hundred thousand
VNEN mới rồi, người ta tìm được một ngôi sao mới * In most recent days, a new star has been discovered *
VNEN mờ * dim, blear, blurred, opaque, blurred *
VNEN mờ mắt * blurred, blurry vision *
VNEN mỡ gà * chicken fat colored *
VNEN mức giảm công suất * level reduction *
VNEN nao núng * to flinch from, be deterred from, shy from, avoid *
VNEN nghe đâu * it is said that, it is rumored that *
VNEN nghê thường * rainbow, colored clothes *
VNEN nghếch * look bewildered, look puzzled; look up *
VNEN nghếch ngác * puzzled, bewildered *
VNEN ngoan * nice, sweet, well-mannered, well-behaved, obedient *
VNEN nguyên * acting, holding a post temporarily; to be intact, unaltered, brand new, original; in full; all, whole, entire *
VNEN nguyên vẹn * intact, unbroken, uninjured, whole, untouched, undamaged *
VNEN ngày vui * happy day, red-letter day *
VNEN ngán * tired of, disgusted with, sick of, be tired of, discouraged, dejected *
VNEN ngán ngẩm * be tired of *
VNEN ngán ngẫm * to be discouraged, tired of, dejected *
VNEN ngân hàng tín dụng * credit bank *
VNEN ngân khoản * credit, loan *
VNEN ngây người * look bewildered *
VNEN ngòn * dark (red) *
VNEN ngăn nắp * orderly, well-kept, well-ordered *
VNEN ngũ sắc * the five primary colors (blue, yellow, red, white, black) *
VNEN ngơ ngác * dazed, bewildered *
VNEN ngơ ngáo * be bewildered, be dazed *
VNEN người bị thương * injured person *
VNEN người bị thương nặng * seriously injured person *
VNEN ngấy * to be tired out, have enough of *
VNEN ngầu đỏ * red, bloodshot *
VNEN ngẩn * dumbfound, flabbergast, be wildered, look dumbfounded *
VNEN ngập mắt * littered up *
VNEN ngập ngụa * full of, profusely covered with, dirty *
VNEN ngờ trước * to predict, foresee *
VNEN ngựa hồng * red horse *
VNEN nhanh gấp trăm ngàn lần * to be hundreds of thousands of times faster *
VNEN nhem nhuốc * smeared all over *
VNEN nheo nhóc * (of children) to be neglected, uncared for *
VNEN nho nhã * refined, cultured, elegant *
VNEN nhoài * be dead tired, be faint with exhaustion *
VNEN nhoèn * be covered with mucus *
VNEN nhoét * pulpy, boiled to shreds, a pulp *
VNEN nhu liệu * component, ingredient *
VNEN nhuốc * sullying, discrediting *
VNEN nhuốc nha * be soiled, dishonored *
VNEN nhà cửa ngăn nắp * well-ordered house *
VNEN nhàn * leisured, idle *
VNEN nhàn hạ * leisured, free *
VNEN nhàn rỗi * leisured, idle, free *
VNEN nhân duyên * predestined affinity, predestined marital union *
VNEN nhòa * be dimmed, be obscured *
VNEN nhôm nham * smeared, dirty *
VNEN nhơ nhuốc * dishonored, disgraceful *
VNEN như dự tính * as estimated, as predicted *
VNEN nhược * to tire, get tired, get weary; weak *
VNEN nhẹ dạ * credulous, gullible, easily deceived *
VNEN nhị thể * two-colored *
VNEN nhọ nhem * dirty, spotted, smeared *
VNEN nhọc * weary, tired, worn out *
VNEN nhọc mình * tired, fatigued *
VNEN nhọc mệt * to get tired, knock oneself out *
VNEN nhọc nhằn * tired, fatigued *
VNEN nhục * dishonor, disgrace, insult; to be disgraced, dishonored *
VNEN nu na * leisured, free, children’s game (sit side by side counting their legs); idle about, idle away one’s time *
VNEN nuốt hận * suppress one’s hatred, suppress one’s resentment *
VNEN nát vụn * to reduce to fragments, break or smash to smithereens *
VNEN nên nhớ là * it should be remembered that *
VNEN nóng * hot, burning, anxious (to do something), hot-tempered, quick-tempered *
VNEN nóng nảy * hot-tempered *
VNEN nóng sốt * steaming hot, boiling hot, red-hot *
VNEN nóng tính * to get hot-tempered, lose one’s temper *
VNEN nước lọc * filtered water *
VNEN nạo vét * to dredge *
VNEN nắn xương * to put a bone back in place, reduce a bone *
VNEN nặc nô * professional debt-collector, woman hired to collect debts; coarse-mannered woman *
VNEN nết na * well-behaved, well-mannered, virtuous *
VNEN nỗi nhục * disgrace, discredit, dishonor, shame *
VNEN nội tịch * registered (in a town) *
VNEN nửa hưu trí * semi-retired *
VNEN oán thù * feel resentment and hatred against, resent and hate *
VNEN oải * tired, fatigued *
VNEN phàm ăn * to eat in an uncultured way, gobble down one’s food *
VNEN phát chán * get tired (of), be fed up (with) *
VNEN phóng sinh * to leave uncared for, neglect, set free (animal) *
VNEN phẫn chí * be bitterly disappointed, be angered by disappointment *
VNEN phỉnh mũi * feel flattered *
VNEN phờ * tired, worn out *
VNEN phục hồi được quyền lực * to be restored to power *
VNEN phủ đầy bụi * to be covered with dust *
VNEN phức * (1) complicated, complex
(2) fragrant, flavored, sweet-smelling
VNEN quan phòng * barred doors *
VNEN quy chế tối huệ quốc * most favored nation status *
VNEN quy công * attribute a service (to somebody), credit (somebody) with a service *
VNEN quy đồng mẫu số * to reduce to the same denominator *
VNEN quý hiếm * endangered, valuable and rare *
VNEN quý khách * guest of honor, distinguished or honored guest *
VNEN quý phái * high-bred, high-born, noble, aristocratic *
VNEN quạ khoang * white-collared crow *
VNEN quả * (1) fruit, result, [CL for fruits, mountains, hills, balls]
(2) exactly, honestly; honest, exact, true
(3) betel box, round lacquered box
(4) few, sparse, widowed
(5) courageous
VNEN quốc thư * credentials *
VNEN quỹ tín dụng * credit fund *
VNEN ruốc * salted shredded meat *
VNEN rách bươm * torn to shreds, tattered *
VNEN rách mướp * torn to shreds, ragged *
VNEN rách rưới * ragged, tattered *
VNEN rách tơi * ragged, shredded *
VNEN rách tươm * tattered, ragged *
VNEN rã người * worn-out, tired out, played out *
VNEN rúm ró * battered, deformed *
VNEN rút bớt * diminish, reduce *
VNEN rút lui an toàn * covered retreat *
VNEN rải rác * scattered, sparse *
VNEN rải rác khắp nơi * scattered every where *
VNEN rất khó mà tiên đoán * hard to say, hard to predict *
VNEN rối bời * tangled, disordered *
VNEN rối loạn * confused, troubled, disordered; disturbance, disorder; abnormal *
VNEN rợn * frightened, scared *
VNEN sinh linh * people-sacred human life *
VNEN sinh trương * to grow up, be born and bred *
VNEN sinh viên bàng thính * auditor, non-credit student *
VNEN so với * in comparison with, (as) compared with or to, against; to compare with *
VNEN so với cùng kỳ năm ngoái * compared to the same period last year *
VNEN so với cùng kỳ năm trước * compared to the same period last year *
VNEN so với cùng thời kỳ năm ngoái * compared with last year *
VNEN so với cùng ỳ năm ngoái * compared to (the same period) last year *
VNEN so với năm ngoái * compared with last year; to compare to last year *
VNEN so với trước đây * prepared to before *
VNEN so với trước đó * compared with before *
VNEN su sẽ * yellow-colored rice cake *
VNEN sách đỏ * red book *
VNEN sáng tai * keen-eared *
VNEN sút giảm * to diminish, reduce *
VNEN sút giảm trầm trọng * to reduce the severity (of something) *
VNEN sẵn * to be ready, prepared, have on hand *
VNEN sẵn lòng * to be willing (to), glad to, prepared to *
VNEN sẵn sàng * ready, prepared, willing to *
VNEN sẵn sàng đàm phán * to be prepared to negotiate *
VNEN sớn sác * hasty and bewildered *
VNEN sợ đến độ ỉa cả trong quần * to be scared shitless, shit in one’s pants (out of fear) *
VNEN sụn gối * tired by walking, bent (with age) *
VNEN sụt giảm * to diminish, decrease, be reduced, decline *
VNEN sứ tiết * (diplomatic) credentials *
VNEN sửa sang * to reform, redecorate *
VNEN sữa bột * powdered milk, formula *
VNEN sự tiết giảm * reduction *
VNEN sự trù * to predict *
VNEN sự xuống giá * price reduction *
VNEN tan cửa nát nhà * the home is shattered and its members gone *
VNEN tan tác * scattered, in (utter) disarray *
VNEN tan vỡ * shattered, smashed, broken up *
VNEN tao nhã * refined, cultured, elegant *
VNEN teng beng * tattered, torn open *
VNEN thanh nhàn * leisurely, leisured *
VNEN theo dự kiến * as planned, as predicted *
VNEN theo dự đoán * according to predictions, forecast *
VNEN theo sự ước đoán * according to predictions, estimates *
VNEN thiên duyên * predestined marriage *
VNEN thiên ái * predilection *
VNEN thiên định * determinism; predestined, fated *
VNEN thiêng * holy, sacred, inviolable, marvelous, supernatural *
VNEN thiêng liêng * sacred, holy *
VNEN thiết giáp * armor, armored *
VNEN thiết đoàn * armored group *
VNEN thoi thót * scattered parse *
VNEN thon * tapering, tapered, dainty, slender, slim *
VNEN thoáng gió * ventilated, well-aired *
VNEN thu hẹp * to narrow, close (a gap, distance), restrict, reduce, curtail *
VNEN thuyên giảm * (of illness) to subside, fall, recede, go down, ease up, diminish, lessen, reduce *
VNEN thuyền nhổ sào * the boat was unmoored *
VNEN thuần chủng * purebred, thoroughbred, clean-bred *
VNEN thánh * holy, sacred; saint *
VNEN thông thống * free, easy, unconstrained, spacious, roomy, uncovered *
VNEN thù hiềm * hatred, grudge, resent, grievance, resentment *
VNEN thù hận * resentment, hatred, hate *
VNEN thù oán * hatred; to hate *
VNEN thơm lây * be honored through a relative *
VNEN thư bảo đảm * registered letter, registered mail *
VNEN thưa thớt * sparse, scattered, thin *
VNEN thương nặng * to be wounded, injured *
VNEN thương vong * the dead and injured, the killed and wounded *
VNEN thường được so sánh với * often compared with *
VNEN thất trinh * deflowered, lose one’s virginity *
VNEN thất tán * dispersed, scattered, get lost, disappear *
VNEN thập phần * one hundred percent, totally, completely *
VNEN thắm đỏ * bright red *
VNEN thằng da màu * colored person *
VNEN thẻ tín dụng * credit card *
VNEN thẻ đỏ * red card *
VNEN thế tập * hereditary *
VNEN thị trường tín dụng * credit market *
VNEN thọ đến 100 tuổi * to live to be a hundred *
VNEN thổ ty * hereditary chief (of tribe) *
VNEN thục hồi * buy back, repurchase, redeem, buy up *
VNEN tia hồng ngoại * infrared ray *
VNEN tin nóng sốt * red-hot news (information) *
VNEN tiên bối * elders, senior, predecessor *
VNEN tiên đoán * to predict, foresee, foretell *
VNEN tiếng rằng * they say that, it is rumored that *
VNEN tiết giảm * to diminish, lessen, reduce, curtail *
VNEN tiền bối * ancestor, forebear, forefather, predecessor *
VNEN tiền duyên * predestined affinity *
VNEN tiền nhân * predecessor, ancestor, forefather, forbearer *
VNEN tiền định * preordained, predestined *
VNEN truyền kiếp * inherited, hereditary *
VNEN trái chủ * creditor *
VNEN trí sĩ * retired official *
VNEN trông vẻ nghếch ngác * to look bewildered *
VNEN trúng thương * to be injured or wounded *
VNEN trăm * hundred *
VNEN trăm hoa đua nở * (let) a hundred flowers bloom *
VNEN trăm mảnh * a hundred pieces *
VNEN trăm ngàn * hundred thousand *
VNEN trăm năm * one hundred years *
VNEN trăm triệu * hundred million *
VNEN trướng loan * flowered curtain, bridal chamber *
VNEN trảng * clearing, cleared area *
VNEN trầu cau * betel and areca (to be considered as betrothal gifts) *
VNEN trắng tay * cleared out, without a penny, penniless *
VNEN trốn nợ * to shoot the moon, fly from one’s creditors *
VNEN trộm nghe * it is rumored that *
VNEN trời sinh * innate, inborn, inbred, natural *
VNEN trờn trợn * be a little frightened, scared *
VNEN trụ sở tại Hoa Kỳ * headquartered in the U.S. *
VNEN trừ * to subtract, exclude, eliminate, except; to pay off, reduce; except *
VNEN tua tủa * bristly, rough, shaggy, covered with, full of, studied with *
VNEN tuyết phủ * snow-covered *
VNEN tuấn nhã * well-bred, well-brought-up *
VNEN tuần dương hạm thiết giáp * armored cruiser *
VNEN tài binh * reduce armaments, disarm *
VNEN tài giảm * arms reduction, disarmament; to reduce *
VNEN tài giảm binh bị * to reduce armaments, disarm *
VNEN tàu cuốc * dredger *
VNEN tàu vét bùn * dredger *
VNEN tác dụng không mong nuốn * undesired effect, side effect *
VNEN tán * (1) to flatter, court, flirt
(2) to help, aid, assist
(3) to crush, grind, pulverize
(4) loose, scattered
(5) parasol, umbrella, shade
VNEN tín dụng * confidence, trust, credit (economic) *
VNEN tín dụng ngắn hạn * short term credit *
VNEN tín dụng thư * letter of credit *
VNEN tóc bạc phư * white-haired *
VNEN túc học * cultured, literate, well-read, learned *
VNEN tăm ngàn * hundred thousand *
VNEN tăng * (1) to increase, raise
(2) tank, (armored vehicle)
(3) Buddhist priest, Buddhist monk
(4) to hate
VNEN tơi tả * tattered, ragged, in rags *
VNEN tươm tất * smart, well-cared *
VNEN tả tơi * ragged, shreds *
VNEN tản * (1) umbrella
(2) to scatter, disperse, dispel; scattered, distributed, diffused
VNEN tản mác * scattered, dispersed, disseminated *
VNEN tản mát * scattered about, mislaid *
VNEN tản mạn * scattered, dispersed; to scatter *
VNEN tỉnh giảm * to diminish, lessen, reduce, curtail *
VNEN tỉnh lược * to reduce, omit *
VNEN tối giản * irreducible *
VNEN tối huệ * (most) favored *
VNEN tối huệ quốc * most-favored nation *
VNEN tốt đỏ * red pawn *
VNEN tổ truyền * hereditary *
VNEN tủ gương * mirrored wardrobe *
VNEN tức cảnh * inspired by beautiful scenery *
VNEN tức khí * be angered, vexed, arouse anger *
VNEN từ chương * acquired from books, bookish *
VNEN từng trăm một * by the hundred *
VNEN tự quân * king (hereditary) *
VNEN u cư * retired *
VNEN u phẫn * latent resentment, hatred *
VNEN uể * worn out, tired out, exhausted, fatigued; overcast *
VNEN vinh diệu * reputable, creditable, respectable, honorable *
VNEN vinh hiển * successful, honored *
VNEN vinh hạnh * honored *
VNEN vinh thân * be honored *
VNEN vài trăm * several hundred *
VNEN vài trăm ngàn * several hundred thousand *
VNEN vàng son * peak, summit, high point, éclat; gold and red *
VNEN vàng ối * golden red *
VNEN vây bắt * to be surrounded and captured *
VNEN vét * (1) to clean out, dredge, scrape
(2) jacket, sports coat, suit coat
VNEN vô giáo dục * uneducated, uncultured, ill-bred, unmannerly *
VNEN vô phúc * ill-fated, ill-starred, evil-starred, unfortunate *
VNEN vôi bột * powdered lime *
VNEN vơ váo * ill-mannered, careless, sloppy *
VNEN vương vãi * to be scattered *
VNEN vải in hoa * material with a flower pattern or print, flowered material *
VNEN vấy * smeared; to stain *
VNEN vằn * parti-colored, motley, streaked, speckled, flecked *
VNEN vẻ bơ phờ * tired, worn out appearance, air *
VNEN vị ngữ * predicative *
VNEN vợi * to reduce, fall off, decrease *
VNEN vừa xảy ra * to have just occurred, just happened *
VNEN vững dạ * confident, reassured *
VNEN vững lòng * reassured *
VNEN vững tâm * confident, reassured *
VNEN xe bọc thép * armored vehicle or car *
VNEN xe thiết giáp * armored vehicle *
VNEN xe tăng * tank, armored vehicle *
VNEN xiêu tán * to be dispersed or scattered *
VNEN xuống hạng * to downgrade, reduce the category of *
VNEN xích thằng * red thread, the bond of marriage *
VNEN xích thố * red-haired horse *
VNEN xóa đói giảm nghèo * to eliminate hunger and reduce *
VNEN xờ xạc * fatigued, jaded, tired, run down, disordered, ruffled, in *
VNEN xứng ý * be satisfied, desired, long wished for *
VNEN yên lòng * be-assured, not to worry *
VNEN àng trăm * (many) hundreds *
VNEN ác cảm * antipathy, aversion, dislike, hatred, hostility, ill feelings, animosity, enmity, bad blood *
VNEN áo cẩm bào * embroidered robe *
VNEN áo thêu * embroidered blouse *
VNEN áy * burned out, withered *
VNEN ê ẩm * tired, exhausted *
VNEN ô mai * salted dry apricot, sugared dry apricot-salted (sugared) dry carambola *
VNEN ô mai me * sugared dry tamarind *
VNEN ù cạc * dazed, stupid, bewildered *
VNEN ăn chịu * to eat on credit, on a tab *
VNEN Đài Loan tuyên bố hoàn toàn ủng hộ * Taiwan declared its full support *
VNEN đa sắc * multicolored, polychromatic *
VNEN đan quế * red cinnamon, the moon *
VNEN đem đến kết quả mong muốn * to bring about the desired result *
VNEN điều cần ghi nhớ * it must be remembered that *
VNEN đo đỏ * reddish *
VNEN đoán * to guess, conjecture, predict *
VNEN đoán trước * to foretell, foresee, predict, anticipate, prophesize *
VNEN đuối sức * exhausted, worn-out, tired-out, having no strength left *
VNEN đáng gờm * redoubtable *
VNEN đáng sợ * scary, fearful, worth being afraid of, to be feared *
VNEN đánh số * to number; numbered *
VNEN đã xảy ra * to have happened, have occurred, have taken place *
VNEN đèn lồng * decorative multi-colored lantern *
VNEN đèn đỏ * red light *
VNEN đơn vị học trình * credit *
VNEN đạt kết quả mong muốn * to obtain the desired result *
VNEN đất đỏ * red soil, red earth *
VNEN đầu bạc * white-haired *
VNEN đầy đủ hồ sơ * complete file, required documents *
VNEN đậu đỏ * small red bean, adsuki *
VNEN đẹp mặt * to be credit to, be a glory to, do honor to *
VNEN đểu * ill-bred, vulgar *
VNEN đỉnh núi bị mây che phủ * the top of the mountain was covered by a cloud *
VNEN định mạng * destiny, predestination *
VNEN định ngữ * predicate *
VNEN định phận * predestined lot *
VNEN định sẵn * to decide beforehand; predetermined *
VNEN đỏ * red *
VNEN đỏ au * bright and cheerful red *
VNEN đỏ chon chót * bright red *
VNEN đỏ chóe * bright red *
VNEN đỏ chói * dazzlingly bright red *
VNEN đỏ chót * staring red *
VNEN đỏ gay đỏ gắt * red-hot *
VNEN đỏ hoét * bright red *
VNEN đỏ hỏn * blood-red, blood colored *
VNEN đỏ khè * dirty red *
VNEN đỏ lòe * deep red *
VNEN đỏ lòm * gaudy red *
VNEN đỏ lừ * very red *
VNEN đỏ lựng * quite red *
VNEN đỏ mọng * red and succulent (of fruit) *
VNEN đỏ ngòn * dark red *
VNEN đỏ như lửa * fire-red, fiery-red *
VNEN đỏ quạch * dull red *
VNEN đỏ rực * blazing red *
VNEN đỏ đen * red and black, card game *
VNEN đỏ đọc * quite red *
VNEN đỏ ối * flaming, glowing, complete red *
VNEN đỏ ửng * blushing, reddening *
VNEN đồ thán * be reduced to utter misery *
VNEN đồ thêu * embroidery, embroidered goods *
VNEN đồng điếu * red copper *
VNEN đổi màu * to change color, be discolored *
VNEN đứng nghếch ở giữa phố * to stand looking bewildered in the streets *
VNEN đứt hơi * out of breath, deal tired *
VNEN đứt tay hay thuốc * only when the hand is injured, does one *
VNEN đừng có nóng * don’t get upset, bothered *
VNEN ưu thế * advantage, upper hand, predominance, preponderance *
VNEN ưu đãi * to favor, treat specially; preferred, preferential *
VNEN ước đoán * to predict, estimate; prediction *
VNEN ấm thụ * hereditary rank in the public service *
VNEN ẩn lộ * covered approach *
VNEN ẩn sĩ * recluse, hermit, retired scholar *
VNEN ẩn tế * covered up *
VNEN ẩn đạo * covered approach *
VNEN * (1) spotted, soiled, stained, smeared
(2) to hate, loath
VNEN ớt * (red) pepper, chili pepper, hot sauce, paprika *
VNEN ớt chỉ thiên * hot red pepper (with small seed pointing upward) *
VNEN ở mức 3 con số * three digits, a three-digit number, the hundred(s) *
VNEN ủ ê * overcast, cloudy; tired, worn out; sorrowful *
VNEN ủy nhiệm thư * (diplomatic) credentials *
VNEN ủy nhiệm trạng * (diplomatic) credentials *
VNEN ửng * redden, tinge with red, grow red color, blush *
VNEN ửng hồng * to redden, turn pink *
VNEN bị áp lực * to be pressured *
VNEN màu xám * gray (colored) *
VNEN màu nâu đậm * dark brown (colored) *

GNOT: 1500 (fifteen hundred) Temporal • points of time
GNOT: red Qualitative • colour
SNOT: the required numerals Personal identification • date and place of birth
SNOT: dark (-haired) Personal identification • physical appearance
SNOT: fair (-haired) Personal identification • physical appearance
SNOT: credit card Travel • accommodation
SNOT: tired Health and body care • personal comfort
SNOT: credit-card Shopping • prices

A1 red (adj.) (n.)

OXF3000: đỏ red

OTOP: red * Body and appearance Face
OTOP: red * Body and appearance Hair colour
OTOP: red * Business Running a business
OTOP: red * Personality and emotio Anger
OTOP: red * Personality and emotio Anger
OTOP: red * Personality and emotio Embarrassment

BNC6000 : red [ Rank: 791 ] a 👪
BNC6000 : red [ Rank: 3746 ] n 👪

OPD : one hundred Numbers
OPD : one hundred one Numbers
OPD : one hundred thousand Numbers
OPD : red Colors
OPD : The red sweaters are above the blue sweaters. Prepositions
OPD : The blue sweaters are below the red sweaters. Prepositions
OPD : $100.00 = one hundred dollars Money
OPD : use a credit card Shopping
OPD : sight impaired , blind Describing People
OPD : hearing impaired , deaf Describing People
OPD : red hair Describing Hair
OPD : scared , afraid Feelings
OPD : bored Feelings
OPD : tired Feelings
OPD : Measure the ingredients. Weights and Measurements
OPD : Mix the ingredients. Food Preparation and Safety
OPD : be injured / be hurt Medical Emergencies
OPD : registered nurse (RN) Hospital
OPD : copies of ID and credit cards Emergency Procedures
OPD : get hired Job Search
OPD : hired hand Farming and Ranching
OPD : paper shredder An Office
OPD : redcoat U.S. History
OPD : redwood Trees and Plants
OPD : reduce trash Energy and Conservation

FN: red a Color

VSLW123 mệt ☊ (S) to be tired vsl1
VSLW123 trăm ☊ (S) hundred vsl1
VSLW123 đỏ ☊ (S) red vsl2
VSLW123 mệt mỏi ☊ (S) to be tired vsl2
VSLW123 mỏi ☊ (S) tired vsl2
VSLW123 đỏ ☊ (S) red vsl2
VSLW123 nặng nhọc ☊ (S) heavy, hard, tired vsl2
VSLW123 hiền lành ☊ (S) good natured vsl3
VSLW123 nóng tính ☊ (S) hot tempered vsl3
VSLW123 mệt mỏi ☊ (S) tired vsl3
VSLW123 chán ☊ (S) bore, to be tired of vsl3
VSLW123 chán ☊ (S) bore, to be tired of vsl3
VSLW123 bớt đi ☊ (S) to reduce, to diminish, to decrease vsl3
VSLW123 ngán ngẩm ☊ (S) be tired of vsl3
VSLW123 ngập nước ☊ (S) covered with water vsl3
VSLW 45 So với ☊ (S) compared with [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 đứa ☊ (S) individual, classifier for children or low-statured adults [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 tín chỉ ☊ (S) credits [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 rải rác ☊ (S) scattered [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 giảm giá bán ☊ (S) reduced sale price, discount sale price [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hết hạn sử dụng ☊ (S) to be expired [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 so với cùng kỳ ☊ (S) compared with the same period [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 giảm ☊ (S) to reduce [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 Hội Chữ thập đỏ ☊ (S) Red Cross [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 xóa đói giảm nghèo ☊ (S) to eliminate hunger and reduce poverty [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hàng trăm ☊ (S) hundreds [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bằng cấp ☊ (S) credential, diploma, degree [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tín dụng ☊ (S) credit [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hết hạn ☊ (S) expired [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 giảm thiểu ☊ (S) to reduce, to minimize [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 giảng viên cơ hữu ☊ (S) direct hired, permanent lecturers [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 chuyển hướng ☊ (S) to redirect, redirection [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 thiêng liêng ☊ (S) sacred [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 chế phẩm ☊ (S) manufactured product [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hạ ☊ (S) to reduce [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 trói buộc ☊ (S) to be bound, to be fettered [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 dự kiến ☊ (S) to predict [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 không còn tín nhiệm ☊ (S) to lose credibility [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 ngơ ngác ☊ (S) bewildered [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 hết đát ☊ (S) expired (products, goods) [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 giấy phép con, cháu, chắt ☊ (S) red tape [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 lộn xộn ☊ (S) disordered [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 (được) vinh danh ☊ (S) (to be) honored [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 thiêng liêng ☊ (S) sacred [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 bắt tận tay ☊ (S) caught red handed [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 bị lôi ra ánh sáng ☊ (S) to be brought into light (lit.),to be discovered (fig.) [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 khó lường ☊ (S) unpredictable [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 rải thảm đỏ ☊ (S) to roll out the red carpet [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 bắt tại trận ☊ (S) to catch in the act / to catch red-handed [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 câu hỏi treo ☊ (S) unanswered question [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Gia đình anh ấy đông quá! Em không sợ à? There are so many people in his family! Aren't you (to a younger person) scared? vsl1
VSLS Không. Tại sao phải sợ, hả chị? No. Why do I have to be scared? vsl1
VSLS Hôm nay trông anh có vẻ mệt. Chắc là anh bị cảm, phải không? Today you (to a male) look tired. You must have a cold, right? vsl2
VSLS Hai trăm năm chục ngàn một đêm. Two hundred and fifty thousand a night. vsl2
VSLS Nghe nói bà ấy có một cái nông trại nuôi hơn hai trăm con bò sữa. (I) have heard that she owns a farm raising more than two hundred milk cows. vsl2
VSLS Anh chuyển sang công ty khác rồi sao? You (to a male) got transfered to another company already? vsl2
VSLS Dạ, phải. Ông ấy rất vui tính. Yes. He is very good-natured. vsl2
VSLS Có lẽ không ai vui tính bằng ông ấy. Perhaps no one is as good-natured as he is. vsl2

DUOS Tôi thích cái ví đỏ của mình. I like my red wallet. Colors
DUOS Màu đỏ Red Colors
DUOS Một trăm one hundred Numbers
DUOS Bốn nghìn bốn trăm four thousand four hundred Numbers
DUOS Six million seven hundred thousand Numbers
DUOS Chín nghìn ba trăm bốn mươi lăm Nine thousand three hundred forty-five Numbers
DUOS Ba trăm hai mươi tư three hundred twenty-four Numbers
DUOS Bảy nghìn bảy trăm bảy mươi bảy Seven thousand seven hundred seventy-seven Numbers
DUOS Hai tỷ hai trăm triệu Two billion two hundred million Numbers
DUOS thẻ tín dụng credit card Objects 2
DUOS Cái thiệp của tôi có màu đỏ. My card is red. Objects 2
DUOS Làm ơn liên hệ ngân hàng khi thẻ tín dụng của bạn hết hạn. Please contact the bank when your credit card expires. Verbs 4
DUOS Một trăm mét one hundred meters Science
DUOS Tôi đã chuẩn bị mọi thứ cho cuộc phỏng vấn. I prepared everything for the interview. Economics
DUOS Họ đã chuẩn bị an ninh tối đa tại sân bay. They prepared maximum security at the airport. Adjectives 3
DUOS Tổng thống đã biến mất cùng với mộ tcon mèo. The president disappeared with a cat. Verbs 5
DUOS Tôi có thể dự đoán bạn không thể dự đoán tương lai. I can predict that you cannot predict the future. Verbs 5
DUOS Tôi dự đoán họ sẽ đầu hàng. I predict they will surrender. Verbs 5
DUOS dự đoán predict Verbs 5
DUOS Chính phủ đã huy động nhiều xe thiết giáp. The government mobilized many armored cars. Military
DUOS Xe thiết giáp của họ bị tấn công. Their armored car is attacked. Military
DUOS Một tiểu đoàn thiết giáp an armored battalion Military
DUOS thiết giáp armored Military
DUOS Những con ma ở trong lâu đài đã biến mất. The ghosts in the castle disappeared. Paranormality
DUOS Tôi cảm thấy mệt mỏi. I feel tired. Reduplicative Words
DUOS mệt mỏ tired Reduplicative Words
DUOS háng trước, diễn viên hài đó mua một trăm con thỏ và bây giờ anh ấy bị viêm màng túi. Last month that comedian bought one hundred rabbits and now he is broke. Informal Expressions

50L Quả / trái anh đào màu đỏ. * The cherry is red. 016
50L Quả / trái anh đào màu gì? Màu đỏ. * What colour / color (am.) is the cherry? Red. 016
50L Đây là thẻ tín dụng của tôi. * Here is my credit card. 027
50L Bạn có thể gọi người đến để sửa không? * Can you get it repaired? 030
50L Tôi muốn một ly rượu vang đỏ. * I’d like a glass of red wine. 032
50L Đã xảy ra tai nạn. * An accident has occurred. 041
50L Rồi bạn rẽ phải đi một trăm mét nữa. * Then go right for a hundred metres / meters (am.). 042
50L Buồn chán * to be bored 058
50L Chị ấy buồn chán. * She is bored. 058
50L Chị ấy không buồn chán. * She is not bored. 058
50L Thẻ tín dụng nào dùng được? * Which credit cards can one use? 062
50L Không, cái này có một trăm Euro thôi. * No, it costs only one hundred Euros. 067
50L Và thẻ tín dụng cũng mất rồi. * And her credit card is also gone. 068
50L Phụ nữ nặng 100 ki lô là béo / mập. * A woman who weighs a hundred kilos is fat. 070
50L Trả tiền bằng thẻ tín dụng ở đây được không? * May one pay by credit card? 075
50L Tôi mệt. * I am tired. 077
50L Tôi đi, bởi vì tôi mệt. * I’m going because I’m tired. 077
50L Chị ấy đã bị mệt. * She was tired. 078
50L Chị ấy đã không đến, bởi vì chị ấy đã bị mệt. * She didn’t come because she was tired. 078
50L Một chiếc váy màu đỏ * a red dress 080
50L Tôi đang mặc một chiếc váy màu đỏ. * I am wearing a red dress. 081
50L Tôi đã trả lời. * I answered. 086
50L Tôi đã trả lời tất cả các câu hỏi. * I answered all the questions. 086
50L Tôi thấy mệt mỗi khi tôi phải học. * I become tired as soon as I have to study. 098