like: receipt
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Advanced Level


VNEN biên lai * receipt *
VNEN diên lai * receipt *
VNEN giấy biên lai * receipt *
VNEN tờ biên lai * receipt *

all words:
VNEN biên lai * receipt *
VNEN biên nhận * to acknowledge receipt *
VNEN chứng từ * document, proof, voucher, receipt *
VNEN diên lai * receipt *
VNEN doanh thu * income, revenue, receipts *
VNEN giấy biên lai * receipt *
VNEN ký nhận * acknowledge receipt (of something) by signing one’s name *
VNEN mới biên lai * to ask for a receipt *
VNEN sổ thu * book of receipts *
VNEN sổ thu chi * receipts and expenses register *
VNEN thu chi * receipts and expenses, income and expenditure or expenses *
VNEN thất lạc biên lai * to lose a receipt *
VNEN tờ biên lai * receipt *
VNEN xuất nhập * expenditures and receipts *

SNOT: receipt Travel • accommodation

A2 receipt (n.)

OXF3000: biên nhận receipt
OXF3000N công thức đơn thuốc receipt

OTOP: receipt * Food and drink Dining out
OTOP: receipt * Retail Cost and payment
OTOP: receipt * Retail Shopping in stores

BNC6000 : receipt [ Rank: 3655 ] n 👪

Quittung receipt biên lai ☊ (N) Finanzen

OPD : receipt Shopping

FN: receipt n Receiving

VSLW123 hóa đơn ☊ (S) bill, receipt vsl2

50L Bạn làm ơn đưa cho tôi hóa đơn / biên lai. * Please give me a receipt. 040