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VNEN Cộng Hòa Liên Bang Nga * Russian (Federated) Republic *
VNEN biệt * (1) separated, isolated
(2) to disappear
VNEN biệt ly * separated; separation, part *
VNEN bánh thánh * host, holy bread, consecrated bread *
VNEN báo ảnh * illustrated magazine *
VNEN bìa đục lỗ * perforated card *
VNEN băng đục lỗ * perforated tape *
VNEN bảo hòa * saturated; to saturate; saturation *
VNEN bất đắc chí * disappointed, frustrated, bitter *
VNEN bị mất nước * to be dehydrated *
VNEN cua bể * sea-crab, salt-water crab, serrated crab *
VNEN cách * (1) distant, distance from, separated by
(2) way, manner, fashion, method
(3) to change, alter
VNEN cũng nên nhắc lại * it should also be reiterated *
VNEN cần nhắc lại ở đây rằng * it must (should) be reiterated here that *
VNEN gà hoa * uncastrated cock *
VNEN huấn luyện liên hợp * integrated training *
VNEN hương hồn * venerated souls (of one’s parents), treasured memory *
VNEN khoái tỉ * exhilirated *
VNEN khu giải phóng * liberated zone *
VNEN khử nước * to dehydrate; dehydrated *
VNEN kiệu hoa * decorated chair *
VNEN lịch sữ đã chứng minh rằng * history has proved, demonstrated that *
VNEN lừng lẫy * famous, celebrated *
VNEN mạch tích hợp * integrated circuit *
VNEN ngoa * (1) sharp-tongued
(2) exaggerated, untruthful
VNEN ngoa ngoắt * exaggerated, hyperbolical *
VNEN ngậm nước * hydrated *
VNEN nhà nho bất đắc chí * a frustrated scholar *
VNEN nộm * sweet and sour grated salad *
VNEN phẫn khích * be exasperated and indignant *
VNEN quá quắt * exaggerated, excessive *
VNEN quá xá * excessive, exaggerated *
VNEN rượu chổi * camphorated oil, rubbing with alcohol *
VNEN siêu thoát * to be liberated from worldly ties, be free of worldly attachments *
VNEN thất chí * frustrated *
VNEN thất ý * be disappointed, be frustrated *
VNEN thụ phong * to be consecrated, be ordained, be initiated (into a group) *
VNEN thức ăn khử nước * dehydrated food *
VNEN tiêu ma * disappear, vanish, be obliterated, be effaced *
VNEN tôn sư * master, venerated teacher *
VNEN tương cách * be separated *
VNEN tường hoa * decorated walls *
VNEN uất * angry, frustrated; to anger, make indignant *
VNEN uất kết * frustrated *
VNEN uất tắc * frustrated *
VNEN vôi tôi * slaked lime, hydrated lime *
VNEN vùng giải phóng * liberated area *
VNEN xa cách * far away from, distant, separated from *
VNEN đang điên đầu * to be frustrated *
VNEN điện năng phát * generated electrical energy *
VNEN đông lạnh * refrigerated, frozen *
VNEN đậm đặc * concentrated, strong (of a solution) *

SNOT: separated Personal identification • marital status
SNOT: to be operated upon Health and body care • ailments– accidents

OPD : frustrated Feelings

VSLW123 ướp lạnh ☊ (S) kept cold, refrigerated vsl1
VSLW 45 tôn sư trọng đạo ☊ (S) having respect for ethic and venerated teachers [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 67 tích hợp ☊ (S) integrated [ Intermediate Reading ]

50L Tôi đã kể. * I narrated. 085
50L Tôi đã kể hết câu chuyện. * I narrated the whole story. 085