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VNEN rượu * alcohol, wine *

all words:
VNEN bia rượu * beer and wine, alcohol *
VNEN bã rượu * wine dregs *
VNEN bầu rượu * wine gourd *
VNEN cai rượu * to quit drinking, give up alcohol *
VNEN con gái rượu * beloved daughter *
VNEN cất rượu * distill alcohol *
VNEN dã rượu * to neutralize the effect of alcohol *
VNEN dẫn rượu * with extreme slowness, hand write to somebody on a *
VNEN gọi rượu * to order (alcoholic) drinks *
VNEN hầm rượu * wine-cellar, cellar *
VNEN ly rượu * (alcoholic) drink, glass of alcohol *
VNEN lên men rượu * alcoholic fermentation *
VNEN men rượu * liquor *
VNEN mùi bia rượu * smell of beer and wine *
VNEN mùi rượu * smell of alcohol *
VNEN một chiến dịch chống rượu * an anti-alcohol program *
VNEN nghiện rượu * alcoholism, alcohol addiction; addicted to alcohol *
VNEN người pha rượu * bartender *
VNEN ngộ độc rượu * alcohol poisoning *
VNEN nhắm rượu * eat over sips of alcohol *
VNEN nát rượu * to act up, talk nonsense when drunk *
VNEN nạn say rượu * drunkenness (as a problem) *
VNEN nấu rượu lậu * to distill illegal alcohol, moonshine *
VNEN nậm rượu * a small bottle of wine *
VNEN nốc hết chai rượu * to gulp down a whole bottle of alcohol *
VNEN pha rượu * to tend bar, mix drinks *
VNEN phà hơi sặc mùi rượu * to reek of alcohol *
VNEN quán rượu * bar, tavern, pub *
VNEN rót rượu * to pour alcohol *
VNEN rượu * alcohol, wine *
VNEN rượu bia * beer *
VNEN rượu chát * wine *
VNEN rượu chè * alcoholism, drinking (as a problem) *
VNEN rượu chổi * camphorated oil, rubbing with alcohol *
VNEN rượu cẩm * violet rice wine *
VNEN rượu cồn * alcohol, spirit *
VNEN rượu khai vị * aperitif *
VNEN rượu lậu * illegal alcohol, moonshine *
VNEN rượu lễ * mass wine, communion wine *
VNEN rượu mùi * alcoholic beverages, liquor *
VNEN rượu mạnh * strong alcohol, brandy *
VNEN rượu ngang * illegal wine, moonshine *
VNEN rượu ngọn * wine from the first distillation *
VNEN rượu ngọt * liqueur *
VNEN rượu nho * wine *
VNEN rượu nếp * fermented sticky rice, alcohol made of sticky rice *
VNEN rượu thuốc * medicinal wine, mixture (a kind of liquor) *
VNEN rượu tăm * high quality rice spirits, strong drinks *
VNEN rượu vang * wine *
VNEN rượu vào lời ra * drunkenness reveals what soberness *
VNEN rượu đế * rice alcohol *
VNEN say rượu * drunk, tipsy *
VNEN sâu rượu * winebibber *
VNEN thằng say rượu * drunk (person) *
VNEN tiệc rượu * drinking party *
VNEN tiệm rượu * bar, liquor store, place where alcohol is sold *
VNEN tỉnh rượu * to sober up, become sober *
VNEN uống bia rượu * to drink alcohol *
VNEN uống có một chén rượu đã ngà ngà * to feel tipsy only after drinking a cup of alcohol *
VNEN uống rượu * to drink alcohol *
VNEN uống rượu có ngữ * to drink in moderation *
VNEN uống rượu say * to get drunk *
VNEN đi uống rượu * to go drinking *
VNEN đầu rượu * singsong girl with only a wine-serving job *
VNEN chai rượu * bottle of alcohol *
VNEN két rượu * case of alcohol *

OXF3000: rượu alcohol
OXF3000: rượu wine
OXF3000D: rượu alcohol Alkohol
OXF3000D: rượu wine Wein

Wein wine rượu ☊ (N) Getränke

VSLW123 rượu ☊ (S) wine, alcohol vsl1

DUOS rượu wine Food
DUOS Mẹ của họ sẽ không bao giờ uống rượu. Their mother will never drink wine. Frequency
DUOS Bạn không được uống rượu. You must not drink wine. Modal Verbs
DUOS Bố tôi không mua chai rượu nàyở Thuỵ Điển. My father does not buy this bottle of wine in Sweden. Countries 2
DUOS Tôi bị cấm uống rượu. I am prohibited from drinking alcohol. Passive
DUOS Tôi bị cấm uống rượu. I am prohibited from drinking alcohol. Passive
DUOS Tôi mời bạn một ly rượu. I invite you for a glass of wine. Common Phrases 3
DUOS Bạn trai của cô ấy không uống rượu. Her boyfriend does not drink alcohol. People
DUOS Họ muốn biết danh sách rượu ở nhà hàng này. They want to know the wine list in this restaurant. Abstract Objects 1
DUOS Hành lý của bạn chứa rượu. Your luggage contains alcohol. Verbs 4
DUOS Bạn trai của cô ấy không uống rượu. Her boyfriend does not drink wine. Jobs 2
DUOS Thể tích của mười chai rượu the volume of ten bottles of wine Science
DUOS Tôi biết đo khối lượng của rượu. I know how to measure the mass of wine. Science

50L Mọi người uống rượu sâm banh. * People are drinking champagne. 014
50L Mọi người uống rượu vang và bia. * People are drinking wine and beer. 014
50L Bạn có uống rượu cồn không? * Do you drink alcohol? 014
50L Bạn có uống rượu uýt-ky không? * Do you drink whisky / whiskey (am.)? 014
50L Bạn có uống cô la với rượu rum không? * Do you drink Coke with rum? 014
50L Tôi không thích rượu sâm banh. * I do not like champagne. 014
50L Tôi không thích rượu vang. * I do not like wine. 014
50L Tôi muốn một ly rượu vang đỏ. * I’d like a glass of red wine. 032
50L Tôi muốn một ly rượu vang trắng. * I’d like a glass of white wine. 032
50L Tôi muốn một chai rượu sâm banh. * I’d like a bottle of champagne. 032
50L Bạn được phép uống rượu chưa? * Are you already allowed to drink alcohol? 075
50L Rượu vang này chắc cũ rồi. * The wine is definitely old. 093
50L Mặc dù anh ấy bị say rượu, anh ấy vẫn đạp xe đạp. * Although he is drunk, he rides his bicycle. 099

SYL rượu