like: quit
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Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN Thượng Cổ * Antiquity *
VNEN bỏ * (1) to leave, quit, abandon (a policy), drop, divorce
(2) to insert, put, invest (into)
VNEN bỏ cuộc * to quit, give up, throw in the towel *
VNEN bỏ học * to quit school *
VNEN bỏ việc làm * to quit one’s job *
VNEN bỏ đảng để phản đối * to quit the party in protest *
VNEN cai * (1) to oversee, watch
(2) to refrain, abstain from, quit
VNEN cai rượu * to quit drinking, give up alcohol *
VNEN cai thuốc phiên * to quit, get off opium *
VNEN chí lý * quite right *
VNEN chí phải * quite right *
VNEN chăng màn * to hang a mosquito net *
VNEN chưa được * not yet, not quite (period of time) *
VNEN chưa được một năm * not quite, not even a year *
VNEN câng câng * quite impudent *
VNEN công bình * just, fair, equitable *
VNEN công bẵng * just, fair, equitable *
VNEN công minh * fair, equitable, just *
VNEN cũng khá lâu * is quite long *
VNEN cổ kính * ancient, antique, old; antiquity *
VNEN cổ vật * antiques, antiquity *
VNEN hủn hoẳn * quite *
VNEN khá xa * very far, quite far *
VNEN khác xa * quite different, very different *
VNEN khơi chừng * quite far, quite remote, far away *
VNEN khớ * pretty well, quite enough *
VNEN lao màn * bamboo poles for hanging mosquito net *
VNEN lắm * very, quite *
VNEN miễn nghị * to absolve, acquit *
VNEN miễn tố * to absolve, acquit *
VNEN muỗi * mosquito *
VNEN màn * curtain, screen, mosquito-net, [CL for scenes, acts] *
VNEN màn gọng * collapsible mosquito net *
VNEN mìn muỗi * mosquito mine *
VNEN mùng * (1) mosquito net
(2) (1-10th of month)
VNEN mười mươi * absolutely certain, quite right, quite so, quite true *
VNEN mắc màn * to hang a mosquito net *
VNEN mỏi nhừ * quite exhausted, dead tired, tired out *
VNEN nghỉ việc * to quit one’s job *
VNEN ngoang ngoảng * quite empty, considerably empty *
VNEN ngái * hispid; having an immature smell (taste), having not quite the right smell (taste) *
VNEN ngúng nguẩy * to be under the weather, not quite well *
VNEN ngọt lừ * very tasty, quite delicious *
VNEN ngồi im * to sit quitely *
VNEN ngợ * be not quite certain, be still doubtful *
VNEN những muỗi là muỗi * full of mosquitoes *
VNEN ra hồn * quite, fully *
VNEN ruồi muỗi * flies and mosquitoes *
VNEN rất * very, quite *
VNEN rời bỏ * to leave, quit, drop *
VNEN rờn * be quite green *
VNEN sùng cổ * lover of antiquities *
VNEN tanh * (1) very, absolutely, quite
(2) fish-smell
VNEN tha bổng * to acquit *
VNEN thiên cổ * antiquity, eternity *
VNEN thậm * very, quite, highly, greatly *
VNEN thật là * really, quite, truly *
VNEN thừa sức * to be quite capable of doing something *
VNEN truyền đi do muỗi * to be transmitted, carried by mosquitoes *
VNEN trắng án * to acquit *
VNEN tệ * my, our; quite, extremely *
VNEN từ Thượng Cổ * since antiquity, from ancient times *
VNEN vô cùng * quite, exceedingly, extremely, very; without end *
VNEN vơi * to be not quite full *
VNEN vốn tự có * owner’s equity *
VNEN xử trắng án * to acquit someone (of a crime) *
VNEN đình màn * top of mosquito netting *
VNEN đỏ lựng * quite red *
VNEN đỏ đọc * quite red *
VNEN đời thượng cổ * antiquity, ancient times *

GNOT: to quite to remove Spatial • motion
GNOT: quite Quantitati • degree
GNOT: It’s just/not quite what I wanted Qualitative • acceptability, unacceptability

B1 quit (v.)

OXF3000: bỏ quit
OXF3000N thoát thoát ra quit

OTOP: quit * Health Addiction
OTOP: quit * Technology Using a computer

BNC6000 : quit [ Rank: 5182 ] v 👪

OPD : mosquito Birds, Insects, and Arachnids

FN: quit v Process_stop
FN: quit v Quitting
FN: quit v Quitting_a_place
FN: quit v Activity_stop

VSLW123 khá ☊ (S) rather, quite vsl1
VSLW123 hơi ☊ (S) quite vsl3
VSLW123 bỏ ☊ (S) to quit, to cancel vsl3
VSLW123 bỏ ☊ (S) to quit, to cancel vsl3
VSLW 45 Tôi không rõ lắm ☊ (S) I'm not quite sure [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 khá ☊ (S) quite [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 thôi việc ☊ (S) to quit the job [ Basic Reading ]

VSLS Năm giờ hả/à? Hơi sớm. At five o'clock? Quite early. vsl1
VSLS Năm triệu à? Hơi đắt. Có loại nào rẻ hơn không, cô? Five million? Quite expensive. Is there any cheaper one, Miss? vsl2
VSLS Dạ, dùng cũng tốt lắm. Tôi mở cho ông xem thử nhé? Also quite good. I'll open for you (to a male) to take a look, all right? vsl2
VSLS Tôi thấy đau đầu quá. I have quite a headache. vsl2
VSLS Phòng tuy nhỏ nhưng sạch sẽ, thoáng mát lắm. Although the room is quite small, it is clean and well-ventilated. vsl2
VSLS Ồ, giá như vậy là hơi đắt! Oh, a cost like that is quite expensive! vsl2
VSLS Vâng. Làm ở công ty cũ mặc dù phù hợp với chuyên môn nhưng lương hơi thấp. Yes. Although working at the former company fits with (my) skills, the salary is quite low. vsl2
VSLS Cũng khá. Quite good. vsl2
VSLS Mặc dù khá căng thẳng. Even though it is quite stressful. vsl2

DUOS Con muỗi đó là của tôi, không phải của họ. That mosquito is mine, not theirs. Animals 2
DUOS muỗi mosquito Animals 2

50L Các ngôn ngữ đó khá là giống nhau. * The languages are quite similar. 025