like: quick
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all words:
VNEN bén nhạy * sharp, quick *
VNEN bùng ra * to break out, start quickly *
VNEN bảnh lảnh * smart and quick *
VNEN bật lò xo * to spring, react strongly and quickly *
VNEN chạm nọc * to touch (someone) to the raw, cut (someone) to the quick *
VNEN chạy lẹ * to run away quickly *
VNEN chạy vội * to run quickly *
VNEN chụp giật * snatch, mugging, quick fit *
VNEN càng sớm càng tốt * the sooner the better, as quickly as possible *
VNEN cát vần * quicksand *
VNEN dấn bước * strive to work quicker *
VNEN dẻo tay * agile, quick, prompt, efficient *
VNEN dồn dập * great numbers, great quantities; to accumulate; repeated; rapid, quick *
VNEN hoạt tinh * have a quick ejaculation *
VNEN học mau * to be a quick learner *
VNEN hỏi dồn dập * to ask quickly *
VNEN lanh * fast, quick, agile, alert, intelligent *
VNEN lanh lẹ * quick, speedy, fast *
VNEN lanh lợi * alert, agile, vivacious, quick-witted *
VNEN lăm xăm * running in quick and small steps *
VNEN lướt * to glance through, surf (the web), glide, pass by (quickly) *
VNEN lẹ * fast, speedy, quick, rapid *
VNEN lẹ làng * fast, speedy, prompt, quick *
VNEN lửa rơm cháy phèo * a straw fire burns out quickly *
VNEN mau * quick, fast, speedy, rapid *
VNEN mau chóng * rapid, fast, prompt, quick *
VNEN mau lẹ * fast, nimble, quick, prompt, swift, speedy, rapid *
VNEN mau miệng * have a glib tongue, have the quick reply *
VNEN máu nóng * hot-tempered, quick-tempered, warm-blooded *
VNEN mít ướt * to be quick to cry *
VNEN mấp máy * to move lightly and quickly *
VNEN mẫn tiệp * diligent, quick-witted, smart, sharp *
VNEN mẫn tuệ * intelligent and quick-witted *
VNEN một cách nhanh chóng * quickly *
VNEN ngỏm dậy * sit up quickly *
VNEN nhanh * fast, rapid, quick, speedy *
VNEN nhanh chóng * quick, fast, rapid, prompt; quickly, swiftly, promptly *
VNEN nhanh lẹ * fast, prompt, quick *
VNEN nhanh mắt * sharp-eyed, quick-eyed *
VNEN nhanh như chớp * as quick as lightning, lightning-fast *
VNEN nhanh như cắt * quick as a flash *
VNEN nhanh tay * quick with one’s hands, swift-handed, alert, nimble *
VNEN nhanh trí * quick-witted *
VNEN nhanh trí và lắm mưu cơ * quick-minded and full of timely tricks *
VNEN nhìn thoáng qua * to glance at, look at quickly *
VNEN nhạy * sensitive; prompt, quick *
VNEN nhạy miệng * have a quick tongue *
VNEN nhặt * small; to pick up, gather, collect, take; fast, quick *
VNEN nói mau * to talk fast, talk quickly *
VNEN nóng * hot, burning, anxious (to do something), hot-tempered, quick-tempered *
VNEN nóng ăn * to have a burning desire for quick success *
VNEN phèo * (1) tasteless
(2) bowels, intestines of animals
(3) to give off, ooze out
(4) fleetingly, quickly
(5) extremely, very
VNEN phới * leave quickly (a place) *
VNEN quên rất mau chóng * to forget quickly *
VNEN rảo bước * to hurry, quicken, pick up the pace *
VNEN sáng láng * quick-witted, intelligent *
VNEN sáng trí * quick-minded, quick-witted *
VNEN sáng ý * quick-witted *
VNEN sơ qua * sketchy, rough, quick *
VNEN te tái * rapid, quick, speedy, fast *
VNEN thau tháu * to accelerate, quicken, hasten, press forward, talk fast, act rapidly *
VNEN thoáng * vague, quick, rapid *
VNEN thoắng * fast, quickly, rapidly, with speed *
VNEN thật mau * very quickly, very fast *
VNEN tinh ý * sharp-witted, ready-witted, quick-witted, shrewd, sharp *
VNEN ton ton * to run, hasten, go quickly *
VNEN triến * prompt, quick, active, ready *
VNEN trôi đi quá mau * to pass too quickly, be over too soon *
VNEN tốc thành * accomplish quickly *
VNEN tốc độ chóng * speed, velocity; quick, fast *
VNEN vèo nhanh * fast, quick *
VNEN vôi sống * caustic lime, quicklime *
VNEN vội vã tiến tới độc lập * to move quickly towards independence *
VNEN với nhịp độ nhanh * quickly, at a rapid rate, speedily *
VNEN với tốc độ nhanh * quickly, rapidly *
VNEN đánh quả * quickie *
VNEN ồ ạt * to mass, crowd; to move quickly; impetuous *

GNOT: quick Temporal • duration
GNOT: quick(ly) Temporal • speed
GNOT: how? quickly Qualitative • manner

A1 quick (adj.)

OXF3000: nhanh chóng quick
OXF3000N nhanh quick

OTOP: quick * Personality and emotio Describing unpleasant traits

BNC6000 : quick [ Rank: 1608 ] a 👪
BNC6000 : quick [ Rank: 5817 ] adv 👪

OPD : Quick and Easy Cake Food Preparation and Safety

FN: quick a Speed_description
FN: quick a Taking_time

VSLW123 nhanh ☊ (S) fast, quickly vsl1
VSLW123 sáng dạ ☊ (S) bright, quick witted vsl3
VSLW123 sáng dạ ☊ (S) bright, quick witted vsl3

DUOS Con chó của tôi rất nhanh. My dog is very quick. Adjectives 1
DUOS nhanh quick, fast Adjectives 1
DUOS Tôi nhanh hay chậm? Am I quick or slow? Adjectives 1