like: question
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level


VNEN câo hỏi * question *

all words:
VNEN bán tín bán nghi * questionable, doubtful, dubious, undecided *
VNEN bị cảnh sát thẩm vấn * to be questioned by the police *
VNEN chấm hỏi * question mark *
VNEN chất vấn * to be questioned; question *
VNEN chẳng hỏi thêm một câu * to not ask any (more) questions *
VNEN cuộc hỏi cung * interrogation, questioning *
VNEN câo hỏi * question *
VNEN câu hỏi * question, demand *
VNEN câu hỏi căn bản * basic, fundamental question *
VNEN câu hỏi cấp bách * urgent, pressing question *
VNEN câu hỏi then chốt * important question *
VNEN câu hỏi đơn giản * simple question *
VNEN còn vài câu hỏi * to still have a few questions *
VNEN có phải * is it true that; to be true; isn’t it (tag question)? *
VNEN cật vấn * to interrogate, grill (with questions), cross-examine *
VNEN củ vấn * to question, examine *
VNEN dấu chấm hỏi * question mark *
VNEN giải đáp * to answer (a question), reply, solve *
VNEN giải đáp thắc mắc * to answer, reply to a question *
VNEN gạn * to interrogate, inquire in detail, press with questions *
VNEN gạn hỏi * to press with questions *
VNEN gặng * to question closely *
VNEN hay không * (question tag); or not *
VNEN hạch hỏi * to ask, question *
VNEN hả * (tag question) is that so? *
VNEN hỏi * (1) to ask, inquire, question
(2) low-rising tone
VNEN hỏi bài * ask (pupils) questions on a lesson *
VNEN hỏi cung * to interrogate, question *
VNEN hỏi dồn * assail (ply) (somebody) with questions *
VNEN hỏi một thắc mắc * to ask a question *
VNEN hỏi ngu * to ask stupid questions *
VNEN hỏi tra * interrogate, question *
VNEN hỏi vài câu * to ask a few questions *
VNEN hỏi vặn * cross-examine, cross-question *
VNEN không * (1) no, not; (question tag)
(2) air
(3) empty
VNEN không có chuyện * to be out of the question *
VNEN khảo vấn * question closely (cadidaties) *
VNEN liệu * (1) (rhetorical question maker)
(2) to think about, reflect, foresee
(3) material, ingredient
(4) to manage
VNEN lấy cung * to question, interrogate *
VNEN một câu hỏi * a question *
VNEN nghi vấn * question, interrogate *
VNEN nghiền ngẫm một vấn đề * to ponder a question *
VNEN nêu lên * to bring up, raise (a question, e.g.); to display, show *
VNEN nêu lên một câu hỏi * to raise a question *
VNEN nêu lên những nghi vấn * to raise questions *
VNEN phải không * (tag question) *
VNEN sách vấn * to question *
VNEN thì phải * (tag question expecting a positive answer), perhaps *
VNEN thẩm vấn * to interrogate, investigate, enquire, examine, question; enquiry, examination *
VNEN thắc mắc * (1) worried, anxious, uneasy, uncomfortable, ill at ease; worry, concern
(2) a question
VNEN tiếp tục hỏi * to keep asking, keep questioning *
VNEN tra hỏi * to question, interrogate, grill *
VNEN truy hỏi * question, interrogate *
VNEN trách vấn * to question, put a question to *
VNEN trả lời cho câu hỏi * to answer a question *
VNEN trả lời câu hỏi * to answer a question *
VNEN vấn * to ask, question *
VNEN vấn nạn * to question *
VNEN vấn tội * interrogate question (a criminal) *
VNEN vấn đề * problem, issue, topic, matter, question *
VNEN vấn đề được đặt ra * the issue in question *
VNEN vặn hỏi * to grill, question *
VNEN xét hỏi * interrogate, question *
VNEN đáng ngờ * dubious, suspicious, fishy, shady, doubtful, questionable *
VNEN đánh trống lảng * evade answering an embarrassing question by changing topics *
VNEN đáp câu hỏi * to reply, respond to a question *
VNEN đướng sự * interested party, person in question *
VNEN đầu đề * examination question, subject (of exam), heading, headline *
VNEN đặt câu hỏi * to ask, pose a question *
VNEN đặt nghi vấn * question, interrogate *
VNEN đề cập một vấn đề * to deal with a question *

GNOT: question Qualitative • expression
SNOT: question Relations with other people • social affairs
SNOT: question e.g. may I ask a question? Language • ability, understanding, expression

A1 question (n.) (v.)

OXF3000: câu hỏi question
OXF3000N câu hỏi hỏi chất vấn question

OTOP: question * Work Job interviews

BNC6000 : question [ Rank: 243 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : question [ Rank: 1985 ] v 👪

OPD : Ask aquestion Studying
OPD : Answer a question. Studying
OPD : Ask questions. Interview Skills
OPD : question mark English Composition

FN: question n Questioning
FN: question n Point_of_dispute
FN: question v Questioning

VSLW123 có...không? ☊ (S) an interrogative structure used to form yes/no question vsl1
VSLW123 vậy ☊ (S) particle placed at the end of the question to ask more about something vsl1
VSLW123 câu hỏi ☊ (S) question vsl1
VSLW123 đã..chưa ☊ (S) have..yet (used to form question) vsl1
VSLW123 nêu ra ☊ (S) to point out, to bring up a question vsl3
VSLW 45 Tôi có câu hỏi. ☊ (S) I have a question. [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 đặt câu hỏi ☊ (S) to make questions [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 chất vấn ☊ (S) to question [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 mấu chốt ☊ (S) key (like in "the key to the question) [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 câu hỏi treo ☊ (S) unanswered question [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Câu hỏi cuối cùng. Last question. vsl2

DUOS Câu hỏi the question Questions 2
DUOS Tôi thích câu hỏi của họ. I like their question. Questions 2
DUOS Một câu hỏi đặc biệt a special question Adjectives 1
DUOS He has a simple question. Adjectives 1
DUOS to He has a simple question. Adjectives 1
DUOS Câu hỏi của bạn rất hay. Your question is very interesting. Adjectives 1
DUOS Câu trả lời của tôi có thoả mãn câu hỏi của bạn không? Does my answer satisfy your question? Verbs 2.5

50L Bạn hỏi thầy giáo nhiều không? * Do you often ask the teacher questions? 064
50L Không, tôi không hỏi thầy ấy nhiều. * No, I don’t ask him questions often. 064
50L Tôi đã trả lời tất cả các câu hỏi. * I answered all the questions. 086