like: purse
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Advanced Level


VNEN ví đầm * purse *

all words:
VNEN bóp * (1) wallet, purse, handbag
(2) to squeeze, grab, press with the hand
(3) police station
VNEN bĩu * to pucker, purse one’s lips *
VNEN bĩu môi * to pucker (scornfully), purse one’s lips *
VNEN hầu bao * fob, belt purse *
VNEN khoe của * to brag about or flaunt one’s wealth, be purse-proud *
VNEN mề gà * crop, bag, purse *
VNEN quỹ đen * secret fund, privy purse, slush fund *
VNEN thắt chặt hầu bao * tighten the purse strings *
VNEN trề * purse, pout (one’s lips) *
VNEN tọa thực sơn băng * small expenses empty a full purse *
VNEN * billfold, wallet, purse, handbag; to compare, liken *
VNEN ví đầm * purse *
VNEN đẫy túi * line one’s pocket (purse) full *

SNOT: purse Shopping • clothes

OTOP: purse * Clothes and fashion Accessories
OTOP: purse * Leisure Combat sports

Geldbeutel purse hầu bao ☊ (N) Finanzen

OPD : purses / handbags Shoes and Accessories
OPD : change purse / coin purse Shoes and Accessories
OPD : Protect your purse or wallet. Public Safety

FN: purse n Containers
FN: purse v Body_movement

VSLW123 nắm tay hòm chìa khóa ☊ (S) the "power of purse string" vsl3
VSLW 45 ☊ (S) purse, wallet [ Topic Reading ]

DUOS Cái ví the wallet / purse Objects