like: pout
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN chế * to manufacture, process; to pout *
VNEN cây nước * waterspout *
VNEN máng * (1) gutter, rainspout
(2) to hang up clothes
VNEN máng xối * gutter, downspout *
VNEN mỏ * mine, quarry; mouth, beak, bill, spout *
VNEN phọt * to gush, spout *
VNEN trề * purse, pout (one’s lips) *
VNEN trể * to pout *
VNEN trớt * pouting *
VNEN vòi * (1) faucet, tap
(2) spout
(3) feeler (insect)
(4) trunk (elephant)
VNEN vòi nước * tap, faucet, spout *

FN: pout n Facial_expression
FN: pout v Body_movement
FN: pout v Making_faces
FN: pout v Statement