like: poor
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VNEN bần bạc * poor *
VNEN nghèo hèn * poor *
VNEN đói rách * poor *

all words:
VNEN Anh ngữ kém * poor English *
VNEN an bần * content with one’s poverty, satisfied with one’s (poor) fate *
VNEN bạc mệnh * misfortune; unfortunate; poor fate, unhappy lot *
VNEN bất hạnh * unfortunate, unlucky, poor; misfortune *
VNEN bần * poor, destitute *
VNEN bần bách * very poor, in reduced circumstances *
VNEN bần bạc * poor *
VNEN bần bạch * poor and honest *
VNEN bần cùng * (1) poverty; poor, needy, destitute
(2) only when one cannot help it, only as a last resort
VNEN bần cố nông * poorest and most wretched peasant *
VNEN bần dân * poor people *
VNEN bần hàn * poor and miserable *
VNEN bần nông * poor farmer, peasant *
VNEN bần sĩ * poor scholar, starving student *
VNEN bần tiện * poor, poverty-stricken *
VNEN bần tăng * I (poor monk) *
VNEN bần đạo * I (poor priest) *
VNEN bệ rạc * shabby, poor, slovenly, slipshod, squalid *
VNEN bồng môn * poor scholar’s house, my humble house *
VNEN bữa cơm dưa muối * a meal with poor foods, a meager meal *
VNEN chênh lệch giầu nghèo * gap between rich and poor *
VNEN chẩn bần * to give alms to the poor *
VNEN cách biệt giàu nghèo * the division of rich and poor *
VNEN cùng khổ * poor, miserable *
VNEN cơ cực * ravenous, poor and hard *
VNEN cố nông * poor peasant, farm laborer, farmhand, hired man *
VNEN cứu bần * to help the poor, help the needy *
VNEN cứu cơ * to help the poor, render assistance, lend support *
VNEN dân nghèo * the poor *
VNEN dân nghèo thành thị * the poor of a city *
VNEN dù giàu hay nghèo * whether rich or poor *
VNEN dưa muối * pickles and salt, poor foods *
VNEN dở * (1) quality, bad (tasting), uninteresting, poor, mediocre
(2) to open, get out
VNEN giầu nghèo * rich and poor *
VNEN hiệu quả rất là thấp * the results are very poor *
VNEN hàn gia * poor family, my house, my family *
VNEN hàn nho * poor Confucian scholar *
VNEN hàn sĩ * a poor student *
VNEN hàn vi * poor and humble *
VNEN hạnh kiểm yếu * poor behavior *
VNEN hốn khổ * to be poor *
VNEN khoảng cách giàu nghèo * the gap between rich and poor *
VNEN khu nhà nghèo * poor area, poor neighborhood *
VNEN khó nghèo * poor, miserable *
VNEN khốn quẫn * desperately poor, in great want *
VNEN kém * to be less than, inferior, poor, lack, be missing, be short of, weak, not very *
VNEN kém phẩm chất * of poor, inferior quality *
VNEN kẻ khó * pauper, beggar, poor person *
VNEN lớp nghèo * the (ranks of the) poor *
VNEN mèng * mediocre, poor *
VNEN mất mùa * to have a poor crop *
VNEN mẹ mốc * old and poor woman *
VNEN nghèo * poor, needy; poverty *
VNEN nghèo hèn * poor *
VNEN nghèo khó * poor, needy, wretched, miserable; abject poverty *
VNEN nghèo khổ * poor, miserable *
VNEN nghèo túng * poor, needy *
VNEN nghèo đói * poverty and hunger; poor and hungry *
VNEN người bần cùng * the poor, poor people *
VNEN người bần tiện * poor person *
VNEN người ngheo * poor person, the poor *
VNEN người nghèo khổ * poor person *
VNEN nhà nghèo * poor family; the poor *
VNEN nhá nhem * at dusk; dark, dusky; to have poor eyesight *
VNEN những người nghèo * poor people *
VNEN nông phu * poor peasant (farmer), farmer cultivator *
VNEN rau cháo * greens and rice soup, poor food *
VNEN suy kém * to lose one’s wealth, become poor *
VNEN sống èo uột * to live in poor conditions *
VNEN sức khỏe kém * poor health *
VNEN thanh bần * poor but decent *
VNEN thiếu thốn * lacking (things), in need, poor; to lack, want *
VNEN thấp * short (of height), low, poor *
VNEN thằng khốn nạn * poor bastard *
VNEN tình trạng thiếu an toàn * poor safety conditions, situation *
VNEN tình trạng èo uột * a poor, miserable situation *
VNEN tế bần * to assist the poor, help the poor *
VNEN tồi * poor, bad, mediocre *
VNEN vì lý do hạnh kiểm * for (bad, poor) conduct *
VNEN với lý do sức khỏe kém * because, for reasons of poor health *
VNEN xâu chuỗi * to get in touch (with, poor peasants in agrarian reform) *
VNEN xơ xác * denuded, bare, rugged, poor *
VNEN xấu * bad, ugly, unattractive, foul, nasty, terrible, awful, poor quality *
VNEN èo uột * sickly, weak, poor *
VNEN đáng thương * poor, piteous, pitiful, pitiable *
VNEN đói rách * poor *
VNEN đói rét * hungry and cold, very poor *

GNOT: poor Qualitative • quality
GNOT: poorly Qualitative • quality
SNOT: poor Relations with other people • social affairs

A1 poor (adj.)

OXF3000: nghèo poor
OXF3000N nghèo poor

OTOP: poor * Health Poor health
OTOP: poor * Social issues

BNC6000 : poor [ Rank: 613 ] a 👪

FN: poor a Wealthiness
FN: poor a Desirability
FN: poor a Position_on_a_scale
FN: poor a Luck

VSLW123 nghèo ☊ (S) poor vsl1
VSLW123 nghèo ☊ (S) poor vsl3
VSLW 45 vùng khó khăn ☊ (S) poor area [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 kém (chất lượng) ☊ (S) poor (quality) [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 kém cỏi ☊ (S) poor [ Basic Reading ]

DUOS Chúng tôi giúp người đàn ông nghèo. We help the poor man. Adjectives 1
DUOS nghèo poor Adjectives 1
DUOS Cô ấy nghèo mà trung thực. She is poor but honest. Common Phrases 3
DUOS Bệnh viện này có một quỹ đặc biệt để giúp những người nghèo. This hospital has a special fund to help poor people. Economics

50L Anh ấy đã nghèo, nhưng mà chị ấy đã giàu có. * He was poor, but she was rich. 083