like: platform
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all words:
VNEN bàn máy * platform (of a machine) *
VNEN bệ * platform, pedestal, dais, throne *
VNEN bục * (1) platform
(2) to give way (bottom of container)
VNEN chính cương * political program, political platform *
VNEN diễn đài * speaker’s platform, pulpit, rostrum *
VNEN diễn đàn * platform, forum, mailing list, newsgroup *
VNEN kỳ đài * platform, rostrum, tribune *
VNEN lễ đài * rostrum, platform *
VNEN mâm pháo * gun platform, battery platform *
VNEN nền tảng * base, basis, foundation, (computer) platform *
VNEN nền tảng di động * mobile platform *
VNEN nội dung * subject, contents (of a speech, document); platform, purport, context *
VNEN sập * (1) carved bed, platform
(2) to slam, bang
(3) to collapse
VNEN đàn tràng * makeshift platform (for worshipping Buddha) *
VNEN đề cương * draft of the fundamentals (of a political platform) *

SNOT: platform Travel • public transport

A2 platform (n.)

OXF3000: nền tảng platform
OXF3000N nền bục bệ thềm sân ga platform

OTOP: platform * Clothes and fashion Footwear
OTOP: platform * Nature Space travel
OTOP: platform * Technology Computer hardware
OTOP: platform * Technology Computer software
OTOP: platform * Travel and tourism Railway tracks and stations

BNC6000 : platform [ Rank: 2495 ] n 👪

OPD : platform Public Transportation

VSLW 45 nền tảng ☊ (S) foundation, platform, base [ Basic Reading ]

50L Tàu chạy từ đường ray số mấy? * From which platform does the train leave? 035