like: plant
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thực thực thực vật, thực dân plant

all words:
VNEN búp * bud, shoot (of a plant) *
VNEN bơm ngực * to enhance one’s breasts, get a breast implant *
VNEN canh chủng * to cultivate, farm, plant *
VNEN chiết * (1) to deduct, take off, reduce
(2) to graft (a plant)
VNEN chuyên canh * specializing in the growing of some plant *
VNEN chuối lá * plantain *
VNEN * (1) eggplant
(2) to rub, grind
VNEN cà ghém * one type of egg plant *
VNEN cà pháo * eggplant *
VNEN cà tím * eggplant *
VNEN cây * (1) plant, tree
(2) [CL for long thin objects, firearms]
VNEN cây Nêu * bamboo tree planted during the Tet festival *
VNEN cây bông * (1) cotton plant
(2) fireworks
VNEN cây còi * dwarfed, stunted plant *
VNEN cây cảnh * dwarf, miniature tree, decorative plant, pot plant *
VNEN cây leo * climbing plant, creeper, climber *
VNEN cây mới nhập nội * a newly introduced plant *
VNEN cây nông nghiệp * agricultural plants *
VNEN cây thuốc * medicinal plant, simple *
VNEN cây trồng * crop plants, cultivated crops *
VNEN căng ngực * breast implant *
VNEN cơ xưởng * factory, plant *
VNEN cấy * (1) to transplant *
VNEN cấy tim * heart transplant *
VNEN cắm * to plant, pitch *
VNEN cắm mốc * set up (plant) landmarks *
VNEN cặm * to fix, plant *
VNEN củ * bulb (of a plant) *
VNEN di thực * acclimatize (a plant) *
VNEN * paper plant *
VNEN dược thảo * medicinal plant, herb *
VNEN dảnh * unit of rice seedling (about to be transplanted) *
VNEN giồng * to plant, cultivate, grow *
VNEN giồng cây * to plant a tree *
VNEN gây giống * to breed (plants or animals) *
VNEN hoàng đằng * rhubarb (plant) *
VNEN hòa thảo * graminaceous (gramineous) plant *
VNEN hải thảo * sea plants *
VNEN hất cẳng * supplant, oust and take the place of *
VNEN khoai chuối * plantain *
VNEN kiểng * (1) gong
(2) flower pot, planter [=cảnh]
VNEN loại cây * plant species *
VNEN lá cây * leaf (of a plant) *
VNEN lúa con gái * young rice plant *
VNEN lúa sạ * untransplanted, thinly planted rice *
VNEN máy nguyên tử * nuclear power plant *
VNEN mã đề * plantain *
VNEN ngồng * to shoot up (of cabbage, tobacco plant); towering *
VNEN nhà máy * factory, plant *
VNEN nhà máy nguyên tử * nuclear power plant *
VNEN nhà máy nhiệt điện * thermal power station, thermoelectric plant *
VNEN nhà máy thủy điện * hydroelectric power plant *
VNEN nhà máy điện * electricity generation plant, power plant, power station *
VNEN nhổ mạ * pull up young plants of rice *
VNEN nuôi trồng * rear (animals) and grow (plants) *
VNEN nưa * kouniak (kind of araceous plant with edible tuber), big python *
VNEN nội gián * planted spy *
VNEN phao tang * plant false evidence *
VNEN ra ngôi * transplant *
VNEN rong rêu * water-plants and mosses, sea-weed alga *
VNEN ráp hãng * assembly plant *
VNEN sàn xưởng * workshop, plant *
VNEN sáp * (1) wax, lipstick
(2) to drink
(3) to transplant (rice)
VNEN thân cây * trunk (of a tree), stem (of a plant) *
VNEN thảo mộc * plants, vegetation *
VNEN thầu dầu * castor oil plant *
VNEN tiếp hạch * to graft, grafting, transplantation *
VNEN trà * tea, tea-plant *
VNEN trồng * to cultivate, grow, plant *
VNEN trồng cây * to plant a tree *
VNEN trồng rau * to plant, grow vegetables *
VNEN trồng tỉa * to plant, cultivate, grow *
VNEN tưới * to water (plant), irrigate (plants) *
VNEN tưới bón * to fertilize (plants) *
VNEN vụ đặt bom * planting of a bomb, bombing *
VNEN xưởng * factory, mill, workshop, plant *
VNEN xưởng chế tạo * factory, manufacturing plant *
VNEN xưởng chế tạo vũ khí * weapons (manufacturing) plant *
VNEN xưởng ráp * assembly plant *
VNEN xưởng sản xuất * factory, plant *
VNEN xưởng điện tử * electronics factory, plant *
VNEN đá ngầm * oust (by underhand tricks), supplant *
VNEN đằng la * climbing plant, concubine *
VNEN đồn điền * plantation *
VNEN đồn điện * ranch, plantation *

SNOT: plant House and home, environment • flora and fauna
SNOT: names of plants, trees, flowers House and home, environment • flora and fauna

A1 plant (n.) (v.)

OXF3000: cây plant
OXF3000N thực vật sự mọc lên trồng gieo plant

OTOP: plant * Business Manufacturing
OTOP: plant * Houses and buildings Gardening
OTOP: plant * Nature Growing crops
OTOP: plant * Nature Plants
OTOP: plant * Travel and tourism The car industry

BNC6000 : plant [ Rank: 698 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : plant [ Rank: 2858 ] v 👪

Pflanze plant cây cỏ (thực vật) ☊ (N) Pflanzen

OPD : houseplant A Living Room
OPD : eggplants Vegetables
OPD : fertilize / feed the plants Landscape and Gardening
OPD : plant a tree Landscape and Gardening
OPD : water the plants Landscape and Gardening
OPD : plant Farming and Ranching
OPD : plants Nature Center
OPD : Plants Trees and Plants
OPD : houseplant Flowers
OPD : plant a tree Energy and Conservation

FN: plant n Locale_by_use
FN: plant v Placing
FN: plant v Filling
FN: plant v Planting

VSLW123 tưới (cây) ☊ (S) to water (plants) vsl2
VSLW123 nhà máy ☊ (S) factory, plant vsl2
VSLW 45 nhà máy ☊ (S) plant, factory [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 đồn điền ☊ (S) plantation [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 cây cối ☊ (S) plants [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 cây trồng ☊ (S) cultivated plant [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 trồng ☊ (S) to plant [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 động thực vật hoang dã ☊ (S) wild animals and plants [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 trồng trọt ☊ (S) to plant, to cutivate [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 cắm mốc ☊ (S) plant a landmark [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS thực vật plant Nature
DUOS Những đứa trẻ đang trồng một cái cây. The children are planting a tree. Verbs 5
DUOS Bố của tôi đã trồng hai cái cây ở phía sau nhà. My father planted two trees behind the house. Verbs 5
DUOS trồng plant Verbs 5