like: pickle
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all words:
VNEN chượp * brined (salt-pickled) fish (from which fish sauce is made) *
VNEN dưa giá * pickled bean sprouts *
VNEN dưa góp * vegetable pickles *
VNEN dưa hành * pickled welsh onion *
VNEN dưa muối * pickles and salt, poor foods *
VNEN dưa món * vegetable pickles *
VNEN dầm * to soak, pickle, steep *
VNEN muối * salt; salted, salty; to salt, pickle *
VNEN ăn xổi * to eat (pickles) before they are ready, eat before sth is completely cooked *

OTOP: pickle * Food and drink Sauces
OTOP: pickle * Food and drink Vegetables

OPD : pickle A Coffee Shop Menu

FN: pickle n Predicament
FN: pickle v Preserving