like: pension
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all words:
VNEN bánh treo * suspension wheel *
VNEN cáo hưu * ask to retire on a pension *
VNEN cầu treo * suspension bridge *
VNEN dình chỉ * to cease, stop, suspend; stoppage, suspension, cessation *
VNEN huyền phù * suspension *
VNEN hưu bổng * retirement pension, social security *
VNEN hồi hưu * retire (on a pension) *
VNEN nhíp xe * springs, spring suspension *
VNEN sổ hưu * retirement pension book *
VNEN về vườn * to be discharged or dismissed from office, be pensioned *

SNOT: pension Daily life • income

B2 pension (n.)

OXF3000: tiền cấp dưỡng pension
OXF3000N tiền trợ cấp lương hưu pension

OTOP: pension * Family and life stages Old age
OTOP: pension * Travel and tourism Holiday accommodation
OTOP: pension * Work Pay and conditions at work

BNC6000 : pension [ Rank: 1594 ] n 👪

FN: pension n Buildings

VSLW123 tiền hưu trí ☊ (S) retirement pension vsl3
VSLW123 tiền hưu trí ☊ (S) retirement pension vsl3
VSLW 45 lương hưu ☊ (S) pension [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 lương hưu ☊ (S) pension [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 vụ đình chỉ ☊ (S) suspension [ Advanced Reading ]

50L Chúng tôi sắp được tiền hưu trí. * We will soon receive our pension. 057