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all words:
VNEN Bắc Phần * Northern part (of Vietnam) *
VNEN Bộ Giao Thông Vận Tải * Department of Transportation *
VNEN Bộ Kinh Doanh * department of commerce *
VNEN Bộ Kinh Tế * department of the economy (or economic affairs) *
VNEN Bộ Quốc Phòng * Department of Defense *
VNEN Bộ Trưởng Năng Lượng * Department of Energy *
VNEN Bộ Tư Pháp * Ministry of Justice; Justice Department *
VNEN Tổng Bí Thư đảng CSVN * General Secretary of the Communist Party *
VNEN Vụ trưởng Vụ Khoa học, Công nghệ * Director of the Department of Science and Industry *
VNEN a pác thai * apartheid *
VNEN ban * (1) board, committee, commission, department, section
(2) unit of time
(3) to confer, give, grant, award, bestow
(4) ball
(5) fever
VNEN bin đinh * apartment building *
VNEN biệt ly * separated; separation, part *
VNEN biệt toán * party *
VNEN bày vai * equal, counterpart *
VNEN bán tự do * semi-free, partially free *
VNEN * (1) party, faction, band, group, circle, gang, society, alliance
(2) raft, float
VNEN bè lũ * clique, gang, party, faction, band *
VNEN bè lũ phát xít * fascist party *
VNEN bè nhóm * party, group, faction *
VNEN bè đảng * clique, set, faction, party *
VNEN bên * (1) side, face, party, team, area, place
(2) in, at (place, country)
VNEN bên dưới * below, under, inferior; the lower part *
VNEN bình tình * calm, fair, impartial *
VNEN bích * (1) partition, wall
(2) emerald
VNEN bẩm * (1) to report, say (something to someone above you)
(2) polite particle
(3) to give, endow
VNEN bật ra * to break apart, crack open *
VNEN bắp chân * calf (part of leg) *
VNEN bỏ đảng để phản đối * to quit the party in protest *
VNEN bộ * (1) section, part department, ministry
(2) gear, part, device
(3) radical (of a Chinese character)
(4) collection, set, pack (cards), suit (clothes)
(5) appearance, mean, behavior, bearing
(6) step, pace
(7) [CL for laws]
(8) land
(9) foot
(10) re
VNEN bộ chỉ huy đảng phái * party headquarters *
VNEN bộ kinh tế * Department of National Economy *
VNEN bộ môn * section, department, field, area of study, specialization *
VNEN bộ ngoại giao * Department of Foreign Affairs, Department of State *
VNEN bộ phận * gear, part, device, section *
VNEN bộ sở * department *
VNEN bộ trưởng * secretary, minister; ministry, department *
VNEN bớt xén * to take a rake-off, appropriate part of *
VNEN bờ lũy * fence, rampart *
VNEN bữa tiệc * banquet, feast, dinner party *
VNEN bữa tiệc chia tay * going away party *
VNEN can dự * to be involved, participate, take part; involvement *
VNEN chi bộ * cell (of party) *
VNEN chi ủy * party cell executive, cell committee *
VNEN chi ủy viên * member of a party cell executive, member of *
VNEN chia cắt * to separate, break up, divide, partition, isolate, partition *
VNEN chia lìa * to part, to separate *
VNEN chia tay * to depart, leave, wish farewell *
VNEN chia xa * far apart *
VNEN chung cư * apartment house, housing commission *
VNEN chén quan hà * farewell drink, parting cup *
VNEN chính đảng * political party *
VNEN chăng * (1) to stretch, spread
(2) (interrogative particle showing doubt)
VNEN chăng tá * interrogative particle *
VNEN chơi bời * to party, have a fun time *
VNEN chấm phần * secure apart, stake out a part (of a legacy) *
VNEN chầm chập * with utter partiality *
VNEN chầu hát * a singing party at the songstress house *
VNEN chắn ngang * barricade, partition off; to block, barricade, obstruct *
VNEN chủ thể * main organ, essential part-subject *
VNEN chủ tịch đảng * party chairman *
VNEN chứ * and, but (not); (finally particle) of course, sure, certainly *
VNEN com pa nhi * party, company, gang *
VNEN cung cấm * forbidden palace, emperor’s private apartments *
VNEN * (1) fish
(2) individual, part, unit
(3) to bet, gamble, wager
VNEN cá biệt hóa * to particularize *
VNEN các * (1) (pluralizer); these, various
(2) council chambers
(3) card
(4) to pay (additionally) as part of a deal
VNEN cách nhau * apart, distance from each other *
VNEN cái lưng * back (part of the body) *
VNEN cái phần thân thể * body part *
VNEN có một khoảng cách khá rộng * to be very far apart, have a large gap, be very wide *
VNEN có tính chất đảng phái * partisan, political *
VNEN công đảng * labor party *
VNEN cúa * palate (part of the mouth) *
VNEN căn * (1) apartment, flat
(2) [CL for houses, apartments, rooms]
(3) cause, origin, root
VNEN căn hộ * flat, apartment *
VNEN căn nhà * house, apartment *
VNEN căn nhà hai tầng * two story home, apartment *
VNEN cạy ra * to pry open, pry apart *
VNEN cả hai bên * both sides, both parties *
VNEN cảnh vẻ * particular *
VNEN cấp bộ * party local hierarchy *
VNEN cốp chiếc xe * trunk (of a car), storage compartment (on a vehicle) *
VNEN cốp xe * trunk (of a car), storage compartment (on a vehicle) *
VNEN cốt cán * loyal party member, core member (of a group); major, key *
VNEN cụ thể * concrete, tangible, explicit; in particular *
VNEN cục * office, department; piece, block, chunk *
VNEN cục bộ * partial, local *
VNEN cửa hàng bách hóa * department store *
VNEN di tích lịch sử * a part, piece of history *
VNEN dư đảng * remnants (of a political party) *
VNEN dạ hội * (evening) party *
VNEN dạ hội hóa trang * costume party *
VNEN dự * to attend, be present, participate, take part *
VNEN dự chiến * take part in the fighting *
VNEN dự phần * to have a share in, take part in *
VNEN gia lễ * particular family rituals, each family’s *
VNEN gian * (1) dishonest, underhanded, tricky
(2) apartment, room
(3) difficult, hard
(4) danger, peril
VNEN giáo vụ * teaching and study managing department *
VNEN giải hòa * mediate a peace (between two parties), act a peace-marker *
VNEN góp mặt * to attend, participate *
VNEN góp phần * to contribute, take part in, participate in *
VNEN gồm hai thành phần * to have two parts, two elements *
VNEN hai phe * both sides, camps, parties *
VNEN hai phần * two pieces, two parts *
VNEN hiệp ước Tay Ba * the Tripartite Pact *
VNEN huyện bộ * district political party branch *
VNEN huyện ủy * district (communist) party committee member *
VNEN huyện ủy viên * district (party) committee member *
VNEN hư tự * empty words (auxiliaries, particles) *
VNEN hạ bộ * lower part of the abdomen *
VNEN hạt cơ bản * fundamental particle, elementary particle *
VNEN hạt sơ cấp * primary particle *
VNEN hậu cung * queen’s apartments-shrine, sanctuary (of a communal house or temple) *
VNEN hội hè * association, festival, feast, party, ball *
VNEN hớ hênh * exposing indecently (part of one’s body) by inadvertence *
VNEN hở * (1) open, uncovered
(2) (final partical indicating surprise)
VNEN hợp tác trong chương trình * to cooperate, take part in a plan *
VNEN kheo * ham (back part of the leg behind the knee-joint) *
VNEN khoa trưởng * dean, head of a university department *
VNEN khu vùng * domain part *
VNEN khu ủy * party committee *
VNEN không viết riêng cho ai * to write for no one in particular, for no particular person *
VNEN không đảng phái * non-partisan *
VNEN khứ lưu * depart and remain *
VNEN kim ốc * golden palace, royal apartments *
VNEN kiến bò * tingling (after a body part falls asleep) *
VNEN kéo bè * to form a party *
VNEN kỳ bộ * regional party headquarters *
VNEN kỳ dư * apart from that, the rest *
VNEN kỹ thuật nói chung và máy điện toán nói riêng * technology in general and computers in particular *
VNEN linh kiện * components, spare parts *
VNEN liên chi ủy * member of an associated party *
VNEN lo bổn phận * to do one’s part, fulfill one’s responsibilities *
VNEN loan phòng * woman’s apartment *
VNEN long * (1) to come off, come apart
(2) dragon; imperial
VNEN ly khai * dissident; to leave, depart *
VNEN ly khai đảng Cộng sản * to leave the Communist party *
VNEN làm bổn phận của mình * to do one’s part *
VNEN làm phần mình * to do one’s part, share *
VNEN làm tiệc * to prepare a banquet, hold a party *
VNEN lên đường * to depart, set out, start a journey, leave, go away *
VNEN lìa * to leave, part, separate *
VNEN lính dõng * partisan *
VNEN lòi tiền * disburse, part with one’s money *
VNEN lũy * rampart *
VNEN lưỡng đảng * bipartisan, two-party *
VNEN lạc thành * pot-hanging party, pot-hanging ceremony *
VNEN lắm trò * fussy, over-particular *
VNEN lễ hỏi * betrothal, engagement party or ceremony *
VNEN mang tai * part behind the ear; parotid *
VNEN miền * district, area, part; region *
VNEN miền Bắc * northern region, northern part *
VNEN miền nam * southern region, southern part *
VNEN muôn một * for the smallest part; if ever, one chance out of ten thousand; if by chance *
VNEN mùn * humus, dust, particle *
VNEN mùn thớt * decayed particles; filth, dirt on a chopping board *
VNEN mảnh * (1) piece, fragment, part, scrap
(2) [CL for furniture]
VNEN mẻo * small part, small piece *
VNEN mến tiếc * regret the departure of *
VNEN mống * partial rainbow, primary rainbow; it will shine, white rainbow, it will *
VNEN một mặt quan trọng * an important aspect, part *
VNEN một người thứ ba * someone else, a third party *
VNEN mở tiệc chiêu đãi * to give a banquet in honor of somebody, throw a party *
VNEN nam bộ * southern part (of an area) *
VNEN nghi thức * department, protocol, ceremony, rights, form, formality *
VNEN nghịch đảng * rebellious party, gang of rebels *
VNEN ngoài * besides, outside, aside from, in addition; without, exterior, external; up north (referring to the northern part of VN) *
VNEN ngoại giả * besides, apart from *
VNEN ngoại trừ * except, apart from *
VNEN ngôn luận của đảng cộng sản * the voice of the Communist Party *
VNEN ngăn * (1) to prevent, hinder
(2) to separate, divide, part; partition, compartment, drawer
(3) to prevent, hinder
VNEN ngũ tạng * the five inner parts innards *
VNEN người tham dự * participant *
VNEN người tình chăn gối * sexual partner *
VNEN người đồng cấp * counterpart *
VNEN ngồi xa nhau * to sit far apart *
VNEN nhân ngày * one day, on a (particular) day *
VNEN nhân tình * (sexual) partner, lover *
VNEN nhập cuộc * take part in, be an insider *
VNEN nhếch * open slight, part a corner (of one’s lips, mouth), unround, stretch *
VNEN nát ra * to break apart *
VNEN nói riêng * speak (with somebody) in private, have a word in sb’s ear; in particular *
VNEN nót riêng * in particular *
VNEN nấn ná * linger (on, over), stay too long, procrastinate, put off (departure) *
VNEN nằm trong * to be in, be part of, fall into *
VNEN nội bộ đảng * within the party *
VNEN nửa ngày * part-time, half-day *
VNEN phe * faction, side, sect, party, gang *
VNEN phe bảo thủ * conservative party *
VNEN phe cải cách * reform party *
VNEN phe cầm quyền * ruling party *
VNEN phe nhóm * party, group *
VNEN phe phái * party, faction *
VNEN phe phái kình chống * opposition party, faction *
VNEN phe đảng * party *
VNEN phe đối lập * opposition party *
VNEN phách * (1) bossy, boastful, haughty
(2) manner, way
(3) upper part of exam paper bearing examinee’s name
VNEN phái bảo hoàng * monarchist party *
VNEN phân ban * sub-committee-section, sub-department *
VNEN phân cục * branch office, sub-department, section *
VNEN phân khoa lịch sử * Department or Faculty of History *
VNEN phân nửa * half (part) *
VNEN phân đoạn * segment, partition, segmentation; to divide up *
VNEN phía Việt Nam * on the part of Vietnam *
VNEN phòng (lái) phi thuyền * space capsule (part which contains humans) *
VNEN phần * part, portion, share *
VNEN phần * part, section, portion, share *
VNEN phần chót * last part *
VNEN phần gốc * bottom part, root *
VNEN phần lớn * majority, most, the greater part, the major part *
VNEN phần lớn là * for the most part (is) *
VNEN phần mình * one’s part, share (of something) *
VNEN phần một * part one *
VNEN phần nhiều * the greatest part, most *
VNEN phần nào * in part, partly, some extent, a certain degree *
VNEN phần nào ~ phần nào * partly (to do something), partly (to do something else) *
VNEN phần tao * as for me, for my part *
VNEN phần thân thể * body part *
VNEN phần tôi * as for me, for my part *
VNEN phần ông * as for him/you, as for his/your part *
VNEN phần đông * majority, most, greater, part *
VNEN phụ kiện * spare parts *
VNEN phụ tùng * spare parts, accessories *
VNEN quan hà * frontier post and river, parting *
VNEN quyền lợi đảng * party interests *
VNEN quân ủy trung ương * military commission of the party *
VNEN quận ủy * district party committee *
VNEN quốc dân đảng * nationalist party *
VNEN ra đi * (1) to depart, start, leave
(2) radium
VNEN riêng * alone, only, separate, particular, private, personal, independent; as for *
VNEN riêng phần tôi * as for me, for my part *
VNEN rã đám * closing of a festival, ending of a merry-making party *
VNEN rẽ đường ngôi * to part one’s hair *
VNEN rời khỏi * to depart, leave *
VNEN rời tay * to let go of (somebody, something), part with; to rest *
VNEN sa thải ra khỏi đảng * to be dismissed from the party *
VNEN sang hai bên * to both sides, apart *
VNEN sinh ly tử biệt * separation in life and parting in death *
VNEN so kè * be meanly particular about money, be niggardly (near) about *
VNEN suất * part, portion, ration *
VNEN sáp huyết * to smear one’s mouth with blood (as part of an oath) *
VNEN sòng phẳng * straightforward and impartial *
VNEN sơ cảnh binh * police department *
VNEN sơ kết * sum up partially, make a preliminary summing-up of a discussion *
VNEN số lớn * the greatest part, the majority *
VNEN sống cách biệt * to live apart, separately *
VNEN sở cứu hỏa * fire department *
VNEN sự ra đi * departure, leaving *
VNEN sự tham dự * participation *
VNEN tan rã * to break apart, break up, disintegrate *
VNEN tay * (1) hand, sleeve
(2) person, party, group
VNEN tay ba * three-way, involving three persons or parties *
VNEN tay đôi * bipartite, bilateral *
VNEN tham chiến * to participate in a war, wage war *
VNEN tham chính * to take part in politics *
VNEN tham dự * to participate, take part, attend; participation *
VNEN tham dự hội nghị * to take part in, participate in a conference *
VNEN tham dự hội nghị thượng đỉnh * to take part in a summit *
VNEN tham dự viên * participant *
VNEN tham dự đại hội * to take part, participate in a congress *
VNEN tham gia * to adhere, participate, take part, contribute to, attend; contribution, participation *
VNEN tham gia chính quyền * to take part, play a role in the government, administration *
VNEN tham gia chương trình * to take part in a program *
VNEN tham gia cuộc trò chuyện * to participate in a conversation *
VNEN tham gia phiên họp * to take part in a meeting *
VNEN tham gia quân đội * to take part, play a role in the military *
VNEN tham gia vào việc bầu * to participate in a vote *
VNEN tham gia vào xã hội * to take part in society *
VNEN than dư * to participate *
VNEN thanh trừng ra khỏi đảng * to expel, purge from the party *
VNEN thi * to take an examination or a test, take part in contest or race, compete *
VNEN thiên * (1) thousand
(2) partial (to), favorable, pro-(something)
(3) heaven, sky, God, heavenly, divine, celestial
(4) (classifier for articles, novels, chapters)
(5) to move, shift, change
(6) section, part, piece
VNEN thiên kiến * prejudice, bias, partiality *
VNEN thiên lệch * partial, biased, unfair, partially, with partiality *
VNEN thiên vị * (1) unjust, biased, partial, unfair
(2) throne
VNEN thuyền đinh * flat boat (used particularly in north Vietnam) *
VNEN thuộc * (1) to belong, of, part of, occupation
(2) to know by heart
(3) to tan, cure
VNEN thuộc phe đối lập * to belong to, be part of the opposition *
VNEN thuộc vùng * to belong to, be part of an area *
VNEN thuộc về * to belong to, be on, part of *
VNEN thuộc về phe * to belong to a group, faction, party *
VNEN thuộc đảng * to be a member of a party *
VNEN thành lũy * fortifications, bastion, rampart, stronghold, defense works *
VNEN thành lập đảng * to found a (political) party *
VNEN tháo * to dismantle, take apart, open, unwrap, untie, release, unbind *
VNEN tháo rời * to take apart, take to pieces, disassemble *
VNEN thâm khuê * women’s apartment *
VNEN thú phạm * culprit, guilty party *
VNEN thương hội * chamber of commerce, commercial partnership *
VNEN thất lộc * lose the favors (of life), die, depart this life *
VNEN thết tiệc * to give a banquet, hold or have a party *
VNEN thị ủy * city party committee *
VNEN thủ phạm * guilty party, main suspect *
VNEN tinh anh * quintessence, pith, essential part, the part *
VNEN tinh hoa * essence, best part, crème de la crème *
VNEN tiếp tân * reception, party *
VNEN tiểu từ * copulative, modal particle *
VNEN tiệc * banquet, party, feast, dinner *
VNEN tiệc rượu * drinking party *
VNEN tiệc trà * tea party *
VNEN tiệm bách hóa * department store *
VNEN toàn đảng * entire (political) party *
VNEN toán * gang, group, party, team; mathematics *
VNEN trong hàng ngũ đảng * within the party ranks *
VNEN trung bộ * central part (of Vietnam) *
VNEN trung phần * central, middle section, part *
VNEN trung tu * repair (parts of something) *
VNEN truyền thụ * to teach, instruct, impart, transmit *
VNEN truyền đạt * to communicate, pass on, inform, warn, impart *
VNEN trích đăng * print, publish parts of *
VNEN trưởng ban * head clerk, section head, department manager, section chief *
VNEN trưởng ty * service chief, chief of department *
VNEN trợ từ * (linguistics) particle *
VNEN trực thuộc * a part of *
VNEN tuổi đảng * party seniority, years of membership *
VNEN tách rời * apart from; split, separate *
VNEN tây vị * partial, biased, unfair, favor sb. in particular, impartially *
VNEN tè he * sit on the floor with one’s legs apart *
VNEN tình tiết * detail, particular episode *
VNEN tính đảng * party nature *
VNEN tú tài I * first part of baccalaureate *
VNEN tú tài II * second part of baccalaureate *
VNEN tư nhân * private, particular *
VNEN tạm biệt * to part, say goodbye; goodbye, bye-bye, bye *
VNEN tạng * constitution, health, viscera, innards, inner parts *
VNEN tất cả các phe * all parties, everyone involved *
VNEN tất niên * new year’s eve party *
VNEN tỉnh bộ * provincial committee of the party *
VNEN tổ chức không đảng phái * non-partisan organization *
VNEN tổng cục đường sắt * the railway general department *
VNEN từ biệt * to say farewell, say goodbye, part *
VNEN từ loại * part of speech *
VNEN tự loại * part of speech *
VNEN u * (1) to swell (part of the body), swollen
(2) (wet) nurse
(3) dark
(4) quiet, secluded
VNEN vai trò * role, part *
VNEN vong linh * soul (of the departed) *
VNEN vào cuộc * to take part, jump on the bandwagon *
VNEN vách * wall, partition *
VNEN vách ngăn * partition, bulkhead *
VNEN vách tường * partition, wall *
VNEN vô tư * impartial, unbiased *
VNEN vằn * parti-colored, motley, streaked, speckled, flecked *
VNEN về phía * on the side of, on the part of *
VNEN về phía Việt Nam * as for Vietnam, with regards to Vietnam, for Vietnam’s part *
VNEN về phía công nhân * on the part of the workers, on the workers’ side *
VNEN về phần tôi * for me, as for my part *
VNEN vỡ tung * to break apart, rupture, burst *
VNEN vụ phó * deputy director of a department *
VNEN vụ trưởng * head of department, department head or manager *
VNEN xoạc * to spread wide apart *
VNEN xuất phát điểm * point of departure, starting point *
VNEN xé nát * to tear, rip apart *
VNEN xứ ủy * regional party committee *
VNEN yếu mục * important article, important part *
VNEN à * (1) (indicates surprise, sympathy)
(2) (sentence starting particle), oh, by the way
(3) to rush, flood
VNEN óc bè phái * sectionalism, factionalism, partisanship, sectarianism *
VNEN ăn * (1) to eat (away at), attack, corrode, cost; to attend, celebrate, take part in (a event where food is served)
(3) to earn illegally
VNEN ăn chay tiệc * to feast, attend a party *
VNEN ăn chơi * to party, have fun, eat for fun *
VNEN ăn hỏi * to celebrate an engagement, attend an engagement party *
VNEN ăn yến * to take part in an imperial banquet *
VNEN ĐCS * Đảng Cộng Sản (Communist Party) *
VNEN đa nguyên đa đảng * multiparty system *
VNEN đa phần * mostly, for the most part *
VNEN đa đảng * multiparty *
VNEN đi * to go; (particle used to form commands, suggestions) *
VNEN đoạn * paragraph, section, part, piece; then, after that *
VNEN đoạn sử * part, piece of history *
VNEN đoạn tình * to part company with somebody, finish with somebody *
VNEN đám hỏi * betrothal, engagement party or ceremony *
VNEN đám tiệc * dinner (party) *
VNEN đóng góp vào cụoc điều tra * to contribute to, take part in an investigation *
VNEN đóng kịch * act a part (in a play), put on an act *
VNEN đóng phim * play a part in a film *
VNEN đóng vai * to play a role, a part *
VNEN đướng sự * interested party, person in question *
VNEN đại bộ phận * the greatest part *
VNEN đại hội đảng * party congress *
VNEN đại đa số * great majority, vast majority; for the most part *
VNEN đảng * party, gang, band *
VNEN đảng CS * Communist Party *
VNEN đảng CSVN * Vietnamese Communist Party *
VNEN đảng Công Minh * Communist Party (of Japan) *
VNEN đảng Cộng Sản * the Communist Party *
VNEN đảng Cộng Sản Việt Nam * the Vietnamese Communist Party *
VNEN đảng Cộng hòa * Republican party *
VNEN đảng Dân Chủ * Democratic, Democracy party *
VNEN đảng Dân Chủ Tự Do * Liberal Democratic Party (of Japan) *
VNEN đảng Dân Chủ Xã Hội * Socialist Party (of Japan) *
VNEN đảng Dân Xã * Minshato (Japanese political party) *
VNEN đảng bảo thủ * conservative party *
VNEN đảng bộ * committee of a party *
VNEN đảng cương * party political program *
VNEN đảng cấp tiến * the radical party *
VNEN đảng cầm quyền * ruling party *
VNEN đảng dân chủ xã hội * democratic socialist party *
VNEN đảng kỳ * party flag *
VNEN đảng phái * party *
VNEN đảng phái chính trị * political party *
VNEN đảng phí * party dues *
VNEN đảng sử * party history *
VNEN đảng trưởng * party leader *
VNEN đảng trị * one party rule, one party system *
VNEN đảng tính * party character, party spirit *
VNEN đảng tả phái * leftist party *
VNEN đảng tịch * party membership *
VNEN đảng viên * party member *
VNEN đảng viên Cộng sản * communist party member *
VNEN đảng viên trung cấp * middle level party member *
VNEN đảng vụ * party affairs *
VNEN đảng xã hội * Socialist party *
VNEN đảng đoàn * party committee appointed to offices and other *
VNEN đảng đương quyền * ruling party *
VNEN đảng ủy * party committee (in an organization, office) *
VNEN đặc thù hóa * particularize *
VNEN đặc tính * attribute, characteristic, particularity; special; especially, particularly *
VNEN đặc điểm * characteristic, particular trait, special point *
VNEN đối phương * enemy, opponent, opposite side, opposition, opposing party, adversary *
VNEN đối tác * partner *
VNEN đồ đảng * accomplice, partisan *
VNEN đồng mưu * accomplice, partner *
VNEN đồng đảng * of the same party, accomplice, partner *
VNEN đổ vỡ của đảng cộng sản * an offshoot of the communist party *
VNEN đứng ngoài * to be outside out, stand outside of, not be part of *
VNEN * (phrase ending particle indicating politeness or respect) *
VNEN ở nửa dưới thân thể * in the lower part of the body *
VNEN ở vùng đất này * in this region, in this part of the country *
VNEN ủy ban lưỡng đảng * bipartisan commission, committee *
VNEN ủy ban đảng * party committee *
VNEN ứng đối * to retort, riposte, engage in repartee *
VNEN kéo sang hai bên * to be pulled apart *

GNOT: particular Qualitative • generality, specificity
GNOT: part Qualitative • generality, specificity
SNOT: apartment House and home, environment • types of accommodation
SNOT: part of the country House and home, environment • region
SNOT: departure Travel • public transport
SNOT: partner Relations with other people • relationship
SNOT: party Relations with other people • invitations
SNOT: party Relations with other people • government and politics
SNOT: names of political parties e.g. Relations with other people • government and politics
SNOT: names of parts of the body e.g. Health and body care • parts of the body
SNOT: third-party Health and body care • insurance
SNOT: department store Shopping • shopping facilities

A1 part (n.)

OXF3000: phần part
OXF3000N phần bộ phận part

OTOP: part * Body and appearance Describing hair
OTOP: part * Body and appearance Styling hair
OTOP: part * Culture Film plots
OTOP: part * Culture Film reviews and promotion
OTOP: part * Culture Elements of a play
OTOP: part * Family and life stages Separation

BNC6000 : part [ Rank: 135 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : part [ Rank: 5372 ] v 👪

OPD : apartment number Personal Information
OPD : Working with a Partner Studying
OPD : Participate in class. Succeeding in School
OPD : Parts of a Telephone The Telephone
OPD : part Describing Hair
OPD : furnished apartment Finding a Home
OPD : unfurnished apartment Finding a Home
OPD : Renting an Apartment Finding a Home
OPD : apartment building Apartments
OPD : Apartment Complex Apartments
OPD : An Apartment Entryway Apartments
OPD : party The Tenant Meeting
OPD : shoe department Shoes and Accessories
OPD : jewelery department Shoes and Accessories
OPD : Parts of a sewing Machine Making Clothes
OPD : Department of Motor Vehicles Downtown
OPD : department store A Mall
OPD : political party Government and Military Service
OPD : glove compartment Parts of the Car
OPD : arrival and departure monitors An Airport
OPD : overhead compartment An Airport
OPD : parts A Factory
OPD : particle mask Job Safety
OPD : particle board Tools and Building Supplies
OPD : Parts of an Essay English Composition
OPD : Parts of a Tree Trees and Plants
OPD : Parts of a flower Flowers
OPD : Parts of a Fish Marine Life, Amphibians, and Reptiles
OPD : Parts of a Bird Birds, Insects, and Arachnids

FN: part n Part_whole
FN: part n Membership
FN: part n Performers_and_roles
FN: part n Hair_configuration
FN: part n Vehicle_subpart
FN: part n Artifact_subpart
FN: part n Taking_sides
FN: part v Separating

VSLW123 buổi ☊ (S) session (part of a day) vsl1
VSLW123 khởi hành ☊ (S) to depart vsl1
VSLW123 vậy ☊ (S) particle placed at the end of the question to ask more about something vsl1
VSLW123 khoa ☊ (S) department vsl2
VSLW123 căn hộ ☊ (S) flat, apartment vsl2
VSLW123 chung cư ☊ (S) apartment building vsl2
VSLW123 tham gia ☊ (S) to participate vsl2
VSLW123 trưởng phòng ☊ (S) head of department vsl2
VSLW123 khu phố ☊ (S) quarter (part of a city ward) vsl2
VSLW123 khoa ☊ (S) subject of study, department (university) vsl3
VSLW123 tham gia ☊ (S) to participate vsl3
VSLW123 áo tứ thân ☊ (S) four parts flowing tunic vsl3
VSLW123 thân ☊ (S) a body, a part vsl3
VSLW123 căn hộ ☊ (S) apartment vsl3
VSLW123 chung cư ☊ (S) apartment (building) vsl3
VSLW123 phần ☊ (S) part, portion vsl3
VSLW123 tiệc ☊ (S) party, celebration vsl3
VSLW123 tham gia ☊ (S) to participate vsl3
VSLW123 chung cư ☊ (S) apartment (building) vsl3
VSLW 45 Riêng, Đặc biệt ☊ (S) particularly [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 Nói riêng ☊ (S) in particular [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 buổi tiệc ☊ (S) party [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 căn hộ ☊ (S) an apartment [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 Sở ☊ (S) Department (City/Province level) [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 đảng ☊ (S) party [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 Ban Chấp Hành Trung Ương Đảng ☊ (S) Central Committee Of The Communist Party [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 Sở ☊ (S) Department (provincial level) [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 Sở Du lịch ☊ (S) Department of Tourism [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 đảng viên Đảng CS ☊ (S) member of Communist party [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 Bộ Quốc phòng ☊ (S) Department of Defense [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bộ phận (BP) ☊ (S) part/ office [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 riêng ☊ (S) in particular, specific [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 Sở Công thương ☊ (S) Department of Trade and Industry [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 sự tham gia ☊ (S) participation [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 khởi hành ☊ (S) to depart, departure [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nói chung >< nói riêng ☊ (S) generally speaking> [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 phụ tùng ☊ (S) part [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 Sở Lao Động- Thương Binh và Xã Hội TPHCM ☊ (S) HCMC Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tham gia ☊ (S) to participate [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 Sở Lao động - Thương binh và Xã hội ☊ (S) Department of Labor - War invalids and Social Affairs [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nói riêng ☊ (S) in particular [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bộ phận ☊ (S) part [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 một phần ☊ (S) partial, partially [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 các bên liên quan ☊ (S) related parties [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 chủ thể ☊ (S) subject, essential part [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 truyền thụ ☊ (S) to impart [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 Sở Nội vụ ☊ (S) Department of Internal Affairs [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 độc đảng ☊ (S) one-party [ Basic Reading ]

VSLS Chuyến tối... Xe lửa chuyến tối khởi hành lúc mấy giờ? The night trip....The night train, what time does it depart? vsl1
VSLS Chuyến tối. Chuyến tối khởi hành lúc 6 giờ, phải không cô? The evening one. The evening one departs at 6:00, right Miss? vsl1

DUOS Bạn đã có những giải pháp rất cụ thể cho vấn đề này. You had very particular solutions for this problem. Adjectives 2
DUOS Chúng tôi cần những ví dụ cụ thể. We need particular examples. Adjectives 2
DUOS cụ thể particular Adjectives 2
DUOS Cả nước Đức và nước Pháp tham gia tổ chức đa quốc gia đó. Both Germany and France participate in that multinational organisation. Economics
DUOS  tham gia participate Economics
DUOS Tôi có một cuộc phỏng vấn để tham gia tập đoàn này. I have an interview to participate in this corporation. Economics
DUOS Biểu tượng của đảng Cộng hoà là gì? What is the symbol of the republican party? History
DUOS đảng Cộng hoà republican Party History
DUOS đảng party History

50L Ở đây có buổi tiệc. * There is a party here. 014
50L Đây là căn hộ của tôi. * My apartment is here. 019
50L Hôm nay chúng tôi lau dọn nhà. * We are cleaning the apartment today. 020
50L Ngày mai ở đây có một buổi tiệc. * There’s a party here tomorrow. 024
50L Chúng ta đi cửa hàng bách hóa tổng hợp không? * Shall we go to the department store? 054
50L Đồ trang sức ở đâu? * Where is the jewellery / jewelry (am.) department? 054
50L Tôi làm y tá nửa ngày. * I work as a nurse part-time. 057
50L Chị ấy phải lau chùi nhà cửa. * She must clean the apartment. 074
50L Chúng tôi đã phải dọn dẹp nhà. * We had to clean the apartment. 089