like: pain
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN Tây Ban Nha * Spain, Spanish *
VNEN ai phong * with pain *
VNEN bi khổ * painful *
VNEN bi thảm * sad, painful, mournful *
VNEN buôn buốt * feeling a rather sharp pain, feeling a rather biting cold *
VNEN buốt * feeling a sharp pain, feeling a biting cold; sharp, biting, cutting *
VNEN bình sơn * can of paint *
VNEN bảng màu * palette (of painter) *
VNEN bảng sơn * painted sign *
VNEN bị đau * to hurt, be painful, be injured *
VNEN bị đau lưng. * to have back pain, suffer from back pain *
VNEN bớt đau * to lessen, reduce (pain) *
VNEN bức * (1) hot, torrid
(2) to oppress
(3) [CL for walls, paintings, etc.]
VNEN bức họa * picture, painting *
VNEN bức tranh * picture, painting *
VNEN cay đắng * hot and bitter, painful, miserable *
VNEN chua xót * heart-rending, painfully sad *
VNEN chuốc * to take pains to get, go to any lengths to get *
VNEN chán quá * how annoying, how bothersome, what a pain *
VNEN chết điếng * to be stupefied to insensibility (with pain) *
VNEN chịu nhiền đau thương * to endure much, great pain, suffering *
VNEN cơn đau * outburst, fit, attack of pain *
VNEN cảm thấy đau * to hurt, feel pain *
VNEN cậy cục * to painstakingly entreat (influential people) for a favor *
VNEN của nợ * trial, a pain in the neck *
VNEN cửa võng * door (of temples) painting in fresco *
VNEN cực nhọc * hard, painstaking, burdensome, tedious *
VNEN danh họa * famous, renown painter or painting *
VNEN dâm họa * pornographic painting *
VNEN dụng công * to take pains (in carrying out research, in artistic creation) *
VNEN giảm đau * to relieve pain, kill pain *
VNEN gây ra nhức nhối * to be painful *
VNEN gây đau đớn * to cause pain *
VNEN huyết lệ * blood and tear, excruciating pain, agony *
VNEN héo ruột * be painful *
VNEN họa phẩm * painting *
VNEN họa sĩ * artist, painter *
VNEN hội họa * painting *
VNEN hội họa bằng mực đen * black ink painting (Sumi-E) *
VNEN khó nhọc * hard, difficult, painful, laborious *
VNEN khổ công * hard work,; to take great pains, work hard *
VNEN khổ nhục * (bodily) pain *
VNEN khổ quá * it’s so hard, it’s so difficult, it’s so painful *
VNEN khổ thân * to suffer, painful *
VNEN kỹ càng * careful, thorough, painstaking *
VNEN lạt như nước ốc * boring, dull, like watching paint dry, like watching grass grow *
VNEN lặn lội * take pains, brave dangers, travel up hill and down dale, go *
VNEN lớp sơn * paintwork *
VNEN móng tay sơn màu * painted fingernails *
VNEN mẫn cán * diligent, painstaking *
VNEN nhói * feeling stinging pain *
VNEN nhảnh mép cười * to smile paintly, give a faint smile *
VNEN nhẳn đau bụng * to have an intermittent pain in one’s stomach *
VNEN nhức xương * piercing pain in the bones *
VNEN nhừ * be well-cooked, be well-done, feel a pervasive pain (numbness) *
VNEN não nề * painful, poignant *
VNEN nước sơn * (liquid) paint, coat of paint *
VNEN nắn nót * write painstakingly *
VNEN oai phong * with pain *
VNEN oe óe * scream, shriek of pain *
VNEN oái * (exclamation of pain) *
VNEN panh-xô * paintbrush *
VNEN phông * font; scenery, scene, background (of a painting) *
VNEN phản ảnh * depict, picture, portary, represent, paint, express; report *
VNEN phục chế * restore (a painting) *
VNEN ra công * to take trouble, pains *
VNEN se lòng * have one’s heart wrung with pain *
VNEN sơn * (1) mountain
(2) to paint, color, lacquer; paint, lacquer
VNEN sơn dầu * oil-paint *
VNEN sơn màu * to paint, color *
VNEN sơn phết * to paint *
VNEN sơn xì * spray-paint *
VNEN sơn xịt * spray paint *
VNEN tay làm hàm nhai * no pain, no gains *
VNEN thi họa * poetry and painting *
VNEN thợ sơn * painter *
VNEN tiệm sơn * paint store *
VNEN tranh * (1) picture, painting
(2) to compete, contend, dispute
VNEN tranh hội họa * painting *
VNEN tranh màn treo * screen painting *
VNEN tranh thủy mặc * water-color painting, water-color *
VNEN tranh tường * a mural painting *
VNEN tranh vẽ * painting *
VNEN tô hồng * to paint in bright colors, embellish *
VNEN vật vã * to throw oneself on the ground, writhe in bed (with pain, sorrow) *
VNEN vẽ * drawing, sketch; to draw, paint, sketch *
VNEN vẽ rắn thêm chân * paint a snake with feet, unnecessary embellishment *
VNEN xuýt xoa * to make a hissing sound, utter a cry of pain *
VNEN á * (1) (interjection expressing pain or surprise)
(2) Asia, Asian, Asiatic
(3) Ethiopia
(4) dumb, unable to speak
(5) inferior, second(ary), second-level, sub-
VNEN ái * (1) to love
(2) (interjection indicating pain or surprise), ouch! ow!
VNEN Đau ngâm ngẩm * feel a dull and lasting pain *
VNEN đan thanh * painting, limning art *
VNEN đau * pain; painful, ill *
VNEN đau bao tử * stomach pain *
VNEN đau buốt * acute pain *
VNEN đau buốt như kim châm * to feel a sharp pain as if pricked by needles *
VNEN đau bão * colic accompanied with lumbar pains *
VNEN đau bằng * as painful as *
VNEN đau bụng * stomach ache, stomach pain *
VNEN đau dạ dày * stomach pain or trouble, stomachache, gastralgia *
VNEN đau khổ * to suffer, feel pain, be miserable *
VNEN đau lòng * to feel great pain, feel deep grief; painful *
VNEN đau lưng * back pain, backache *
VNEN đau nau * labor pains *
VNEN đau ngực * chest pains *
VNEN đau nhói * sharp or stabbing or piercing or throbbing pain *
VNEN đau nhức * aches and pains *
VNEN đau quặn * to writhe in pain, be doubled up with pain, sting *
VNEN đau thương * heart-rending, heart-breaking, sad, sorrowful; sorrow, pain, suffering *
VNEN đau thắt * intense pain *
VNEN đau ê ẩm * dull pain *
VNEN đau điếng * shooting or stabbing pain *
VNEN đau đẻ * labor pain *
VNEN đau đớn * painful, suffering, sorrowful; to suffer, be in pain; suffering *
VNEN đoạn trường * painful *
VNEN đái nhắt * strangury (slow and painful spasmodic discharge of urine) *
VNEN đói ngấu * feel the gnawing pains of hunger *
VNEN đồ thư * books and paintings *

SNOT: picture/painting Free time, entertainment • exhibitions, museums, etc.
SNOT: names of art forms e.g. painting, photography, sculpture Free time, entertainment • intellectual and artistic pursuits
SNOT: pain/-ache Health and body care • ailments– accidents

A2 pain (n.)

OXF3000: đau pain
OXF3000N sự đau đớn sự đau khổ pain

OTOP: pain * Health Being ill
OTOP: pain * Health Injuries
OTOP: pain * Personality and emotio Unhappiness
OTOP: pain * Personality and emotio Describing annoying traits

BNC6000 : pain [ Rank: 1202 ] n 👪

Schmerz pain nỗi đau ☊ (N) Gesundheit

OPD : in pain Feelings
OPD : Paint. Finding a Home
OPD : painting A Living Room
OPD : Automotive Painter Workplace Clothing
OPD : pain reliever A Pharmacy
OPD : pain Taking Care of Your Health
OPD : (house) painter Jobs and Occupations H-P
OPD : paint Construction
OPD : paintbrush Tools and Building Supplies
OPD : paint roller Tools and Building Supplies
OPD : paint Tools and Building Supplies
OPD : paint pan Tools and Building Supplies
OPD : acrylic paint Hobies and Games
OPD : paint Hobies and Games
OPD : oil paint Hobies and Games
OPD : paintbrush Hobies and Games

FN: pain n Perception_body
FN: pain v Perception_body

VSLW123 đau ☊ (S) sore, ache, pain vsl2
VSLW123 đỡ (- đau, đói) ☊ (S) to relieve (one's pain, one's hunger) vsl2
VSLW123 khó chịu ☊ (S) to feel bad, painful vsl2
VSLW123 tranh ☊ (S) painting vsl2
VSLW123 họa sĩ ☊ (S) painter (artist) vsl2
VSLW123 vẽ ☊ (S) to draw, to paint picture vsl3
VSLW123 chịu khó ☊ (S) to take pains, work hard vsl3
VSLW 45 Hãy để tôi vẽ một bức tranh ☊ (S) Let me paint a picture [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 67 thương tâm ☊ (S) painful, grieved [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 cay đắng ☊ (S) bitter, painful [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Bà ấy cũng mới mua ba bức tranh. She also just bought three paintings. vsl2
VSLS Nghe nói là tranh ấn tượng. (I) have heard that they are impressionist paintings. vsl2
VSLS Giá mỗi bức trên 10 triệu đồng. The price of each painting is over 10 million dong. vsl2

DUOS Tây Ban Nha Spain Countries 1
DUOS Ba mẹ tôi sống ở Tây Ban Nha. My parents live in Spain. Countries 1
DUOS Nước nào ở giữa Tây Ban Nha và Pháp? Which country is between Spain and France? Prepositions 2
DUOS Tôi thà cảm thấy đau đớn còn hơn cảm thấy trống rỗng. I would rather feel in pain than feel empty. Adjectives 2
DUOS Thật đau đớn! so painful Adjectives 2
DUOS Một tình yêu tạm thời là một tình yêu đau đớn. A temporary love is a painful love. Adjectives 2
DUOS hoạ sĩ painter Jobs 2
DUOS Bạn cảm thấy đau ở đâu? Where do you feel pain? Medical
DUOS đau pain Medical
DUOS Ông bà của tôi luôn bị đau lưng vào mùa đông. My grandparents have always back pain in winter. Medical
DUOS Đừng dửng dưng với sự đau đớn của người khác. Do not be unconcerned with the pain of other people. Reduplicative Words

50L Madrid ở bên Tây Ban Nha. * Madrid is in Spain. 007
50L Tôi quan tâm đến hội hoạ. * I’m interested in paintings. 044
50L Bạn có đau không? * Do you have any pain? 059
50L Tôi lúc nào cũng bị đau lưng. * I always have back pain. 059
50L Chị ấy không đi bác sĩ, mặc dù chị ấy bị đau. * Although she is in pain, she doesn’t go to the doctor. 099
50L Chị ấy bị đau. Tuy vậy chị ấy không đi bác sĩ. * She is in pain. Nevertheless, she doesn’t go to the doctor. 099
50L Chị ấy vừa biết nước Tây Ban Nha, vừa biết nước Anh. * She knows Spain as well as England. 100