like: owl
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN am hiểu * to know well, know a lot about, understand thoroughly; knowledgeable *
VNEN am thục * to be well versed, conversant with, knowledgeable in *
VNEN biên nhận * to acknowledge receipt *
VNEN biểu diễn tri thức * knowledge representation *
VNEN bàu bạu * frowning, scowling *
VNEN bàu nhàu * grumble, growl *
VNEN bác cổ thông kim * to have a wide knowledge (of things past and present) *
VNEN bát * (1) bowl (for food)
(2) [CL for bowlfuls]
(3) eight
VNEN bát chiết yêu * slender-waisted bowl *
VNEN bát chậu * big bowl, lidless and handle-less tureen *
VNEN bát hương * incense burner, joss-stick bowl *
VNEN bát mẫu * china bowl (with a certain design) *
VNEN bát phở nóng hổi * a steaming hot bowl of noodle soup *
VNEN bát sành * earthen bowl *
VNEN bát sắt * iron bowl *
VNEN bát sứ * porcelain bowl *
VNEN bát ăn * rice bowl, provisions *
VNEN bước một * step by step, slowly *
VNEN bầu bậu * to express displeasure; scowling, frowning *
VNEN bỉ * (1) low, vulgar, scornful, contemptuous, lowly, vulgar, humble
(2) Belgium, Belgian
(3) that
VNEN ca pô * cowling, hood, bonnet *
VNEN chim lợn * barn-owl *
VNEN chuyên môn * professional knowledge, profession skill, specialty; to specialize *
VNEN chuồng gà * fowl-house *
VNEN chén * (1) cup, bowl, cupful
(2) to eat and drink
VNEN chén cơm * bowl of rice *
VNEN chén ăn cơm * eating bowl *
VNEN chậm * to delay, do something slowly; slow *
VNEN chậm rì * very slowly, at a snail’s pace *
VNEN chậu * pot, pan, basin, bowl *
VNEN chết hụt * escape death (very narrowly) *
VNEN chề chà * slowly *
VNEN chứng tỏ hiểu biết về Anh ngữ * to demonstrate a knowledge of English *
VNEN cát biết * knowledge (of something) *
VNEN có trình độ Anh ngữ giới hạn * to have a limited knowledge of English *
VNEN công nghệ tri thức * knowledge engineering *
VNEN công nhận * to recognize, acknowledge, allow; recognition *
VNEN * (1) sentence
(2) owl
(3) blow, shot, hit (with the knuckles)
VNEN cú muỗi * dorhawk, fern-owl, nightjar *
VNEN cú mèo * barn owl, screech owl, little owl *
VNEN cơ sở tri thức * knowledge base *
VNEN cười nhạt * sickly laugh, laugh hollowly, canine laugh *
VNEN dù dì * fish owl *
VNEN dần dà * gradually, slowly, little by little *
VNEN ghi nhân * to acknowledge *
VNEN ghi nhận * statement; to state, announce, record, note, acknowledge, report *
VNEN ghi nhập * to acknowledge *
VNEN gia cầm * poultry, domestic fowl *
VNEN giáo hóa * instill knowledge to and shape the feelings of *
VNEN * chicken, cock, hen, fowl *
VNEN gà pha * cross-bred fowl *
VNEN gà qué * fowls *
VNEN gà ri * small breed of fowl, bantam *
VNEN gà rừng * cock of the wood, jungle fowl *
VNEN gà sao * guinea-fowl *
VNEN gà tồ * breed of big, tall and thinly feathered fowl, lubber *
VNEN gà vit * fowl, poultry *
VNEN gào thét * to howl, yell, roar with rage, scream in anger *
VNEN gườm * to growl, glower *
VNEN gầm * (1) to roar, howl, yell
(2) to bow one’s head in shame or anger
(3) space underneath, underpass
VNEN gầm hét * howl, yell, roar *
VNEN gầm rú * to roar, yell, howl *
VNEN hiểu biết * to know; understanding, knowledge *
VNEN hiểu biết về Ang ngữ * a knowledge of English *
VNEN * (1) to threaten
(2) wood owl
VNEN * to howl *
VNEN hạ du * lowlands *
VNEN học thức * knowledge, learning *
VNEN khoáy * cowlick *
VNEN khả năng tiếng Việt hạn chế * a limited knowledge of Vietnamese *
VNEN kiến thức * knowledge, learning *
VNEN kiến thức có nhiều lổ hổng * knowledge with many gaps in it *
VNEN kiến thức nông cạn * superficial knowledge *
VNEN kiến trúc * knowledge, learning *
VNEN kiến văn * knowledge, learning *
VNEN ký nhận * acknowledge receipt (of something) by signing one’s name *
VNEN ký nhập * to acknowledge *
VNEN la va bô * wash-basin, wash-bowl *
VNEN lai rai * to drag on, go on slowly or leisurely *
VNEN lương tri * intuitive knowledge, instinct, conscience (sense of right and wrong) *
VNEN lườm * to look askance, scowl *
VNEN lạ gì * no one is unaware of, every one’s knowledge *
VNEN lảng vảng * to hang around, roam around, loiter, prowl about *
VNEN lờ * to pretend not to know, refuse to acknowledge *
VNEN lục súc * the six kinds of domestic animals and fowls *
VNEN lững thững * to walk slowly, walk with deliberate steps, stroll, amble *
VNEN miền xuôi * flat country, lowland, plain *
VNEN múc * scoop, ladle soup out into bowls *
VNEN mảnh bát * broken piece of a bowl *
VNEN mọi dính líu * relationship, knowledge *
VNEN mổ cò * type very slowly with two fingers *
VNEN một bát cơm * a bowl(ful) of rice *
VNEN một kho vàng không bằng một nang chữ * knowledge is power *
VNEN một đàn cú * a flock of owls *
VNEN nghiệp vụ * professional competence or knowledge, specialist skill or knowledge *
VNEN ngũ thường * the five virtues (benevolence, righteousness, civility, knowledge, loyalty) *
VNEN người có nhãn quan rộng * a person with a breadth of knowledge, board views *
VNEN ngấm ngoảy * fret and fume, scowl and frown *
VNEN nhai nhỏm nhẻm * to munch slowly *
VNEN nhãn quan * view, range of knowledge *
VNEN nhìn nhận * to acknowledge, recognize, admit *
VNEN nhận * to acknowledge, admit, accept, confess, receive, recognize to claim (land) *
VNEN nhỏm nhẻm * munch slowly *
VNEN nõ điếu * bowl (of pipe) *
VNEN phao câu * parson’s nose, pope’s nose, rump of cooked fowl *
VNEN quay * (1) to roast (fowl, pig)
(2) to turn (wheel, crank), revolve, go around, swivel, spin
VNEN quen biết * knowledge, acquaintance; to know, be acquainted with (a person) *
VNEN rống * to bellow, roar, growl *
VNEN sở đắc * one’s line, what is much of one’s line, one’s knowledge (of some *
VNEN thiển học * modest amount of knowledge *
VNEN thu thập tri thức * knowledge acquisition *
VNEN thưa nhận * to recognize, acknowledge *
VNEN thấu đáo * thorough knowledge *
VNEN thời gian trôi chậm * time passes slowly *
VNEN thực học * to have a basic knowledge, real education, well-learned *
VNEN tiếng hú * howling sound, howling noise *
VNEN tri năng * knowledge and ability *
VNEN tri thức * knowledge; knowledgeable person *
VNEN truyền bá kiến thức * to spread learning, knowledge *
VNEN truyền đạt kiến thức * to communicate, pass on knowledge *
VNEN trí tuệ * intelligence, knowledge *
VNEN * (1) to coat, cover
(2) (large) bowl, (large) bowlful
VNEN tô phở * bowl of pho *
VNEN tạ tội * confess one’s faults, acknowledge one’s guilt *
VNEN tạ ân * to acknowledge a favor *
VNEN từ từ * slow, leisurely; to take it slow, take one’s time, go slowly *
VNEN viên thông * perfect knowledge *
VNEN vốn liếng * capital funds, capital, assets, store, knowledge *
VNEN vốn liếng tiếng Anh * knowledge of English *
VNEN xóc đĩa * game in which coins are shaken in a bowl *
VNEN yêm bác * wide knowledge *
VNEN ăn sương * night burglar, prowler *
VNEN đi thong thả * to go slowly *
VNEN đuốc tuệ * enlightenment of the Buddhist tenets, the light of knowledge *
VNEN đèn xì * blowlamp *
VNEN đóng góp trí tuệ * to contribute one’s knowledge, know-how *
VNEN đọi * bowl *
VNEN đồng bằng * delta (of a river), plains, lowland *

GNOT: knowledge Qualitative • reflection, intuition
GNOT: how? slowly Qualitative • manner

OTOP: owl * Animals Birds

BNC6000 : owl [ Rank: 4384 ] n 👪

Eule owl con cú ☊ (N) Tiere

OPD : mixing bowl A Kitchen
OPD : bowl A Dining Area
OPD : sugar bowl A Dining Area
OPD : serving bowl A Dining Area
OPD : dish towl Cleaning Supplies
OPD : Break two eggs in a microwave-safe bowl. Food Preparation and Safety
OPD : mixing bowl Kitchen Utensils
OPD : soup bowl A Restaurant
OPD : owl Birds, Insects, and Arachnids
OPD : bowling alley Places to Go
OPD : bowling Individual Sports
OPD : bowling ball Sports Equipment

VSLW123 bát (bắc)/ chén (nam) ☊ (S) bowl vsl1
VSLW123 ☊ (S) big bowl vsl1
VSLW123 chuyên ngành ☊ (S) specialty, professional knowledge vsl2
VSLW123 kiến thức ☊ (S) knowledge vsl3
VSLW 45 Xin nói chậm hơn. ☊ (S) Please speak more slowly. [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 45 có hiểu biết ☊ (S) knowledgeable [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 kiến thức ☊ (S) knowledge [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 kiến thức ☊ (S) the knowledge [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 cười nhạt ☊ (S) to laugh hollowly / to laugh meaninglessly [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS bát bowl Objects
DUOS Tôi tặng bạn kiến thức của mình. I gift you my knowledge Education
DUOS Việc đọc sách cho chúng tôi kiến thức. Reading books gives us knowledge. Education
DUOS kiến thức knowledge Education
DUOS Chúng tôi dùng kiến thức từ khoá học này để viết một báo cáo. We use the knowledge from this course to write a report. Education
DUOS Ai là con cú? Who is the owl? Animals 2
DUOS owl Animals 2
DUOS Họ sẽ được trang bị cho cuộc sống với kiến thức. They will be equipped for life with knowledge. Verbs 5
DUOS Bạn cần được trang bị kiến thức và sự kiên nhẫn. You need to be equipped with knowledge and patience. Verbs 5
DUOS Kiến thức trong đầu, đạo đức trong trái tim. knowledge in the head, morality in the heart Abstract Objects 3
DUOS Tôi đi bộ một cách chậm chạp. I walk slowly. Reduplicative Words
DUOS Anh ấy làm mọi thứ một cách chậm chạp. He makes everything slowly. Reduplicative Words
DUOS một cách chậm chạp slowly Reduplicative Words

50L Bạn làm ơn lái chậm hơn. * Please drive slowly. 040