like: orchestra
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Advanced Level


VNEN dàn nhạc * orchestra *

all words:
VNEN ban nhạc * orchestra, band *
VNEN bắt nhịp * to conduct (an orchestra, a choir), beat time, be in tune with *
VNEN dàn nhạc * orchestra *
VNEN giàn nhạc đại hòa tấu * symphony orchestra *
VNEN khoang nhạc * orchestra pit, pit(in a theatre) *
VNEN nhạc trưởng * leader or conductor of an orchestra, bandmaster *
VNEN nhạc đội * orchestra, band *

OTOP: orchestra * Culture People in the music world
OTOP: orchestra * Culture In the theatre

BNC6000 : orchestra [ Rank: 3940 ] n 👪

OPD : conduct an orchestra Music