like: orange
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all words:
VNEN bóc cam * to peel an orange *
VNEN bóp quả cam * to squeeze an orange *
VNEN cam * (1) to resign oneself to
(2) orange
(3) sweet, pleasant
VNEN cam chanh * sour orange *
VNEN cam giấy * thin-skinned sweet orange *
VNEN cam sành * king orange *
VNEN cam đường * sweet orange, a variety of very sweet orange *
VNEN chất vàng da cam * Agent Orange *
VNEN da cam * orange peel, skin *
VNEN màu da cam * orange-colored *
VNEN múi cam * orange slice, section *
VNEN mầu da cam * orange (color) *
VNEN ngũ quả * the five fruits (banana, oranges, kumquats, pomelos, finger citrons) *
VNEN nước cam * orange squash, orange juice, orangeade *
VNEN quít * mandarin orange *
VNEN vắt cam * to squeeze an orange *

GNOT: orange Qualitative • colour
SNOT: orange Food and drink • types of food and drink
SNOT: orange juice Food and drink • types of food and drink

A1 orange (n.) (adj.)

OXF3000: trái cam orange
OXF3000N quả cam có màu da cam orange

OTOP: orange * Food and drink Soft drinks

BNC6000 : orange [ Rank: 4386 ] a 👪
BNC6000 : orange [ Rank: 4166 ] n 👪

Orange orange quả cam ☊ (N) Früchte

OPD : orange Colors
OPD : The orange sweater is on the gray sweater. Prepositions
OPD : The gray sweater is under the orange sweater. Prepositions
OPD : oranges Fruit

FN: orange a Color

VSLW123 nước cam ☊ (S) orange juice vsl1
VSLW 45 chất độc da cam ☊ (S) Agent Orange [ Topic Reading ]

DUOS cam orange Basics 2
DUOS Màu cam orange Colors
DUOS Quả cam đầu tiên The first orange Ordinal numbers

50L Bà ấy thích nước cam và nước bưởi. * The woman likes orange and grapefruit juice. 014
50L Quả / trái cam màu da cam. * The orange is orange. 016
50L Quả / trái cam màu gì? Màu da cam. * What colour / color (am.) is the orange? Orange. 016
50L Tôi có một quả / trái cam và một quả / trái bưởi. * I have an orange and a grapefruit. 017
50L Tôi muốn một cốc / ly nước cam. * I’d like an orange juice. 031