like: opposed
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all words:
VNEN bài xích * to be opposed to, against; opposition *
VNEN bán công * private (as opposed to publicly funded) *
VNEN chính văn * original text (as opposed to a copy) *
VNEN chất nổ thường * conventional (as opposed to nuclear, e.g.) explosive *
VNEN chống đối lại * to be opposed to *
VNEN cái * (1) [CL for most inanimate objects, isolated events]
(2) object, thing
(3) female
(4) main, principle
(5) solid substances in soup (as opposed to nước, the liquid, broth)
VNEN cứu cánh * object, goal, aim, end (as opposed to the means) *
VNEN ga xép * local station (as opposed to express) *
VNEN giai * (1) male (as opposed to female) *
VNEN gái * female (as opposed to male) *
VNEN hữu tuyến * wired (as opposed to wireless) *
VNEN không đối thủ * unrivaled, unopposed, without equal *
VNEN kình * (1) opposed, pitted against
(2) whale
VNEN kỵ * (1) death anniversary
(2) opposed to, against, abstain from, phobia
(3) jealous
VNEN may sẵn * ready made (of clothes, as opposed to tailor made) *
VNEN người phái nam * men (as opposed to women) *
VNEN người phái nữ * women (as opposed to men) *
VNEN nhưng lại * but (rather, as opposed to something previously said) *
VNEN quần áo may sẵn * ready-made clothes (as opposed to tailor made) *
VNEN tiền kim loại * coins (as opposed to paper money) *
VNEN trái lại * on the other hand, as opposed to, on the contrary *
VNEN trái ngược với * as opposed to, in contrast to *
VNEN trái với * contrary to, on the contrary, as opposed to *
VNEN tân học * modern (western) education (as opposed to traditional education) *
VNEN tĩnh mạch * vein, vena (as opposed to artery) *
VNEN đánh nhau vì tiền * to fight for money (as opposed to honor, e.g.) *
VNEN đảng cấp * rank, ranking, stratification (as opposed to equality) *

OXF3000: phản đối opposed

BNC6000 : opposed [ Rank: 4001 ] a 👪