like: okay
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level


VNEN ô kê * okay *

all words:
VNEN cũng không sao * is also not a problem, is okay *
VNEN không được chút nào * not at all okay, not right at all *
VNEN khỏe không * are you okay, are you alright, are you well *
VNEN ô kê * okay *
VNEN được * (passive marker); can, be able, okay; that, which; to have, receive, obtain; to defeat, beat *
VNEN được không * is that okay?, is that possible?, alright? *
VNEN ừ nhỉ * okay, yes *

BNC6000 : okay [ Rank: 4508 ] a 👪
BNC6000 : okay [ Rank: 934 ] adv 👪

FN: okay a Desirability
FN: okay v Grant_permission

DUOS cũng được It is okay Common Phrases 3

50L Không sao, bạn giữ phần còn lại. * That is okay, please keep the change. 040
50L Huyết áp bình thường. * Your blood pressure is okay. 059