like: often
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Advanced Level


VNEN nhiều khi * often *

all words:
VNEN có nhiều khi * many times, often *
VNEN dịu giọng * lower the tone, soften the tone *
VNEN gấp ba lần * three times as often, three times as much *
VNEN hay * (1) interesting, well; or
(2) have the habit of doing; often, frequently
VNEN luôn * continuously, non-stop, on and on, often, frequently, right away, immediately, at once, all at the same time, all in one operation, always *
VNEN làm rất thường * to do sth very often *
VNEN mềm lòng * to soften, be emotionally involved *
VNEN mỏ khoét * person who eats often *
VNEN nhiều * much, many, a great deal, plentiful, often, numerous, abundant, a great deal *
VNEN nhiều khi * often *
VNEN nhiều lúc * many times, often, frequently *
VNEN như cơm bữa * frequent, very often, daily, everyday *
VNEN như thường được gọi * as it is often called *
VNEN nhắc nhỏm * recall often, remind repeatedly, speak of frequently *
VNEN năng * ability; often, frequently, many a time *
VNEN rất nhiều lần * very many times, very often *
VNEN thường hay nhắc đến * to mention frequently, refer to often *
VNEN thường khi * often, frequently *
VNEN thường năng * normally, often, usually *
VNEN thường thường * usually, often *
VNEN thường được so sánh với * often compared with *
VNEN thỉnh thoảng * from time to time, now and then, sometimes, every so often, occasionally *
VNEN tí toe tí toét * to laugh often *
VNEN tí toét * to laugh often *
VNEN xảy ra rất thường * to happen a lot, take place often *

GNOT: not often Temporal • frequency
GNOT: often Temporal • frequency

A1 often (adv.)

OXF3000: thường often

BNC6000 : often [ Rank: 253 ] adv 👪

OPD : fabric softener Doing the Laundry

FN: often adv Frequency

VSLW123 thường ☊ (S) usually, often vsl1
VSLW123 thường xuyên ☊ (S) frequent, often vsl3
VSLW 45 Hay/Thường ☊ (S) often [ Useful expressions ]

VSLS Thảo thường thức dậy từ lúc 6 giờ sáng. I often get up at 6:00 am. vsl2

DUOS Những con mèo của cô ấy thường xuyên ăn cá. Her cats often eat fish. Frequency

50L Bạn có hay tới đây không? * Do you come here often? 048
50L Tôi thường xuyên bị nhức đầu. * I often have headaches. 059
50L Bạn hỏi thầy giáo nhiều không? * Do you often ask the teacher questions? 064
50L Không, tôi không hỏi thầy ấy nhiều. * No, I don’t ask him questions often. 064