like: mind
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all words:
VNEN an lòng * relaxed, having peace of mind, calm, comfortable *
VNEN an tâm * having piece of mind, not worried; assurance, peace *
VNEN anh ta thay đổi ý kiến đột ngột * his change of mind came out of the blue *
VNEN bao nài * not to mind *
VNEN bao quản * to not mind (hardship) *
VNEN bạn bè cùng chí hướng * like-minded friends *
VNEN bất giác nhớ đến một câu chuyện cũ * suddenly, an old story came to his mind *
VNEN bất nệ * not to mind *
VNEN bộ óc * the brains (of something), mind *
VNEN cam tâm * to resign oneself to, make up one’s mind to *
VNEN chi nài * not to mind *
VNEN chân chỉ hạt bột * very simple-minded and truthful *
VNEN chầu hẫu * be absent-minded *
VNEN chẳng nề * not to mind *
VNEN chẳng quản * not to mind (difficulty) *
VNEN chết trong đầu nhân dân * to perish in the minds of the people *
VNEN coi sóc * to look after, take care of, supervise, mind *
VNEN có trong đầu * to have in one’s head, in mind *
VNEN có ác tâm * evil minded, malicious *
VNEN có óc * to have a mind, have a brain *
VNEN có óc minh mẫn * to have a clear mind *
VNEN có óc sáng tạo * to have a creative mind *
VNEN cùng chí hướng * like-minded *
VNEN căn dặn * to remind, repeat *
VNEN cởi mở * to open, start, liberalize, loosen, ease, relax; relaxed, easy, open, frank, friendly, open-minded *
VNEN di dưỡng tinh thần * to entertain one’s mind *
VNEN dưỡng thần * preserve one’s mind *
VNEN dở chứng * become moody, change one’s mind, temperamental *
VNEN giỗ hết * second year’s mind *
VNEN giỗ đầu * year’s mind *
VNEN giờ hồn * beware what you do, mind what you are about *
VNEN hậu ý * thought at the back of one’s mind, ulterior motive *
VNEN hẹp hòi * small-minded, narrow-minded, insular, illiberal *
VNEN hục * to addict oneself to, addict one’s mind to *
VNEN hủ nho * old-fashioned and narrow-minded scholar *
VNEN khai trí * develop the mind *
VNEN không nài khó nhọc * not to mind hard work, insist, tie; jockey *
VNEN không sao * it doesn’t matter, no trouble, don’t mention it, never mind *
VNEN khắc sâu * engrave (in one’s mind) *
VNEN kể số gì * to care about, mind *
VNEN loạn óc * go out of one’s mind, mental derangement, be mentally *
VNEN lòng dạ * heart, mind *
VNEN * (1) absent-minded, forgetful
(2) to rise, emerge
VNEN lảng * (1) to sneak away
(2) absent-minded
VNEN lảng trí * scatter-brained, absent-minded *
VNEN lảng tính * absent-minded *
VNEN lấp lú * to forget; forgetful, absent-minded *
VNEN lẫn cẫn * forgetful, absent-minded *
VNEN lập chí * to set one’s mind on *
VNEN mưu sĩ * strategist-adviser, adviser, mastermind *
VNEN mưu trí * clever and resourceful mind *
VNEN ngù ngờ * simple-minded, naive, stupid *
VNEN nhanh trí và lắm mưu cơ * quick-minded and full of timely tricks *
VNEN nhãng trí * absent-minded *
VNEN nhất quyết * determined, resolute; to decide, make up one’s mind, resolve *
VNEN nhất tâm * be of one mind, be unanimous *
VNEN nhắc * to remind, recall, mention; to lift, raise, displace *
VNEN nhắc nhỏm * recall often, remind repeatedly, speak of frequently *
VNEN nhắc nhở * to remind, call to attention *
VNEN nhắc nhủ * remind and admonish *
VNEN nhắc tới * to mention, call to mind *
VNEN nhẹ mình * have one’s mind at peace *
VNEN nhẹ nợ * to have a load taken off one’s mind *
VNEN nhọc óc * tire one’s mind *
VNEN những tư tưởng lớn gặp nhau * great minds think alike *
VNEN nài * to mind *
VNEN nói sòng * speak up, speak one’s mind *
VNEN nề hà * to mind *
VNEN phân tâm * of two minds *
VNEN quyết * to decide, determine, make up one’s mind; secret *
VNEN quyết thắng * set one’s mind on victory (success) *
VNEN quyết ý * set one’s mind on (something), be determined to *
VNEN quản bao * not to mind, attach no importance (to) *
VNEN quản chi * not to mind *
VNEN rắp tâm * wake up one’s mind, be bent on, intend (to), have the *
VNEN rộng bụng * broad-minded, generous, forbearing *
VNEN sáng trí * quick-minded, quick-witted *
VNEN sư trưởng * master, mastermind division commander *
VNEN thanh tâm * pure mind *
VNEN thay đổi ý kiến * to change one’s mind *
VNEN thay đổi ý định * to change one’s mind, change one’s plan *
VNEN thiển cận * shallow, superficial, short-sighted, insular, narrow-minded *
VNEN thuần phát * simple-minded *
VNEN tháo vát * clever, mindful *
VNEN thần hồn * mind and soul *
VNEN thần trí * spirit, mind, soul *
VNEN thằng bờm * practical, minded idiot *
VNEN tinh thần * mind, mental sense, spirit, nerve; morale; spiritual *
VNEN tinh thần bạc nhược * a feeble mind *
VNEN tiểu khí * narrowness of mind *
VNEN trong đầu * in one’s head, in one’s mind, mental *
VNEN trí * mind, spirit *
VNEN trí lự * mind, sense, intellect, wit *
VNEN trí não * brain, mind *
VNEN trả hết nợ thấy nhẹ mình * to feel peace of mind after paying all one’s debts *
VNEN tài bồi * cultivate, improve (the mind) *
VNEN tâm * mind, center, heart *
VNEN tâm linh tổng hợp * united spirit, one mind, one spirit *
VNEN tâm lực * intellect, strength of mind, willpower *
VNEN tâm thần * soul, thought, mind; mental *
VNEN tâm trí * mind, spirit, heart *
VNEN tâm trạng * state of mind, mood, attitude *
VNEN tâm địa * mind, nature *
VNEN tân địa * mind, nature *
VNEN tính nết nhỏ mọn * to be mean-minded *
VNEN tư trào * thoughts, ideas, mindsets *
VNEN xấu tính * evil (minded) *
VNEN óc * brain, spirit, mind *
VNEN óc thực tế * realistically, practically minded *
VNEN ý * (1) opinion, mind, position, thought, idea
(2) Italy
VNEN ý kiến nảy ra trong trí tôi * the idea flashed through my mind *
VNEN đa mang * to take on many jobs at the same time, set one’s mind on *
VNEN điên đầu * to go mad, lose one’s mind; to confuse *
VNEN đãng trí * absent-minded *
VNEN đại trí * great mind *
VNEN đại trượng phu * great noble-minded man, great gentleman *
VNEN đầu * (1) beginning, first
(2) head, mind, pole, end, hood (of a car)
VNEN đầu óc * brain, mind *
VNEN đầu óc cởi mở * open minded *
VNEN đầu óc tính toán * calculating mind *
VNEN để bụng * to have (something) in one’s mind *
VNEN để tâm * to pay attention to, mind *
VNEN định chí * decide, make up one’s mind *
VNEN đồng chí * comrade, like-minded individual *
VNEN đổi ý * change one’s mind, change one’s opinion *
VNEN đụt * dense, dull; to take cover, take shelter, shelter; imbecile, weak-minded, cowardly, fainthearted *
VNEN nhắc khéo * to prompt, remind, caution *

GNOT: to change one’s mind Qualitative • reflection, intuition
GNOT: to remind Qualitative • expression

B1 mind (n.) (v.)

OXF3000: nhớ mind
OXF3000N tâm trí tinh thần trí tuệ chú ý để ý chăm sóc quan tâm mind

OTOP: mind * Personality and emotio Anger
OTOP: mind * Personality and emotio Surprise
OTOP: mind * Personality and emotio Describing strange traits

BNC6000 : mind [ Rank: 448 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : mind [ Rank: 1124 ] v 👪

VSLW123 cởi mở ☊ (S) open-minded vsl2
VSLW123 cởi mở ☊ (S) to be open-hearted, to be open-minded vsl3
VSLW123 khoáng đạt ☊ (S) to be broad minded vsl3
VSLW123 đầu óc ☊ (S) mind vsl3
VSLW123 đầu óc ☊ (S) mind vsl3
VSLW123 nảy ra một ý ☊ (S) to come across the mind vsl3
VSLW123 đổi ý ☊ (S) to change one's mind vsl3
VSLW123 nhà ai nấy ở ☊ (S) one should mind one's own bussiness vsl3
VSLW 45 Điều đó làm tôi nhớ đến ☊ (S) This reminds me of [ Useful expressions ]
VSLW 67 tiềm thức ☊ (S) mind [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 tâm trí ☊ (S) mind [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 khối óc ☊ (S) mind [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 thờ ơ ☊ (S) inconcerned, unmindful [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 tâm trí ☊ (S) mind [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Tâm trí mind Abstract Objects 1