like: measure
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VNEN trắc lượng * measure *
VNEN đo đếm * measure *

all words:
VNEN ao * (1) pond; concave
(3) to measure (volume)
VNEN biện pháp * measure, action, method, means, procedure *
VNEN biện pháp an ninh * security measures *
VNEN biện pháp cần thiết * necessary means, measures *
VNEN biện pháp kinh tế * economic mean, measure *
VNEN bảo vệ dự phòng * protective measures *
VNEN chừng * about, approximately; rough measure, rough extent, rough estimate *
VNEN các biện pháp khắc phục * corrective measures *
VNEN các biện pháp thích đáng * appropriate means, suitable measures *
VNEN cách đo * measurement *
VNEN cân đo * weights and measures *
VNEN có biện pháp * to have, take measures *
VNEN công tơ đo đếm * measurement counter *
VNEN giuộc * small handled-can measure (for fish sauce, oil) *
VNEN giạ * measure weighing about thirty kilograms of grain *
VNEN hình thức * measure, dimension, means, form, formality, way, symptom *
VNEN hệ thống đo đếm * measurement system *
VNEN kích * (1) halberd
(2) size, measurement
(3) to strike, attack
(4) to criticize
VNEN kích thước * measure, size, dimension, measurement; to measure *
VNEN lường * to measure *
VNEN may đo * custom-made, tailor-made, made-to-measure *
VNEN mức * level, amount, degree, measure, extent, standard *
VNEN mức độ * level, standard, measure *
VNEN ngữ * (1) measure, limit, moderation
(2) despicable fellow
VNEN nhịp * (1) span, bay
(2) rhythm, cadence, (musical) measure, time, span; to drum
VNEN phân anh * inch (unit of measure) *
VNEN phép đo * measure, measurement *
VNEN phương * (1) direction, distance, (cardinal) point (of the compass)
(2) method, way, means, facility
(3) perfume, fragrant
(4) square
(5) hindrance, harm
(6) to compare
(7) measure of grain
VNEN phương tiện * mean, measure, method, media, facility *
VNEN phương tiện khác * different mean, measure *
VNEN quá mức * excessive, beyond measure, more than is reasonable *
VNEN quá đỗi * beyond measure, excessively *
VNEN rộng * roomy, spacious, loose, large; to measure, be (a certain size) *
VNEN số đo * measurement *
VNEN sự đo * measurement *
VNEN sự đo lường * measurement *
VNEN tham lam vô độ * greedy beyond measure *
VNEN thước dây * tape measure *
VNEN thước kẹp * caliper-square (shoe-marker’s), measure stick *
VNEN thời gian đo * measurement time *
VNEN trắc lượng * measure *
VNEN trắc địa * to measure land, survey *
VNEN trắc đồ * measures *
VNEN trối chết * beyond measure *
VNEN vô độ * immeasurable, beyond measure, immoderate *
VNEN áp dụng biện pháp * to take measures, actions *
VNEN đo * to measure, survey, gauge *
VNEN đo lường * measurement; to measure *
VNEN đo đất * measure one’s length *
VNEN đo đếm * measure *
VNEN đong * to measure out (corn, etc.), buy (rice) *
VNEN đong lường * measure, measuring, measurement *
VNEN đúng mức * in the right measure, the right extent, in the right degree, moderate *
VNEN đơn vị đo lường * unit of measurement *
VNEN đưa ra biện pháp * to introduce a measure, step *
VNEN đạc * to measure *
VNEN đạc điền * to measure *
VNEN đấu trí * measure wits (with someone, with one another) *
VNEN đến một mức nào đấy * to a certain extent (measure, degree) *
VNEN đọ sức * to measure one’s strength *
VNEN đỗi * distance, space, measure *
VNEN độ * (1) about, approximately, around (a time)
(2) degree, measure
VNEN ước lượng * to estimate, measure. size up *
VNEN các biện pháp * measures *

B2 measure (v.) (n.)

OXF3000: đo measure
OXF3000N đo đo lường sự đo lường đơn vị đo lường measure

OTOP: measure * Clothes and fashion The fashion world
OTOP: measure * Culture Reading music

BNC6000 : measure [ Rank: 937 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : measure [ Rank: 1441 ] v 👪

OPD : measure Measurements
OPD : Measurements Measurements
OPD : Measure the ingredients. Weights and Measurements
OPD : Convert the measurements. Weights and Measurements
OPD : Liquid Measures Weights and Measurements
OPD : Dry Measures Weights and Measurements
OPD : tape measure Making Alterations
OPD : tape measure Tools and Building Supplies

FN: measure n Quantified_mass
FN: measure v Dimension

VSLW 45 biện pháp ☊ (S) measure [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 độ đục ☊ (S) turbidity (ie. the measurement for the cloudiness of water) [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 đo ☊ (S) to measure [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 đo đạc ☊ (S) to measure [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 đo phổ ☊ (S) spectroscopy, to measure spectrum [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 cân, đong, đo, đếm ☊ (S) to weigh, to measure, to count [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Bạn có thể đo độ sâu của tình yêu không? Can you measure the depth of love? Science
DUOS đo measure Science
DUOS Tôi biết đo khối lượng của rượu. I know how to measure the mass of wine. Science
DUOS Tôi không muốn đo trọng lượng của mình. I do not want to measure my weight. Science
DUOS Công thức để đo trọng lượng The formula to measure weight Science