like: materials
Beginner Level Intermediate Level
Advanced Level



all words:
VNEN bút nghiên * pen and ink tray, writing materials *
VNEN bản liệt kê vật liệu * bill of materials *
VNEN quân khí * military materials, weapons *
VNEN soạt * sound of tearing (paper, cloth), rustling (of materials) *
VNEN sách báo * books and papers, printed materials, publications *
VNEN thi liệu * materials for poetry *
VNEN thể tài * materials; genre, manner, style *
VNEN tứ bảo * the four precious writing materials (brush, ink, paper, slab) *
VNEN vật dụng * materials (used in something) *
VNEN vật hạng * matter, raw materials, goods *
VNEN vật liệu chiến tranh * war materials *

OPD : organize materials Office Skills
OPD : Safety Hazards and Hazardous Materials Job Safety
OPD : radioactive materials Job Safety

VSLW123 vật liệu ☊ (S) materials vsl3
VSLW 45 nguyên liệu ☊ (S) materials [ Basic Reading ]